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Today is the nine year anniversary of September 11th and the cowardly attacks on the World Trade Center. Thousands of innocent Americans lost their lives that day as well as 343 brave firefighters and over 100 cops. God bless these brave men and women and their families. God bless the brave men and women who fight for our freedom today in two separate wars. Thanks to the cops and firefighters out there as well as all of you who have fought in the past for this country or will serve in the future. It is because of all you that we are able to enjoy things like football. You are all heroes.

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Today is the nine year anniversary of September 11th and the cowardly attacks on the World Trade Center. Thousands of innocent Americans lost their lives that day as well as 343 brave firefighters and over 100 cops. God bless these brave men and women and their families. God bless the brave men and women who fight for our freedom today in two separate wars. Thanks to the cops and firefighters out there as well as all of you who have fought in the past for this country or will serve in the future. It is because of all you that we are able to enjoy things like football. You are all heroes.



Classy post.

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i was in my trigonometry class when it happened. the school secretary was going around to each of the classrooms letting people know what had just happened. we didn't have any class the rest of the day because they couldn't pry students and teachers away from the TV.

I was in freshman math class and a kid cam in and said that a plane hit one ofthe towers. I remember I immediately thought: how ie that possible? What idiot pilot would hit it. Then a few minute later another one hit and I knew something was wrong. That whole day just sucked and I will never forget that feeling when I saw the video.

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My english teacher junior year of HS had a knock at the door. Then he came in and had a disturbed look on his face. He sat there and put his head in his hands and said: "attention class... There have been some very tragic events that have taken place this morning" .... We all knew something HAD happened but we were too busy grab assing to really know what was going on. Then what he said next I'll never forget.... "Our lives, YOUR lives are never going to be the same again." I didn't realize what he meant by that at the time, but the reaction and sense of patriotism I felt in the following days after those attacks are definately why I joined the Navy and why I will continue to servce my country in one form or another once I separate next year.


God Bless America. (or Allah, Buddah, or whoever you want to bless it)

Thank you for your service. Its because of people like you that we still have our freedoms.

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I was at the office working when the reports began to come in via my desk radio; completely stunned as all Hell began to break loose across our nation.


For some reason I was in an instant on the phone calling all of my family; especially Lister Jr. school (he was in third grade at the time) to make sure all were safe. The drive up High St from downtown to his school was nothing short of eerie. I recall in that drive listening to the radio becoming very angry; find it simply stunning that this country has seemingly lost that collective drive to rid the world of the vermin that perpetuated this event.

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I don't think people have lost the drive, they've lost the faith in the decision makers executing that drive.




I'm not going to make this a political thread but seeing what we had to endure the 8 years prior it's no wonder people disassociate themselves with politics all together. I lost faith in America when "W" served a second term. Let me guess you're a Tea Party member but you REALLY ONLY care about fiscal responsibility and "restoring honor" ? lol





Anyway RIP to all those that lost their life on 9/11 and may those that lost their loved ones remain strong for their families on this tragic anniversary.

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It really feels like yesterday. I think the whole country really was united. I remember going into work and hearing about it on cnn. Being from new york it really hit me in the gut. Waking up everyday until I was 18 and being able to see the towers across the hudson something I would never see again. Friends and family back there you feel a sense of being helpless. Luckily everyone I knew would turn out ok.


I remember when the browns played corey fuller running on the field with tthe american flag. I have always loved being a american but after that day I have a whole new apreciation

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It's good that people remember what happened that day. Americans have a tendency to forget. I watched the rebroadcast of the today show that was broadcast on 9/11/01 yesterday. It shows how we got caught totally unprepared. I'm an old timer compared to most of you, and to me it seems like it was last week. Never forget.

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God Bless America. I am just glad there has been no major incidents since this one. I still get chills when they replay the planes crashing into the WTC. It is one of those things we will never leave us. We have gotten over it but we will never forget.

Oh but there has. The biggest one of them all...this 9 year war in Iraq. I myself joined the Marine Corps following 911. I am proud to have served but I will tell you this...We are not over there to just "fight terrorism". We as the general public do not even know half of the truth to our nations actions. We are all entitled to our own opinion and this is mine after 4 years of service to uncle sam.


Over 7,000 Americans dead in Iraq(military, contractors, journalists)

Over 32,000 Americans wounded(myself included)


R.I.P. brothers.


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