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Most Underrated Browns Player


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I am going to have to pick Robaire Smith for this one. He is almost always healthy and is always consistently reliable, especially in goal line plays. No one ever talks about this guy. HES A CAPTAIN! Who is your most underrated Browns player?


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I think the most underrated one will come from the group of people we picked up in the off season: Sheldon Brown, Chris Gocung, Scott Fujita, etc. simply because they were not here last year and we Browns fans have not yet got a chance to see them fully in action for us.

But, I can't tell you which one right now because I have to see more of them.

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I have to agree with Pontbriand. If this guy makes a mistake, it can spell disaster. I understand he's been a Pro Bowler, but just his position of long snapper alone is under rated.

As far as Starters, it's Vickers.


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The guy is an irl troll. I swear, after every special teams play where the opponents get flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct, he's there in someone's face and running his mouth. I'm pretty sure he was responsible for getting a Raiders player riled up enough to take a swing at him and get ejected. Plus, he's a special teams beast.

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Kinda like the old question "do you walk to work or carry your lunch?" You would have to have a player with some sort of rating before you could have one who is overrated.


I understand what you are saying. I don't do "fantasy football" but I expect that this is somewhat of a fantasy football question. Correct me if I am wrong but in fantasy football aren't most players assigned some kind of "value"? That perhaps would be a starting point for given these players some "sort of rating" as you say.

The question then would be "which Browns player, using fantasy football values, is perhaps undervalued".

Its a starting point for answering this question.

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Yeah, that Joe Thomas guy is obviously no good. I know you are just trying to be witty, I would stop it because it doesn't seem to be your strong suit.


Underrated means they are better than what the perception is. So, by definition it's clear that none of the Browns players are underrated.


You have Josh Cribbs, and that's it. Better hope you score on those kickoff attempts.


Well, since by many authoritative accounts Joe Thomas is the very best offensive lineman in the entire National Football League, and this schmo doesn't apparently even know about him....maybe this schmo now has his answer.

Joe Thomas will be the best player on the field on Sunday, and these guys can ignore him at their peril.

Trust me, the Bucs coaching staff doesn't "underrate" Joe Thomas. In fact it may be only this feculent fool that does.

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Because of all of the haters out there, I'm going to say Jake Delhomme. The guy had one really bad year which was last year, because he was recovering from Tommy John's surgery. Look I realize that he is getting up there in age, and is not the future of this franchise. But, he is still very serviceable, and a huge upgrade over what we had as far as leadership and experience. With that alone, he will win us some games, and I can't wait to hear Chris Berman say "daylight come and you gotta delhomme!"



Career stats as of 2009


TDs: 123 INTs: 94

Passing YDs: 19,892

QB Rating: 82.1



Like I said, he may not be the future, but until McCoy develops (or whoever) he'll be OK for us. I still think he has 2-3 years left, as long as our O-line can keep him protected.


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For what its worth (not a lot in my book) here are the Browns "fantasy" player rankings pre NFL.com:


Jerome Harrison 62nd overall ..27th RB


Mohammed Massaquoi 146th overall


Payton Hillis 154th overall


Josh Cribbs 171st overall


Ben Watson 196th overall


(Delhomme was not in the top 200)


Maybe you fantasy geeks can make some sense of this and tell us whether or not this constitutes "underrated". I didn't count the position rating of anyone other than Harrison. They would have all been way, way down the list. And, I suspect they were only counting Cribbs in his position as WR. I don't know if fantasy football "counts" kickoff and punt returners, do they? Nor, apparently do they rate anyone other than skill position players.

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yahoo's fantasy ties ST to defense.


Looking at that list, I'd say Cribbs is right where he should be as a receiver.


I think that Hillis will be a good #2 running back as he's going to shoulder the load Hardesty was supposed to be carrying. I can see him punching it in a bunch when we're lined up on the end zone. Unfortunately, I opted not to play this year.

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Underrated means they are better than what the perception is. So, by definition it's clear that none of the Browns players are underrated.


You have Josh Cribbs, and that's it. Better hope you score on those kickoff attempts.


Well, since by many authoritative accounts Joe Thomas is the very best offensive lineman in the entire National Football League, and this schmo doesn't apparently even know about him....maybe this schmo now has his answer.

Joe Thomas will be the best player on the field on Sunday, and these guys can ignore him at their peril.

Trust me, the Bucs coaching staff doesn't "underrate" Joe Thomas. In fact it may be only this feculent fool that does.



Joe Thomas? I thought this was about underrated players, not overrated players?

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