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Roethlisberger possibly in trouble once again


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We've received multiple e-mails over the past two days from folks sharing rumors of a new incident involving Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and a body part other than his heart.


As the rumor goes (and it's spreading quickly), Roethlisberger was golfing in Columbus, Ohio, and he urinated on the course. Though it's not an uncommon event (I guess I can admit to it now since I haven't golfed in at least 14 years, which likely exceeds all applicable statutes of limitation), the complicating factor in this case arose from the fact (supposedly) that a woman witnessed the incident, that she complained about it, and that she now wants to press charges.


We've temporarily donned our journalism fedora (it even has a card sticking out of the ribbon that says "PRESS"), and we've learned from a source close to Roethlisberger that he was indeed golfing in Columbus, Ohio but that another member of his foursome peed under a tree, prompting a complaint from a woman.


Per the source, Roethlisberger got involved and helped to calm the woman down. (Hopefully, not with shots.)


So while, for now, it appears that Roethlisberger won't have to whip out the uromysitisis poisoning defense in order to avoid further scrutiny from NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Ben may not be out of the woods. Just like the Mike Vick bang-bang birthday party, the incident can attract the kind of scrutiny that potentially leads to information prompting further punishment from Goodell -- or, possibly, a decision not to reduce Roethlisberger's suspension from six games to four.


Big Gay Ben just can't keep it in his pants! :wacko:

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Big Gay Ben just can't keep it in his pants! :wacko:



It was someone in his group and not Big Ben. It's also completely Retarded and not even worth reporting. Florio and Co. in some instances are no better than TMZ. The woman involved is a blowhard as well.

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It was someone in his group and not Big Ben. It's also completely Retarded and not even worth reporting. Florio and Co. in some instances are no better than TMZ. The woman involved is a blowhard as well.


It was Roethlisberger and someone else. Whatever it was, Roethlisberger was seen peeing too.

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It was someone in his group and not Big Ben. It's also completely Retarded and not even worth reporting. Florio and Co. in some instances are no better than TMZ. The woman involved is a blowhard as well.


You know her? How hard does she blow?


Seriously though, I have had several incidents of either clients being charged with indecent exposure or I have had them in front of me in court while magistrating. This sort of charge can and does stick.


Here is my take on this though: OK, if a guy's gotta pee, he's gotta pee, and oftentimes if he is out somewhere and can't hold it, he will find a tree or a bush behind to go behind to do it. Unless he is just stinking drunk or something they don't usually do it right out in the open. Occasionally though going behind a tree or a bush isn't a complete hiding place and sometimes someone will see you peeing and sometimes that person will be a woman you didn't know was there.

What would you or I do if you saw some stranger peeing behind a tree? Probably nothing but just avert our eyes.

What do some of these....rhymes with punts....do? Simply avert their eyes which would resolve any real issues? No, they bitch, complain, want to file charges. Why do they do that instead of just walking away or turning away to avoid any "offensive" sight? In a sense because of "penis envy". They are women, they are jealous that they too don't have something that they can just flop out and pee with. And some of them think: by god if a woman can't just do it out behind a tree, why should a man be allowed to do it. I'm going to complain". And the fact is, they probably didn't even see any skin at all. They are just mad because they can't do it the way a man can do it and they would rather have some guys dick and balls cut off than to allow them to get away with doing what they can't.

Fair to say?

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It was Roethlisberger and someone else. Whatever it was, Roethlisberger was seen peeing too.



Where the hell does it say he was seen peeing too? I also fail to see why this is even newsworthy. It's also funny that this was posted here with the amount of people that bitch about the Steeler fan base and it's presence on this board. You'd think you'd stray from starting such topics. Nothing is going to happen to Ben. He'll still be back for the week 6 game and Chicken little will be sitting next to you on your couch.


EDIT: Just to reaffirm my position and your inability to read.


Police investigated Big Ben foursome


Police in Dublin, Ohio, today confirmed they investigated a complaint that a member of a golfing foursome that included Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was caught urinating behind a tree bordering the prestigious Muirfield Village Golf Club.


Dublin police said they did not issue any citations. The female property owner didn't want to press charges.


Roethlisberger was not the person seen urinating Thursday afternoon between the 17th and 18th holes and the country club agreed to handle the matter by reminding members to use restrooms, according to the police.


"We received a call that said a member of the party urinated on private property," said Dublin police spokesman David Ball. "We spoke to the golf course and they agreed to discuss this issue internally with their members."


Police didn't interview the foursome — friends from Roethlisberger's hometown of Findlay, Ohio — and they played through the 18 holes.


The NFL and Roethlisberger's agent, Ryan Tollner, declined to comment.


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Not a fan of Roethlisberger, and I definitely have my thoughts about what went down in that club with that girl, but come on the man had to pee! We've all peed in public at one point in our life. Can't help when nature calls.


Other than that I still think he is a douche!

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Not a fan of Roethlisberger, and I definitely have my thoughts about what went down in that club with that girl, but come on the man had to pee! We've all peed in public at one point in our life. Can't help when nature calls.


Other than that I still think he is a douche!



You mean the chick with the "down to f.uck" name tag? Yea I have my thoughts as well. She was/is a sorority slut that didn't want to bring negative attention to her sorority so she and her friends put together a story and ran with it. Sounds about right.


And yea I've peed in public hundreds of times and you can get in trouble, but if you're out on a golf course and for the most part no one is around it's hard not to use the "tree facilities" I'm surprised the owner got so upset about it to be honest. If you have to go that bad you have to go that bad.

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You mean the chick with the "down to f.uck" name tag? Yea I have my thoughts as well. She was/is a sorority slut that didn't want to bring negative attention to her sorority so she and her friends put together a story and ran with it. Sounds about right.


And yea I've peed in public hundreds of times and you can get in trouble, but if you're out on a golf course and for the most part no one is around it's hard not to use the "tree facilities" I'm surprised the owner got so upset about it to be honest. If you have to go that bad you have to go that bad.



Who should be talking when your signatures says SNATCH98

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You know her? How hard does she blow?

What do some of these....rhymes with punts....do? Simply avert their eyes which would resolve any real issues? No, they bitch, complain, want to file charges. Why do they do that instead of just walking away or turning away to avoid any "offensive" sight? In a sense because of "penis envy". They are women, they are jealous that they too don't have something that they can just flop out and pee with. And some of them think: by god if a woman can't just do it out behind a tree, why should a man be allowed to do it. I'm going to complain". And the fact is, they probably didn't even see any skin at all. They are just mad because they can't do it the way a man can do it and they would rather have some guys dick and balls cut off than to allow them to get away with doing what they can't.

Fair to say?


I laughed out loud at this ridiculous post. Seriously though, I thought you were above this sort of thing.




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If you have to go that bad you have to go that bad.


Sometimes I think "I had go that bad" is the result of "didn't bother to go before I started," "had to much to drink" and "too lazy to walk to the facilities."

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Good Lord this kid just can't stay out of trouble.



He didn't do anything wrong and the owner in question completely backed off her stance. I didn't realize peeing outside, golf course or not was as bad as trying to take a gun on a airplane. Dawgpound Snatch98 is a screen name I've used for a LONG TIME. Snatch is based on the movie Snatch which has absolutely zero to do with the female reproductive organ. 98 is the year of my Mustang my grandfather bought for me when I turned 16. He passed away from cancer in 01'. Oh and kudos on the "Thanks" from slowburn. He's clearly a little slow.

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Big Gay Ben just can't keep it in his pants! :wacko:


It is indeed sad when whining and hoping for gifts exceeds just kicking butt on the field

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It is indeed sad when whining and hoping for gifts exceeds just kicking butt on the field


dah.....come on da ich....dis is where da tuff get tuff and doze whiney herders get lost or sumtin.....


me be tooo tuff for da benny ta get in deze pants

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dah.....come on da ich....dis is where da tuff get tuff and doze whiney herders get lost or sumtin.....


me be tooo tuff for da benny ta get in deze pants



fuque you asshole...........this whole thread is whiney bullshit.............and loser stuff


Ben is a winner and proven as are the Steelers


Now just kick their ass instead of whining like a seeping two year old pussy all day every day about the steelers


a MANS football team


get some fuaking bawls and quit whining about them WINNERS and US losers

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fuque you asshole...........this whole thread is whiney bullshit.............and loser stuff


Ben is a winner and proven as are the Steelers


Now just kick their ass instead of whining like a seeping two year old pussy all day every day about the steelers


a MANS football team


get some fuaking bawls and quit whining about them WINNERS and US losers


damn da ich.....youz guys like snapper an stoner all worked up over dem dere stillers



often and regular......dis is to fawking funny

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Where the hell does it say he was seen peeing too? I also fail to see why this is even newsworthy. It's also funny that this was posted here with the amount of people that bitch about the Steeler fan base and it's presence on this board. You'd think you'd stray from starting such topics. Nothing is going to happen to Ben. He'll still be back for the week 6 game and Chicken little will be sitting next to you on your couch.


EDIT: Just to reaffirm my position and your inability to read.


Police investigated Big Ben foursome


Police in Dublin, Ohio, today confirmed they investigated a complaint that a member of a golfing foursome that included Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was caught urinating behind a tree bordering the prestigious Muirfield Village Golf Club.


Dublin police said they did not issue any citations. The female property owner didn't want to press charges.


Roethlisberger was not the person seen urinating Thursday afternoon between the 17th and 18th holes and the country club agreed to handle the matter by reminding members to use restrooms, according to the police.


"We received a call that said a member of the party urinated on private property," said Dublin police spokesman David Ball. "We spoke to the golf course and they agreed to discuss this issue internally with their members."


Police didn't interview the foursome — friends from Roethlisberger's hometown of Findlay, Ohio — and they played through the 18 holes.


The NFL and Roethlisberger's agent, Ryan Tollner, declined to comment.



Robo: given the precarious state of the situation with BR, any time you see something that says "BR incident investigated by police" you absolutely have to know that it is going to be a news story, and that that news story is going to be reported here. Especially, given his past accusations where exposure of his schmekel is involved.

I fail to see where your righteous indignation over the mentioning of this is warranted. Certainly the NFL is probably going to look into it. I agree that nothing should come of it, but you are being a pollyana if you think it wouldn't be discussed here.

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fuque you asshole...........this whole thread is whiney bullshit.............and loser stuff


Ben is a winner and proven as are the Steelers


Now just kick their ass instead of whining like a seeping two year old pussy all day every day about the steelers


a MANS football team


get some fuaking bawls and quit whining about them WINNERS and US losers


See the last game between the two teams. Ass kicking requested. Request granted.

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You mean the chick with the "down to f.uck" name tag? Yea I have my thoughts as well. She was/is a sorority slut that didn't want to bring negative attention to her sorority so she and her friends put together a story and ran with it. Sounds about right.


And yea I've peed in public hundreds of times and you can get in trouble, but if you're out on a golf course and for the most part no one is around it's hard not to use the "tree facilities" I'm surprised the owner got so upset about it to be honest. If you have to go that bad you have to go that bad.



Well Robo, here is my take on the two issues with Big Ben. We have no proof that he raped or sexually assaulted anyone. Only circumstancial evidence. With that being said, I realize athletes are targeted for their money, which is a shame, because it makes the true victims of rape look bad as well, and that is why a lot of rapes go unreported. Would I put it past him that he did assault these women? No. These athletes today have proven time and again with the money that they make that they are above the law, and can think that they can get away with absolutely anything! It is highly possible that his body guards covered for him, and the cops in that little hick town took a pay off. We don't know. Only the members of the party and the girl knows what really transpired. Either way, he is not very smart for allowing himself to get into these types of situations. Now, if he really didn't do anything, and these girls are just acting like money whores, then THEY need to be prosecuted and sued for defamation of character!


That is all.



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