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Everything posted by FairHooker11

  1. insults? turnabout is fair play https://rumble.com/v4hmm42-mtg-tells-smug-reporter-to-f-off.html
  2. cccps outrage is not unlike the fucksticks making laws in minnesota, seeing that this op is skewed towards the victim class
  3. Florida is the Best state in the Union - has the best Governor who will be the next POTUS in 2028 and is already overstuffed with people who live there and want to come live there.
  4. This has an AI feel to it, but if costas really believes this swill, he might want to plan his move away from USA too when the results show a Trump victory.
  5. ZING! if there is any discouragement gotten from the likes of those leftists clogging up discussions and calling them one sided unfair and a reason for "shutting down the place" they like to call "balls and strikes" while trying to shit shame all of those who have another opinion... we appreciate you WSS (i thought for sure you were gonna close this originally "pinned" gem down once Neo started in with his / her vagina talk LOL😆)
  6. Seat shouldve been BLAZING Hot to be gone by now? my question is - WHERE TF is Governor Brian Kemp in this ?
  7. shifting gears to the truth that does get out
  8. There are so many of them claiming to leave, as I see them crossing through Twitter. To your point on DJ T being kept from being elected, you must've heard on Becks show about Dems not certifying a Trump election Jan 6 2025? They are inviting alot of trouble if so.
  9. great comeback in the same annuls as oh yea? or says you 😆
  10. i did get the genuinely genuine part though
  11. and still didnt understand her problem ...
  12. Bidone campaign so far 🤣😂
  13. do you ASSHATS who claim a fu#*ed up sense of intellectual superiority because of MSM outlets unruly grip on your collective pea brains know this? tossed out another* reporter - Catherine Herridge who was working on something too close to the truth it seems https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/cbs-seizes-confidential-files-of-fired-reporter-pursuing-hunter-biden-laptop-story-in-unprecedented-move-sources/ar-BB1iJqVA remember too, Sharyl Attkisson (resigned CBS 2014) after years of then Obama era surveillance and harassment started when she dared to investigate Benghazi and the treasonous obama / clinton group. Lara Logan (another investigative reporter) left CBS and chose to be independent (for reasons not researched here - but for no doubt stepping out of line with its overlords )
  14. "vote twice? you would get prosecuted" Nevada has 130k instances of voter fraud and No prosecutions... so voter fraud didnt happen right cccp? 🤡 cue up Arizona Georgia Pennsylvania ...
  15. YAWN -im pretty sure the $$ gets pulled out of GOP petty cash ... anything else?
  16. and a thread "pinned" for your convenience you two have a room for yourselves LOL
  17. they are mostly independent with principals and a choice. to your point, company-hired drivers can only hope to boycott NYC if they so choose?
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