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CLEVELAND --Browns defensive coordinator Rob Ryan, who provides the most entertaining 15 minutes of the week at the Browns facility every Friday, offered his thoughts on a wide range of topics:


* On experts picking the Browns to go 2-14: "I think we're going to win the Super Bowl, so what the hell. I don't care what people think out there. Is our defense much-improved? Is our quarterback legit? Damn right he is. Do we have guys in here working Eric Mangini's plan for the team? Damn right we do. They can say whatever they want to say.''


* On Kellen Winslow: "He's obviously the big weapon in Tampa's offense. We have a nice plan set up with multiple ways to attack. He really is a special guy and we're looking forward to that matchup. he's a more effective blocker than people think he is. I know he calls himself a soldier, and when you watch him on tape, he really is. He's a fun guy to watch. It's just unfortunate we've got him this week in our matchup.''


* On Browns LB Scott Fujita: "I've admired him for a long time, I wanted to draft him in New England. He was a guy I really wanted. I was really excited about him and I was like please let me have this guy. It never worked out. Eric Barton was that way also. In Oakland, he was a guy I saw on tape and I said 'I really want to coach this guy.' He's tough and fearless. And I have them both right here.''


* On Joe Haden: "This guy gets better every day in practice. The ball is starting to find him. He gets two or three interceptions everyday in practice. He's a unique guy because he can tackle so well. He's outstanding. Another smart, tough guy that we added on our defense. Really, he is going to be a special guy. There's no question. He's a humble guy that comes to work everyday to get better, and man has he improved. He's jumped out and made great strides. He's going to play right away and look for him to do some great things in this ballgame.''


* On pressuring the quarterback: "We'll light this quarterback up, just like all of them every week. We'll get to the quarterback know what we're doing. We're going to line up and kick some ass and have a great defense.''


* On LB Matt Roth: "He's a bully. Whatever tight end they put out there, Matt will be able to beat him up. And that's just a fact. I'm looking forward to Matt being here for a full season. It's going to be great. Cleveland fans will love this guy. He's tough, he's legit. Our run defense improved..and the reason is you had a Matt Roth come in there and play outside 'backer and he did a great job.''


* On Eric Wright: "We've expanded his role. He's going to be on the slot (receiver) now. It's a whole new world out there for a corner...he can blitz more, gets the quicker receivers. His talent level is as good as there is in football.''

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It's pretty rare a coordinator takes over after his head coach leaves unless you are talking a retiring legend.



Don't worry folks....Mangini is a good coach who is going to do good things here in Cleveland.

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Since he's had great success everywhere else he's coached. "WE're GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!" Let's put him in the hall of fame for that prediction. Isn't that the job of every Coach? To shoot for the Super Bowl?

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I like you Homotron, you provide comic relief in every thread. The steeler trolls in here (the regulars) are fun to have around in a satirical kind of way. It's like conservatives being interviewed by Colbert.




Whomever changed your handle is a genius.

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I like you Homotron, you provide comic relief in every thread. The steeler trolls in here (the regulars) are fun to have around in a satirical kind of way. It's like conservatives being interviewed by Colbert.




Whomever changed your handle is a genius.


Well you can bet your ass I'm not conservative. My 3/4 length wool trench coat has a permanent pewter pin on the one lapel. It's a Donkey doing a Elephant doggie style. I also wouldn't go as far as labeling the person behind the name change a genius. My autistic neighbor down the street could have opened his 4th grade insult book and found homo and rhymed it up with rorbo and pieced that together. Making that assumption would be like giving me a job as the lead architect for a job build in Cleveland because I put together a mean lego house and not just any legos but the larger legos designed for kids under 5.


I'd like my name changed back but until then I'll be injecting threads with my own sense of humor and reality.


Thank you sir for this useful post. *plans to hit the thank button in a minute*

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Well you can bet your ass I'm not conservative. My 3/4 length wool trench coat has a permanent pewter pin on the one lapel. It's a Donkey doing a Elephant doggie style. I also wouldn't go as far as labeling the person behind the name change a genius. My autistic neighbor down the street could have opened his 4th grade insult book and found homo and rhymed it up with rorbo and pieced that together. Making that assumption would be like giving me a job as the lead architect for a job build in Cleveland because I put together a mean lego house and not just any legos but the larger legos designed for kids under 5.


I'd like my name changed back but until then I'll be injecting threads with my own sense of humor and reality.


Thank you sir for this useful post. *plans to hit the thank button in a minute*



Well, now, see here Homo, you are going to have to take a cue from Colonel Hans Landa who had to admit that he had no control over what nicknames his opponents gave to him. In his case he wasn't happy about being given the moniker "The Jew Hunter", yet, that is what most of the world he lived in know him as. So, if Hans Landa could deal with being called "the Jew Hunter" by his enemies, you also can deal with being called Homotron by your adversaries. Your alternative is to stay completely out of the Theater of Operations. And what's that called? See here:

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Well, now, see here Homo, you are going to have to take a cue from Colonel Hans Landa who had to admit that he had no control over what nicknames his opponents gave to him. In his case he wasn't happy about being given the moniker "The Jew Hunter", yet, that is what most of the world he lived in know him as. So, if Hans Landa could deal with being called "the Jew Hunter" by his enemies, you also can deal with being called Homotron by your adversaries. Your alternative is to stay completely out of the Theater of Operations. And what's that called? See here:



Finally you reference a movie that I have been alive for. (and a good one too!)



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Finally you reference a movie that I have been alive for. (and a good one too!)


Well, my most common movie references are Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, Casablanca, Ferris Beuhler and a few others.

Though I don't know what being alive for them has to do with it. I wasn't alive for Casablanca and it is probably the most quoted movie of all time. Come on man, You're not in Kansas anymore, get yourself a DVD player! (oops, I wasn't alive for that movie either)

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If his defense played 1/2 as well as he talked, we would be ok. They are slow, soft, unimaginative, and oh yea, S L O W. His blitz's get picked up, and they can't stop the run consistently.

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This game was a good example of what i was talking about. You can't give up 300 yards to a crappy team that has no weapons and expect to lead a team as a HC. He's a loser with an entertaining press conference wit. i'd rather be entertained by his players performance.





Crappy team? What does that make you?





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I thought our defense looked pretty good, had a few sacks, a INT, couple 3 and outs and a key turnover. Secondary looked really good.


After Hillis fumbled the 2nd time he didnt get a touch until the last drive, we didn't do much in between there.


With no confidence in Hillis' ability to protect the ball we got away from the run and played into Tampa's strength. They ranked dead last in run defense and top 10 in pass D last year.


If we protect the ball we win this one comfortably. Gotta get that taken care of or its gonna be a long season.

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This game was a good example of what i was talking about. You can't give up 300 yards to a crappy team that has no weapons and expect to lead a team as a HC. He's a loser with an entertaining press conference wit. i'd rather be entertained by his players performance.




I agree.


Rob.....STFU until your teams actually do what you talk about.




Many years ago while in college, while many of the other students went to the Gainesville strip and all the fancy places, I went to this little honky tonk on the edge of the swamps that had a juke box full of country music and some live country music on weekend nights. Hung right above the bar they had a sign that said: "Talks cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey".



That has always stuck with me.


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CLEVELAND --Browns defensive coordinator Rob Ryan, who provides the most entertaining 15 minutes of the week at the Browns facility every Friday, offered his thoughts on a wide range of topics:


* On experts picking the Browns to go 2-14: "I think we're going to win the Super Bowl, so what the hell. I don't care what people think out there. Is our defense much-improved? Is our quarterback legit? Damn right he is. Do we have guys in here working Eric Mangini's plan for the team? Damn right we do. They can say whatever they want to say.''


* On Kellen Winslow: "He's obviously the big weapon in Tampa's offense. We have a nice plan set up with multiple ways to attack. He really is a special guy and we're looking forward to that matchup. he's a more effective blocker than people think he is. I know he calls himself a soldier, and when you watch him on tape, he really is. He's a fun guy to watch. It's just unfortunate we've got him this week in our matchup.''


* On Browns LB Scott Fujita: "I've admired him for a long time, I wanted to draft him in New England. He was a guy I really wanted. I was really excited about him and I was like please let me have this guy. It never worked out. Eric Barton was that way also. In Oakland, he was a guy I saw on tape and I said 'I really want to coach this guy.' He's tough and fearless. And I have them both right here.''


* On Joe Haden: "This guy gets better every day in practice. The ball is starting to find him. He gets two or three interceptions everyday in practice. He's a unique guy because he can tackle so well. He's outstanding. Another smart, tough guy that we added on our defense. Really, he is going to be a special guy. There's no question. He's a humble guy that comes to work everyday to get better, and man has he improved. He's jumped out and made great strides. He's going to play right away and look for him to do some great things in this ballgame.''


* On pressuring the quarterback: "We'll light this quarterback up, just like all of them every week. We'll get to the quarterback know what we're doing. We're going to line up and kick some ass and have a great defense.''


* On LB Matt Roth: "He's a bully. Whatever tight end they put out there, Matt will be able to beat him up. And that's just a fact. I'm looking forward to Matt being here for a full season. It's going to be great. Cleveland fans will love this guy. He's tough, he's legit. Our run defense improved..and the reason is you had a Matt Roth come in there and play outside 'backer and he did a great job.''


* On Eric Wright: "We've expanded his role. He's going to be on the slot (receiver) now. It's a whole new world out there for a corner...he can blitz more, gets the quicker receivers. His talent level is as good as there is in football.''


So why should he be HC..............what is his won lost record at major college or NFL as a Head Coach??????????????


and what is his offensive philosphy that assure he understands Offense Wins Championships........


or are yu just pissing in the wind???

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They did look pretty good. But dude, this is the NFL. We need them to look better than VERY good. Rob Ryan is a blow hard. Coach these guys up or move on.


They gave up 10 points, and when Tampa had the game sealed we came up with a turnover on the goal line to give the offense a chance for the win. I dont know what more you could ask for.....JD lost this game, not Ryan, not Daboll, not the defense....JD

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