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I think it should be a picture of a Browns helmet hanging on their new superbowl trophy, out


in the middle of our alfalfa field. Creative, ya know...

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Guest c-dawg
No I don't sorry.. because my computer at home sucks and it froze twice so ima have to wait til tommorow at school to do it.




I am an old Photoshop Hound myself. Good luck on the attempt. If you feel like collaborating let me know.


Are you looking at a strict replacing of the 490x60 banner above or do you have something else in mind?


Keep Brady Quinn Homo Fan club!



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Guest c-dawg


I am an old Photoshop Hound myself. Good luck on the attempt. If you feel like collaborating let me know.


Are you looking at a strict replacing of the 490x60 banner above or do you have something else in mind?


Keep Brady Quinn Homo Fan club!


Wow, that was awesome.


I typed something else instead of "Keep Brady Quinn Homo Fan club!" but that is what came out.


You mods are tricky and I love your work! Let's see I typed K_E_E_P_B_A_R_K_I_N_G_H_A_R_D. Let's see you transform that. Game on!




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Wow, that was awesome.


I typed something else instead of "Keep Brady Quinn Homo Fan club!" but that is what came out.


You mods are tricky and I love your work! Let's see I typed K_E_E_P_B_A_R_K_I_N_G_H_A_R_D. Let's see you transform that. Game on!



hahaha That's funny right there

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