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What I Liked/What I Didn't Like From Tonight


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You nailed it! It was great watching the vets & rookies talking after plays, whether successful or not. These guys communicate with & cheer for each other. What a change from previous year's "me ball". It looks like we are building a TEAM!



*cough braylon cough kwII cough shaun smith*

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I thought the same thing . They were a bit surprised I think , as many others will be this year .


yes, i think they were suprised to. they probably took the national media's word on the browns and thought this would be a repeat of last year. i'm glad jake and seneca looked good out there. they made an ass out of a few haters that run their mouths on the radio here in cleveland. :lol:

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I liked how we recaptured the momentum and how the chemistry of this team is developing.


These boys are a hit!


i like how the browns didn't give up and the chemistry looked great. what about our back up return men? it's nice to know we have a couple guys in place if we need them.

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I did not see the game but I would point out that you should not expect a lot of blitzing in the pre-season. It's vanilla all the way. That said, on the above NFL.com highlight video, there was at least one corner blitz.



We weren't like that last night...we were blitzing nearly every play in the first half. We looked like the Buddy Ryan Bears with guys everywhere. If that was vanilla, I wonder what the tutti fruity looks like.


Too bad none of the blitzes produced a sack.

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We weren't like that last night...we were blitzing nearly every play in the first half. We looked like the Buddy Ryan Bears with guys everywhere. If that was vanilla, I wonder what the tutti fruity looks like.


Too bad none of the blitzes produced a sack.


I noticed that too. We were calling a ton of blitzes (which was probably part of the reason our secondary was doing their impression of burnt toast).

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DVR'ed the game so I went back and watched the first-stringers again today.


Watching it for a second time, I took a look at our offensive line play. I thought Lauvao did decent for his first game. His run blocking was good as he either won or stalemated his assignments each time. However, he did get pushed back into the pocket on a few passes. Still, a good first game. The second thing is Alex Mack is unbelievable. If he's not the most mobile center in the league, I would like to see the other guy. On the screen to Hillis, Mack got downfield outside the hashmarks and just blew up a Packer DB allowing Hillis to ramble another 20 yards. His mobility really allows our screen game to be very effective.


All the reports on Brian Robiskie came to reality last night. Brian had a very good game. He came back to the ball on each of his dig routes, allowing the ball to get on him before the DB could close on the ball. He also showed good instincts on the TD grab by running to an area where wAllace could deliver the ball.


On defense, get used to all the blitzing. With an upgraded secondary at his disposal, Ryan is going to take more chances at getting to the opposing QB. I liked the aggressiveness and I thought our DBs were right there on most of those plays. The difference was Aaron Rodgers is pretty freaking good. Not only did he throw the ball to the right guys on the blitz, he threw it where it had to be. Haden showed good coverage skills and lesser QBs would have had incompletions on many balls thrown his way. If we throw those same blitzes at the Rams QBs next week, rest assured the results will be a lot different.


Finally, TJ Ward is the real deal. Recently on another thread I made the claim that Ward was an upgrade over Brodney Pool and another poster questioned that claim. No doubt that was a valid question at the time considering Ward had yet to play an official down in the league. But after watching camp and last night's game it's apparent that Ward just looks the part. He did get beat on a TD throw (even though he was right there), but he had a solid game and it was capped off by a great tackle in space of Donald Driver on third down. Ward's playmaking ability is going to really open things up for what the Browns can do with their secondary coverage packages.




I am looking forward to next Saturday.


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If we throw those same blitzes at the Rams QBs next week, rest assured the results will be a lot different.




great points!

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that td pass from seneca to robo was freaking sweet!. talk about making a play with your feet! and props to robo for working his butt off to get better. i'm sure it doesn't hurt that he's practicing mostly with one qb lol. jake is a pro and just the type of qb to help a guy like robo out.

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Jake had a good impression on me. Wasn't really expecting very much, nothing more than our last qb's. but he reall seemed to step in and put his foot towards the right direction.

so i see a winning season this year, sadly, no. but i do see a better average than what we had last year.

Dawson is still and always will be the man. no questions asked.

Our defense.. really scares me.


overall, better than previous years. but still have alot to work on.

had a good time watching the game tho.

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I was ENORMOUSLY impressed with how smooth and fluid our first team offense was on Saturday. I expected them to come out and struggle with timing and such but they looked really smooth out there. And Mack was just plowing that fat-ass DT on nearly every play. And Ward was my player of the game. He missed his assignment when Jennings caught that wide open streak in the 1st quarter over Sheldon. He paid too much attention to the slot WR and ignored Jennings. He basically guessed wrong. Had Jennings ran anything except a streak, there would not have been an issue. But all in all, Ward is my player of the game for Saturday. Dude can tackle!



But what is even more impressive is just how good Rogers is for GB. It's hard to picture because they are a cold weather team but that offense operates as well as Indy or New Orleans. GB has a really good team.

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Say what you want about it being only pre-season, but they certainly look MUCH improved from last year. Our first teamers looked spot on, and I look to see more of the same going forward. Our secondary is still suspect, but I liked TJ Ward being in there on every play, and I do like the overall aggressivness our D was showing, as opposed to previous seasons, where the opposing QB could write a book back there in the pocket, while trying to pick his throwing lanes! I was a little disappointed in Colt McCoy. He looked almost too Charlie Frye- like! I realize it is his first pre-season game, but he did not look like an NFL QB. All in all, a great way to start things off. They look like they have chemistry, and a team first mentality.


P.S. Dawson is the freakin' man!!!! I hope that he has an opportunity to be a part of this team, when they do go all the way! He has suffered through a lot of losing, and it would be cool if he could be a part of it when it happens.



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I too, was a little disappointed with McCoy. I realize he's a third round selected rookie, but he made some major mistakes. Such as under throwing the ball into double coverage at least twice. He didn't step into his throws on some of what I saw. Of the top 3 rookie QBs, he looked the most like a rookie.


But he is a third round selected rookie and he'll make those mistakes. He has plenty of time to learn the system. Hopefully we see some improvement from him this preseason.

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Delhomme looked like Anderson from 2007, except accurate. McCoy looked really bad. Wallace was Wallace (running out of bounds for a loss instead of throwing it away; expect to see that a lot this year according to Seahawks fans).

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