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Matt Stewart


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He's apparently not played a down in 2007, 2008, & 2009. But has been in a couple team's training camps.


He's going for Long Snapper with the Steelers this year.


As far as I know they signed him and cut Jared Retokfsky. He's still going to be behind Warren I believe. He's a LB converted to a long snagger. Supposedly "reinventing himself" to try and get on a team.

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I hope he sucks as a longsnapper as bad as he sucked as a linebacker.





They wouldn't have cut Rektofsky is this guy was going to suck. He's still going to be behind someone anyway. Signing him at least keeps James Harrison from attempting to long snap if Warren were to ever get injured again. Pittsburgh just continues to solidify our special teams.

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By picking up a failed linebacker and backup long-snapper?


Kudos to you.


Way to strengthen that roster.




I don't give a sh.it if he's a failed male stripper as long as he can snap the ball effectively when asked. Yes adding a back up long snapper ensures that Harrison doesn't have double duty. Add in Arnez Battle, Antonio Brown, Emmanuel Sanders, Thaddeus Gibson, Jason Worilds, a couple of promising kick off specialists so Reed doesn't have to do it. A new Coach and yea I'd say our special teams is plenty improved. If our special teams didn't drop the damn ball you wouldn't have had your cute little win last season. I just hope you're ready to lose twice this coming season.

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I don't give a sh.it if he's a failed male stripper as long as he can snap the ball effectively when asked. Yes adding a back up long snapper ensures that Harrison doesn't have double duty. Add in Arnez Battle, Antonio Brown, Emmanuel Sanders, Thaddeus Gibson, Jason Worilds, a couple of promising kick off specialists so Reed doesn't have to do it. A new Coach and yea I'd say our special teams is plenty improved. If our special teams didn't drop the damn ball you wouldn't have had your cute little win last season. I just hope you're ready to lose twice this coming season.



Watch out Zombo. He's getting his inbred genes all cranky and shit.

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So you are going to have two long-snappers and two kickers? Did the NFL expand roster size limits or are you just dumb?


You better hope Stewart can play somewhere else if you are creating a roster spot for a backup long-snapper.


BTW there was nothing "cute" about the last time these two teams met. We beat you up.





We had two long snappers on the roster with Rektofsy and Warren unless they recently cut Warren and I wasn't aware. The failed LB can certainly play special teams seeing as he knows how to make a tackle. In addition to this a good number of teams in the NFL have a KICKER and a KICK OFF specialist. Dallas employs one right now with Bheuler or however you spell his last name. As far as the game is concerned you barely won the damn thing. We had a opportunity to end it and the offense failed. It was in the midst of a horrible skid, our defense was weakened and our special teams unit was a joke. If not for special teams heroics you would have lost the game. Just a FYI sacking Big Ben isn't something that is new to the NFL. We won the Super Bowl and he was one of the most sacked QB's in the league. He holds on to the ball to extend plays. If he didn't and he threw it away all the time he wouldn't be Big Ben nor would he be considered one of the best QB's in the league. A conservative Big Ben is a pedestrian Big Ben. I didn't realize sacking Big Ben and winning by7 was "beating a team up" lol You should put up a bulletin for the rest of the league. Sacking Big Ben is making the BIG TIME! lol.

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Watch out Zombo. He's getting his inbred genes all cranky and shit.



Seriously you need new material and every time this is posted I'm going to remind you and everyone else that Forbes Magazine rated 5 cities in the state of Ohio as 5 of the worst 25. Cleveland was number one. Toledo, Akron, Youngstown and Canton were the others. I've posted this several times now so it's obviously nothing new. Oh and before you pull up the "Pittsburgh was voted the dirtiest based on air quality" you should also note that Ohio and it's power plants are responsible for 90% of it. It's a shame there isn't a large construction vehicle that could anchor a arm down in the gulf of Mexico and one at the top of Canada and just lift Ohio up and move it somewhere away from PA. Lastly Pittsburgh YET AGAIN was voted the Nations most livable city. I didn't realize inbreds had such a following. Let me know when you get some new material. I'll copy this for a future pasting until then, deal?

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I think you need to ask yourself a couple of questions:


How many NFL teams carry two long-snappers AND two kickers? There is no way Tomilin wastes two roster spots, just be glad you are not in charge.


Secondly, what is the Steelers record when Big Ben gets sacked 8 times or more? Does it really happen that much ... or did you just get beat up that day?



--yes, Sacking Big Ben eight times and winning by seven is "beating you up" ... but don't forget, we dominated the line of scimmage and outrushed you 171-77



They aren't going to carry two longs snappers, one will be relegated to the practice squad and called up when necessary. As far as the kicker is concerned Jeff Reed was one of the worst if not THE worst for kick offs, however he's also one o the most clutch kickers in the league for field goals. I can 100% see them keeping a second kicker just for kickoffs to ensure some touch backs. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND you won by 7 points because of special teams. However you are correct Big Ben doesn't get sacked 8 times often but in the same breath Pittsburgh hasn't had a losing skid like that in a long time and the entire team was in disarray. You STILL only won by 7 and nearly lost. I was not impressed by your victory. I don't believe anyone was to be honest. The media after the fact called in one of the ugliest games of all the games last season. I do think it's amusing that you believe you'll have a repeat performance. I'll wager you'll have yet another top 10 pick in next seasons draft and will likely repeat the same the season after that and no one will be surprised. What do you think?

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ah yes...still making excuses for your suck, I see.


Gets funnier every time....well, if he just made that tackle, if we had polly, if ben would get rid of the ball.



Fix your suck, then maybe you'll win. Getting handled by the dregs of the nfl....multiple times in a row....simply means they're not who you thought tgey were

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ah yes...still making excuses for your suck, I see.


Gets funnier every time....well, if he just made that tackle, if we had polly, if ben would get rid of the ball.



Fix your suck, then maybe you'll win. Getting handled by the dregs of the nfl....multiple times in a row....simply means they're not who you thought tgey were



Do you realize just how stupid this sounds? Fix your suck? How many Super Bowls have we won this decade? What was our record last season even with the skid of losses? You may also want to remember what we did to the supposedly good teams last season. Do I need to go through our entire roster and break down position by position the amount of areas you lose out? You can say "fix the suck" when the Browns actually start winning. I hate coming across as a troll because I'm not here to troll but when you make ridiculous comments like the above you have to expect some recourse. Don't insult my intelligence or the Steelers organization for that matter by saying something as stupid and unfounded as "fix the suck" when your team hasn't had a winning season in a long ass time. May I suggest "fix the organization" when discussing the Cleveland Browns? How about "you may find some success if you follow the Steelers formula" does that work? Just promise me that at the end of next season you'll be here standing on the same soap box when Pittsburgh is in the playoffs and your on this board 6 weeks before the season ends talking about who you are going to draft with the 2nd pick in next years draft. You can't possibly believe this sh.it.

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They aren't going to carry two longs snappers, one will be relegated to the practice squad and called up when necessary. As far as the kicker is concerned Jeff Reed was one of the worst if not THE worst for kick offs, however he's also one o the most clutch kickers in the league for field goals. I can 100% see them keeping a second kicker just for kickoffs to ensure some touch backs. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND you won by 7 points because of special teams. However you are correct Big Ben doesn't get sacked 8 times often but in the same breath Pittsburgh hasn't had a losing skid like that in a long time and the entire team was in disarray. You STILL only won by 7 and nearly lost. I was not impressed by your victory. I don't believe anyone was to be honest. The media after the fact called in one of the ugliest games of all the games last season. I do think it's amusing that you believe you'll have a repeat performance. I'll wager you'll have yet another top 10 pick in next seasons draft and will likely repeat the same the season after that and no one will be surprised. What do you think?


Stewart has too many years in the NFL to go practice squad

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wow! someone actually thought stewart could go to a practice squad?????????????





I didn't realize he was that old. I heard about the signing on my other board but didn't go in to any background detail to find out age/stats etc. WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yea it looks just as Retarded when I do it for dramatic effect.

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They aren't going to carry two longs snappers, one will be relegated to the practice squad and called up when necessary. As far as the kicker is concerned Jeff Reed was one of the worst if not THE worst for kick offs, however he's also one o the most clutch kickers in the league for field goals. I can 100% see them keeping a second kicker just for kickoffs to ensure some touch backs. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND you won by 7 points because of special teams. However you are correct Big Ben doesn't get sacked 8 times often but in the same breath Pittsburgh hasn't had a losing skid like that in a long time and the entire team was in disarray. You STILL only won by 7 and nearly lost. I was not impressed by your victory. I don't believe anyone was to be honest. The media after the fact called in one of the ugliest games of all the games last season. I do think it's amusing that you believe you'll have a repeat performance. I'll wager you'll have yet another top 10 pick in next seasons draft and will likely repeat the same the season after that and no one will be surprised. What do you think?


Well.. This is what I think:


1. "You won by 7 pts because of special teams." -Last time I checked 7 pts is a touchdown and an extra pt. So the Browns won because of our rushing touchdown - not special teams.. regardless, 7 pts is a lot considering you guys only had 6 total pts..


2. "The media called it one of the ugliest games of all the games last season.." see that is just an obvious lie.. listen from 2:20 to 2:25:


I believe I hear about "A game in which the Browns are DOMINATING the Steelers." Dominating is close to ugly right? no not really..


3. "Jeff Reed is one of the most clutch kickers in the league for field goals." Here is a video from last season:

I think he missed.. and to top things off, he pulls a Hines Ward:

Yes.. another steeler crybaby. and that was his second missed field goal in the 4th quarter..


4. "I'll wager you'll have yet another top 10 pick in next seasons draft." -I'll take that wager..

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Do you realize just how stupid this sounds? Fix your suck? How many Super Bowls have we won this decade? What was our record last season even with the skid of losses? You may also want to remember what we did to the supposedly good teams last season. Do I need to go through our entire roster and break down position by position the amount of areas you lose out? You can say "fix the suck" when the Browns actually start winning. I hate coming across as a troll because I'm not here to troll but when you make ridiculous comments like the above you have to expect some recourse. Don't insult my intelligence or the Steelers organization for that matter by saying something as stupid and unfounded as "fix the suck" when your team hasn't had a winning season in a long ass time. May I suggest "fix the organization" when discussing the Cleveland Browns? How about "you may find some success if you follow the Steelers formula" does that work? Just promise me that at the end of next season you'll be here standing on the same soap box when Pittsburgh is in the playoffs and your on this board 6 weeks before the season ends talking about who you are going to draft with the 2nd pick in next years draft. You can't possibly believe this sh.it.


Actually "fix the suck" is what stooler fans will be crying at the end of their 7-9 season as the "who dem" browns do the unexpected and do the cinderella dance into the playoffs as the afcn champs..

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Well.. This is what I think:


1. "You won by 7 pts because of special teams." -Last time I checked 7 pts is a touchdown and an extra pt. So the Browns won because of our rushing touchdown - not special teams.. regardless, 7 pts is a lot considering you guys only had 6 total pts..


2. "The media called it one of the ugliest games of all the games last season.." see that is just an obvious lie.. listen from 2:20 to 2:25:


I believe I hear about "A game in which the Browns are DOMINATING the Steelers." Dominating is close to ugly right? no not really..


3. "Jeff Reed is one of the most clutch kickers in the league for field goals." Here is a video from last season:

I think he missed.. and to top things off, he pulls a Hines Ward:

Yes.. another steeler crybaby. and that was his second missed field goal in the 4th quarter..


4. "I'll wager you'll have yet another top 10 pick in next seasons draft." -I'll take that wager..


1. Josh Cribbs on special teams and a random WildDawg play won the game. Yes Jennings rushed for a TD but it was Cribbs and our dismal special teams play that lost that game. Hell our special teams could be blamed for most of the losses last season. Thankfully they've made a tremendous effort to improve our special teams. Also don't get me wrong, Cribbs is a beast. He was a monster in college even though the dude couldn't stay out of trouble. (I went to Kent State)


2. I don't care what Rich Eisen and Co. had to say about the "HIGHLIGHT reel" the game was a damn ugly one. A defensive battle from start to finish. A ugly, ugly game.


3. So you find a youtube video that shows Jeff Reed missing a couple of times and now he's inconsistent? He's easily one of the most clutch kickers in the NFL and you won't find someone that disagrees. Look at his stats.


4. You really don't think you'll have another top 10 pick? You'll be lucky to go 7-9 and I'm predicting 6-10. Either should put you near the top of the draft.



And Gip the Steelers aren't going to have a losing season. Big Ben's suspension will certainly make things a little more difficult but I'm confident during that 4 games because he's going to get 4 we'll at least go 2-2. Big Ben will then have 2 weeks to prepare for the Browns game. I'd wager he'll get more time during the preseason than usual and at least some sort of a split through training camp. He'll be plenty prepared to hand down a glorious beating. The Browns are going to AFCN champions? Put down the alcohol infused kool-aid.

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1. Josh Cribbs on special teams and a random WildDawg play won the game. Yes Jennings rushed for a TD but it was Cribbs and our dismal special teams play that lost that game. Hell our special teams could be blamed for most of the losses last season. Thankfully they've made a tremendous effort to improve our special teams. Also don't get me wrong, Cribbs is a beast. He was a monster in college even though the dude couldn't stay out of trouble. (I went to Kent State)


2. I don't care what Rich Eisen and Co. had to say about the "HIGHLIGHT reel" the game was a damn ugly one. A defensive battle from start to finish. A ugly, ugly game.


3. So you find a youtube video that shows Jeff Reed missing a couple of times and now he's inconsistent? He's easily one of the most clutch kickers in the NFL and you won't find someone that disagrees. Look at his stats.


4. You really don't think you'll have another top 10 pick? You'll be lucky to go 7-9 and I'm predicting 6-10. Either should put you near the top of the draft.



And Gip the Steelers aren't going to have a losing season. Big Ben's suspension will certainly make things a little more difficult but I'm confident during that 4 games because he's going to get 4 we'll at least go 2-2. Big Ben will then have 2 weeks to prepare for the Browns game. I'd wager he'll get more time during the preseason than usual and at least some sort of a split through training camp. He'll be plenty prepared to hand down a glorious beating. The Browns are going to AFCN champions? Put down the alcohol infused kool-aid.


It depends on who's watching as to whether you consider a defensive battle an ugly game or not.


See, the Browns offensive failures in that game had nothing to do with a good Pittsburgh defense, as the Browns offense was just poor. So allowing them to score at all on offense shows that it wasn't really a defensive battle.


Secondly, the Browns defense sacked Ben 8 times. That was pretty exciting from my standpoint (and I'll bet most other Browns fans.) Our defense completely shut you guys down.


So the battle wasn't defensive. Not really. The battle was whether the Browns were going to "F" up and let the Steelers win or not. They didn't.


And even if it was all about special teams. Who cares? That's part of football. If you can't win a game against the 2nd worst (at the time) football team in the NFL because of special teams, you got more problems than a long snapper with a broken wheel.

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It depends on who's watching as to whether you consider a defensive battle an ugly game or not.


See, the Browns offensive failures in that game had nothing to do with a good Pittsburgh defense, as the Browns offense was just poor. So allowing them to score at all on offense shows that it wasn't really a defensive battle.


Secondly, the Browns defense sacked Ben 8 times. That was pretty exciting from my standpoint (and I'll bet most other Browns fans.) Our defense completely shut you guys down.


So the battle wasn't defensive. Not really. The battle was whether the Browns were going to "F" up and let the Steelers win or not. They didn't.


And even if it was all about special teams. Who cares? That's part of football. If you can't win a game against the 2nd worst (at the time) football team in the NFL because of special teams, you got more problems than a long snapper with a broken wheel.



You are absolutely correct we HAD more problems that porous special teams play. Troy Polamalu was hurt, Aaron Smith was hurt, Hines Ward was on a bum hamstring. Although every time I bring that up it's "an excuse" but typically excuses are reserved for teams that don't routinely win. Pittsburgh does win and wins often. It's all water over the dam at this point but a choice group hangs on to that win like it was for a lombardi. My suggestion would be to hang on to it for as long as possible.

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You are absolutely correct we HAD more problems that porous special teams play. Troy Polamalu was hurt, Aaron Smith was hurt, Hines Ward was on a bum hamstring. Although every time I bring that up it's "an excuse" but typically excuses are reserved for teams that don't routinely win. Pittsburgh does win and wins often. It's all water over the dam at this point but a choice group hangs on to that win like it was for a lombardi. My suggestion would be to hang on to it for as long as possible.


No excuses. A team that won the Super Bowl the year previous didn't even make the playoffs this year.


Secondly, the START of your team's decline was the Browns game. You weren't in the middle of a slump. Your year end losing streak and slump STARTED with that game.


In other words, the Browns beat the Steelers like red-headed step-children, and the Steelers never recovered.


Injuries are part of the NFL. You saw the Patriots go to and win a Superbowl with an old and slow WR playing in the secondary because of all their injuries.


The Colts had two no-names step up in Austin Collie and Pierre Garcon and they went to the Superbowl, despite Harrison becoming too old to play and Gonzalez getting hurt in game 1.


The Steelers aren't all that if a couple injuries keep them from finding a way to win, especially against a team that nobody gave a chance to win another game all year.

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No excuses. A team that won the Super Bowl the year previous didn't even make the playoffs this year.


Secondly, the START of your team's decline was the Browns game. You weren't in the middle of a slump. Your year end losing streak and slump STARTED with that game.


In other words, the Browns beat the Steelers like red-headed step-children, and the Steelers never recovered.


Injuries are part of the NFL. You saw the Patriots go to and win a Superbowl with an old and slow WR playing in the secondary because of all their injuries.


The Colts had two no-names step up in Austin Collie and Pierre Garcon and they went to the Superbowl, despite Harrison becoming too old to play and Gonzalez getting hurt in game 1.


The Steelers aren't all that if a couple injuries keep them from finding a way to win, especially against a team that nobody gave a chance to win another game all year.


How many teams in the NFL have won a super bowl and had a "slump" the following season? Last I checked the Steelers still finished 9-7 with a outside shot at making the playoffs in the midst of the high profile injuries. You also can't compare losing a run of the mill WR to losing the best safety in the NFL and the prototype for 3-4 defensive ends. Once again we still finished 9-7 with a shot at the playoffs. You all act like the Steelers had a 6-10 season or worse. The Steelers didn't lose a game last year by more than 7 points and blew out a number of teams they did win against, teams that went to the playoffs. Honestly I'm tired of the chicken little talk. You realize that this is the only board I read anything "chicken little related" about the Steelers. It's what you WANT to happen but the fact of that matter is, IT'S NOT going to happen. You beat the Steelers for the first time in what 10 years? and now all of the sudden the Steelers who are returning every starter besides Holmes, drafted well and have others players previously drafted stepping up are now going to somehow fall on their face?


I honestly feel sorry for the guys that actually subscribe to that thought process because from a rational stand point it's absolutely irrational. The best part of it all is when it doesn't happen a majority of the posting base on this board is still going to blow the "suck horn" because they cannot and will not admit when they're wrong. I asked this question previously in another thread. I believe I directed it at Gip but he never took the time to respond. I'd love for someone on this board to break down position by position why the Steelers are going to have a marginal season in 3 months. Look at the stats, look at last season, look at who is returning and the schedule and then explain to me why all of the sudden a team that has won two super bowls this decade and has only lost ONE player of worth since winning the last super bowl is all of the sudden going to fail miserable because we lost to the f.ucking browns last year. You're all going to be in for one hell of a rude awakening and you all know it.

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How many teams in the NFL have won a super bowl and had a "slump" the following season? Last I checked the Steelers still finished 9-7 with a outside shot at making the playoffs in the midst of the high profile injuries. You also can't compare losing a run of the mill WR to losing the best safety in the NFL and the prototype for 3-4 defensive ends. Once again we still finished 9-7 with a shot at the playoffs. You all act like the Steelers had a 6-10 season or worse. The Steelers didn't lose a game last year by more than 7 points and blew out a number of teams they did win against, teams that went to the playoffs. Honestly I'm tired of the chicken little talk. You realize that this is the only board I read anything "chicken little related" about the Steelers. It's what you WANT to happen but the fact of that matter is, IT'S NOT going to happen. You beat the Steelers for the first time in what 10 years? and now all of the sudden the Steelers who are returning every starter besides Holmes, drafted well and have others players previously drafted stepping up are now going to somehow fall on their face?


I honestly feel sorry for the guys that actually subscribe to that thought process because from a rational stand point it's absolutely irrational. The best part of it all is when it doesn't happen a majority of the posting base on this board is still going to blow the "suck horn" because they cannot and will not admit when they're wrong. I asked this question previously in another thread. I believe I directed it at Gip but he never took the time to respond. I'd love for someone on this board to break down position by position why the Steelers are going to have a marginal season in 3 months. Look at the stats, look at last season, look at who is returning and the schedule and then explain to me why all of the sudden a team that has won two super bowls this decade and has only lost ONE player of worth since winning the last super bowl is all of the sudden going to fail miserable because we lost to the f.ucking browns last year. You're all going to be in for one hell of a rude awakening and you all know it.


too long didnt read


...and I just don't care.

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No excuses. A team that won the Super Bowl the year previous didn't even make the playoffs this year.


Secondly, the START of your team's decline was the Browns game. You weren't in the middle of a slump. Your year end losing streak and slump STARTED with that game.


In other words, the Browns beat the Steelers like red-headed step-children, and the Steelers never recovered.


Injuries are part of the NFL. You saw the Patriots go to and win a Superbowl with an old and slow WR playing in the secondary because of all their injuries.


The Colts had two no-names step up in Austin Collie and Pierre Garcon and they went to the Superbowl, despite Harrison becoming too old to play and Gonzalez getting hurt in game 1.


The Steelers aren't all that if a couple injuries keep them from finding a way to win, especially against a team that nobody gave a chance to win another game all year.


steeler trolls should be ashamed of themselves for even bringing up injuries as a reason why the steelers lost to the browns last season. the browns had alot of injuries in that game and had guys off of the street and back up players forced into duty. lame excuse! that's just sorry as hell.


the browns beating the steelers wasn't the super bowl for me. what it was was a defensive beatdown to me. a browns domination of their opponent (the steelers) and the steelers were embarassed on national tv and missed the playoffs because of the browns.


alot of people in the national media (everybody that coverered/analyzed the game on espn/nfl live/espn news, fsn, nfl network, si.com, yahoo sports, etc.) ripped the steelers for losing a must win game and then gave the browns props for winning a game like that when: 1. it was the end of the season and the browns had nothing to play for. 2. nobody thought they would win. 3. the browns had a ton of injuries in key positions. 4. big mouth tomlin's "unleash hell in december" guarantee. 5. the steelers needed to win that game to get into the playoffs and failed miserably.


hines ward cried like a little bitch (AGAIN) after a crucial loss. the steelers oline gave up 8 sacks, their special teams was a joke (and they have to prove they're improved this upcoming season). the browns held the steelers to a total of 75 yds rushing and the browns basically told the steelers they're not passing the ball, they're going to run it and the steelers STILL couldn't stop them (browns, 90 yds passing, 171 yds rushing).


THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR THE STEELERS LOSING TO THE BROWNS and the sooner these steeler trolls recognize that and submit to the truth, the less they'll hear about that game. steeler trolls are obviously the ones that are keeping this argument alive.

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too long didnt read


...and I just don't care.


You read it and honestly I don't really care either. Although as a Steeler diehard and someone the genuinely just wants additional information on division rivals it's hard not to respond when someone says they expect the Steelers to implode but fail to provide any sort of practical reason. I'm of course going to provide reasons against said implosion and honestly I'm correct hence the reason for the dismal amount of responses. Well responses that don't refer to me as a inbred hick but rather provide intelligent football insight, something that is unfortunately lost on a good percentage of this message board. Although if you didn't care and you didn't read you wouldn't have posted. It's okay to skirt the issue.

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too long didnt read


...and I just don't care.


do what i do, take advantage of the block user feature on this board. that way you won't see any of these troll's posts. i just see their names and i can imagine what the convo is based on what browns fans are saying. i try to stay away from these debates, but the injury excuse for the steelers was just too ridiculous, so i made my comment and left it at that.

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steeler trolls should be ashamed of themselves for even bringing up injuries as a reason why the steelers lost to the browns last season. the browns had alot of injuries in that game and had guys off of the street and back up players forced into duty. lame excuse! that's just sorry as hell.


the browns beating the steelers wasn't the super bowl for me. what it was was a defensive beatdown to me. a browns domination of their opponent (the steelers) and the steelers were embarassed on national tv and missed the playoffs because of the browns.


alot of people in the national media (everybody that coverered/analyzed the game on espn/nfl live/espn news, fsn, nfl network, si.com, yahoo sports, etc.) ripped the steelers for losing a must win game and then gave the browns props for winning a game like that when: 1. it was the end of the season and the browns had nothing to play for. 2. nobody thought they would win. 3. the browns had a ton of injuries in key positions. 4. big mouth tomlin's "unleash hell in december" promise. 5. the steelers needed to win that game to get into the playoffs and failed miserably.


hines ward cried like a little bitch (AGAIN) after the game. the steelers oline gave up 8 sacks, their special teams was a joke (and they have to prove they're improved this upcoming season). the browns held the steelers to a total of 75 yds rushing and the browns basically told the steelers they're not passing the ball, they're going to run it and the steelers STILL couldn't stop them (browns, 90 yds passing, 171 yds rushing).


THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR THE STEELERS LOSING TO THE BROWNS and the sooner these steeler trolls recognize that and submit to the truth, the less they'll hear about that game.


I simply added in the "injuries" as a contributing factor but specifically said several times it was a special teams meltdown and less than inspired play by our defense and our receivers for that matter. It certainly was a testament to the Browns defense that day but you'd be kidding yourself and everyone else if you with a whole heart believe the Steelers are going to implode because of a few tough losses last season. Clearly things weren't going right for the Steelers otherwise they wouldn't have went from 6-2 to 6-7. They won the last 3 games and gave themselves a chance. My point and this has always been my point is those injuries were SIGNIFICANT injuries. We're not talking about just a starter in the NFL which can be said for any number of "bums" around the league. Plenty of "bums" start for certain teams. If we're talking implosion you NEED to factor in injuries that no doubt contributed to a number of losses last year. We are talking IMPLOSION right? that's what a good number of this board believe is going to occur correct? Injuries last year shouldn't be factored in to that equation? If we were just talking season success fine but you're talking total meltdown.


Now going back to my previous post direction any number of "bums" start for however many teams in the NFL. We lost the best safety in the NFL and arguably the best 3-4 defensive end in the entire league. Hines Ward was playing on a bum wheel and we had some real breakdowns in our defensive secondary. Our special teams was also far and away our weakest link. It was a virtual guarantee each time our teams met that Cribbs was going to rip someone a new a$$hole. Eliminate those plays and it's a different game. The Browns won in deserving fashion. THe NFL is absolutely a matter of "any given sunday" and with it being a division game with a heated rival both teams usually get up for the occasion.


I didn't realize that I had to paint a certain picture for someone to concede my point. Yes the Browns won fair and square but it's also something COMPLETELY separate from the "implosion" discussions. I'm still waiting for that intelligent break down of why the Steelers are going to have a losing season and miss the playoffs. If we're being honest with ourselves on paper it CANNOT be done. You can't argue definitively that the Steelers will miss the playoffs when they are returning ever starter from the Super Bowl year minus Holmes and we brought back Foote, Are and McFadden. I shouldn't be ashamed. You should be ashamed for being completely ridiculous. SJ you seem to want to rant. Please break down the roster or put the argument to rest until the season begins.

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steeler trolls should be ashamed of themselves for even bringing up injuries as a reason why the steelers lost to the browns last season. the browns had alot of injuries in that game and had guys off of the street and back up players forced into duty. lame excuse! that's just sorry as hell.

What team has won the Super Bowl when their 2 out of their 3 best defensive players played in a combined total of 10 games in one season? Especially considering we are a defensive team, not one that relies on offense, like the Colts.

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Actually "fix the suck" is what stooler fans will be crying at the end of their 7-9 season as the "who dem" browns do the unexpected and do the cinderella dance into the playoffs as the afcn champs..


your entitled to your opinion about the steelers decline, but i try to stay away from guarantees. i will say that the steelers have some issues that can hurt them, but i'll just sit back and see how it all plays out.


i've never said the steelers are or aren't going to fall from being amongst the elite teams in the nfl. my only argument is the steeler trolls lame steelers injury excuse that i've seen a number of browns fans (including you) arguing against.


there's no excuse for the steelers to give up 171 yds rushing to the browns when the browns had a really pathetic offense that passed rarely and ran often. you don't need defensive pro-bowlers to stop that kind of offense. as far as the steelers offense, they couldn't make more than 2 fgs against players like hank poteat and a bunch of guys signed off of the street. we both agree that there was no excuse for the steelers loss to the browns and for anyone to even imply there was is just foolish.

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your entitled to your opinion about the steelers decline, but i try to stay away from guarantees. i will say that the steelers have some issues that can hurt them, but i'll just sit back and see how it all plays out.


i've never said the steelers are or aren't going to fall from being amongst the elite teams in the nfl. my only argument is the steeler trolls lame steelers injury excuse that i've seen a number of browns fans (including you) arguing against.


there's no excuse for the steelers to give up 171 yds rushing to the browns when the browns had a really pathetic offense that passed rarely and ran often. you don't need defensive pro-bowlers to stop that kind of offense. as far as the steelers offense, you mean they couldn't make more than 2 fgs against players like hank poteat and a bunch of guys signed off of the street? we both agree that there was no excuses for the steelers loss and for anyone to even imply there was is just foolish.


First I already explained why I included the injuries in to the equation, as it was a part of a much larger argument. Every team has injuries and the good teams pull through. I'd say despite missing the playoffs the Steelers pulled through by finishing the season with 3 wins and a chance at the post season. I also agree that there is absolutely no excuse to fall flat on their face like they did during that stretch but it happened and it happens to everyone. Now in order for said implosion to occur the entire Steeler organization would have to go through some sort of ridiculous transformation. The Steelers would have to all of the sudden stop drafting well, start over paying players and signing high profile free agents, bail on their coaches when they encounter some adversity etc. All of which is never going to happen so long as the Rooney's own and operate the Steelers. Sure there will be down years but I doubt we'll ever see a truly down and out scenario it's just not the way the Steeler organization was designed. You also talk about being foolish. It's foolish to assume the Steelers are going to experience any sort of decline. Yet we have several on this message board acting "foolishly" on a daily basis. Oh and lol at the notion the browns were no better than a Keanu Reeves led replacement team. Any Given Sunday and sometimes the mighty stumble. Consider last season a "stumble" after they hoisted their 6th silver and shiny thing.

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