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FIRE Mangini and Daboll NOW


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Chiefs would have kicked another FG at the end to win even if Phil made the 42 yarder. I'm not defending him but that's truth... Know why it's truth?


Because our offense is fcking impotent and our defense cannot hold with the time of possession arrow we've been giving our opponents in the second half. Our OFFENSE BLOWS.

Our offense is offensive....

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It was disappointing that Dawson missed..but I'm not hanging this one on him......for the 2nd week in a row we were shut out in the 2nd half. 14 in the first half and ZERO in the 2nd half and you just can't win games when you don't score in the 2nd half of a game.

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It was disappointing that Dawson missed..but I'm not hanging this one on him......for the 2nd week in a row we were shut out in the 2nd half. 14 in the first half and ZERO in the 2nd half and you just can't win games when you don't score in the 2nd half of a game.


Amen, my friend. Amen.

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i don't think mangini should be fired, but i'm tired of his excuse making. during the post game presser, jeff schudel of the news herald asked mangini do the browns have to play too perfect because other teams are able to overcome mistakes. mangini gave some bs response.


what jeff meant by his comment is that there are other issues that the browns have that attribute to these losses. there's no excuse for daboll's uncreative playcalling. doug deiken said vrabel was calling the plays out before the browns snapped the ball. gee, i wonder how the chiefs knew what the browns were going to do before they did it?


run on 1st down, run on 2nd down, pass on 3rd down=predictable. funny how a few of the times times they actually threw on 1st down, something good happened. cribbs td was a 1st down play. but no, daboll has to go call plays like he's a scared little bitch 90% of the time.


i've never heard mangini ever criticize his boy daboll (who came over here with him from the jets). i've heard mangini criticize ryan, but it's like the guy is hands off on his favorites. mangini probably cryed when heckert sent ratliff packing.


i'm getting real tired of seeing the browns try and climb out of a hole near the end of the 4th q. it's time to end the daboll the dumbell oc and get gil haskell and holmgren in on the oc playcalling.

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i don't think mangini should be fired, but i'm tired of his excuse making. during the post game presser, jeff schudel of the news herald asked mangini do the browns have to play too perfect because other teams are able to overcome mistakes. mangini gave some bs response.


what jeff meant by his comment is that there are other issues that the browns have that attribute to these losses. there's no excuse for daboll's uncreative playcalling. doug deiken said vrabel was calling the plays out before the browns snapped the ball. gee, i wonder how the chiefs knew what the browns were going to do before they did it?


run on 1st down, run on 2nd down, pass on 3rd down=predictable. funny how a few of the times times they actually threw on 1st down, something good happened. cribbs td was a 1st down play. but no, daboll has to go call plays like he's a scared little bitch 90% of the time.


i've never heard mangini ever criticize his boy daboll (who came over here with him from the jets). i've heard mangini criticize ryan, but it's like the guy is hands off on his favorites. mangini probably cryed when heckert sent ratliff packing.


i'm getting real tired of seeing the browns try and climb out of a hole at the end of the 4th q. it's time to end the daboll the dumbell oc and get gil haskell and holmgren in on the oc playcalling.


I believe that someone posted the comment that Mangini was seen telling Daboll to "Slow Down", the offense last week. I would love to see if someone could have posted that on Youtube or something. That shows you right there that the guy can't let go (if that happened). Why woiuld you want to slow down an offense that was clicking, picking up yards and scoring points. To me there is something wrong with that.


For a guy who came from Belichicks breeding grounds, Mangini's game plan is nothing like the Pats. Watching the Pats and the Jets right now.. and there is such a difference in the way the Pats play and even the Jets. The Browns just seem to be a class or two below in play execution and calling. So unimaginitive in our offense. I will say, that we need a Wes Welker/Brian Brennan (yep I said it) 3rd down type of go to guy. I would think that Cribbs could be it.. other than his one play.. he was pretty quiet.. I thought Watson was going to be a better TE target.. I just don't know what to really think.. other than we are just being out coached.. and really our game plan for some reason is collapsing, and we have not contigentsy plan


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I believe that someone posted the comment that Mangini was seen telling Daboll to "Slow Down", the offense last week. I would love to see if someone could have posted that on Youtube or something. That shows you right there that the guy can't let go (if that happened). Why woiuld you want to slow down an offense that was clicking, picking up yards and scoring points. To me there is something wrong with that.


well, that's the problem right there! mangini loves a conservative offense. what's scary is the fact that he refuses to change it even when it doesn't work. i'll ask the question again.........what the hell do these guys get paid for???

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2 weeks in a row and no points on offense in the second half of the game. daboll is getting out coached by a land slide. this crap is getting tiresome.


To say the least, which is why I refuse to pay to watch our Browns or Indians; I clean enough shit during the week for free


I will; however, tailgate with my friends on Jets weekend!

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Looked like two different teams today. One in the first half, the other in the second. Our Offense lost the game. Pathetic second half. Our Defense played well enough to win. They didn't give up an offensive touchdown. Offense looked horrible second half. I've about had it with Daboll and Mangini. They both lost alot of weight, that is about the only good thing I can say about them. Spent a lot of money at the game, had a good time, but another loss. It gets old.

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I've about had it with Daboll and Mangini. They both lost alot of weight, that is about the only good thing I can say about them.


That's what happens when you have Holmgren on your back all the time.. and IMO, it's time for Holmgren to put an end to at least Daboll and or Mangini... I Like Ryan.. Our D has been doing well...


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Harrison killed the game, not Daboll or Mangini. When Harrison was in, we didn't do shit.


No he didn't.. run, run, throw, punt killed the game.. to predicatable of an offense... If you don't spread the offense and keep the D honest... Your not getting anywhere running the game... It's not Harrisons fault... and honestly.. pointing at him and not our coaches is somewhat blindsided... Your entitled to your opinion though and freely allowed to express it.

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Harrison killed the game, not Daboll or Mangini. When Harrison was in, we didn't do shit.


are you kidding? get out of here with that mangini/daboll homerism crap. and jerome didn't fumble the ball. he was down by contact and the refs let the chiefs players talk them out of it. i have no idea what game you were watching. are you on mangini's payroll? if not i'm not sure why you're not criticizing mangini and his homeboy daboll.

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I'm just checked the gamelog from the game and I'm sorry to report that yes Harrison did fumble.....you can say what you want but the call was fumble and that led to 3 points.


but it was a bad call. did you see the game? if you did, you would understand why we're saying it wasn't a fumble or atleast it shouldn't have been ruled a fumble.

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I love when people say EM should be fired, when the Browns finished with 4 wins in a row last year, EVERYBODY ON THIS BOARD thought he was a god....Did you ever think that we do not have playmakers on Offense???? Cribbs is it, thats it..... In this years draft we focused on Defense, well you see our Defense is pretty good. They took a gamble on Hardesty ,if he was healthy we would have a stud RB ( yes stud, cause hes was that good) he have zero playmakers on Offense!!!!, so hey they have scored 4 TDS in 2 games thats more than I thought was going to happen, but I also didnt think Dawson would miss 2 field goals....



1 more thing Harrison sucks, thats why he has been a back-up is whole career, Davis will be in soon....

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Bad calls happen all the time....a good or even average team will overcome a bad call or two in the game.


We didn't lose because of that call. We lost because we don't move the ball on offense in the 2nd half for the 2nd week in a row.

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I love when people say EM should be fired, when the Browns finished with 4 wins in a row last year, EVERYBODY ON THIS BOARD thought he was a god....Did you ever think that we do not have playmakers on Offense???? Cribbs is it, thats it..... In this years draft we focused on Defense, well you see our Defense is pretty good. They took a gamble on Hardesty ,if he was healthy we would have a stud RB ( yes stud, cause hes was that good) he have zero playmakers on Offense!!!!, so hey they have scored 4 TDS in 2 games thats more than I thought was going to happen, but I also didnt think Dawson would miss 2 field goals....



1 more thing Harrison sucks, thats why he has been a back-up is whole career, Davis will be in soon....



have you watched the game??? we freakin play not to lose... our offense is a joe walton like offense..


i said from the begining of the year that is was a lose lose, if we won enough games to save mangina is job then we would end up biting our nose to spite our face..


and btw one of dawson field goals was over 60 yards, are u sayin he should have made it.



we came out flat, has dumb pentalties and turned the ball over.


Im sick of losing.... but i still love my browns..


Hire Joe Giradi!!

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Bad calls happen all the time....a good or even average team will overcome a bad call or two in the game.


We didn't lose because of that call. We lost because we don't move the ball on offense in the 2nd half for the 2nd week in a row.


how can the browns overcome a balatant bad call like that with numbskull daboll calling predictable plays? did you hear the radio broadcast on wmms? deiken said vrabel knew what the browns offesne was going to do before they ran the play. gee, i wonder why?

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how can the browns overcome a balatant bad call like that with numbskull daboll calling predictable plays? did you hear the radio broadcast on wmms? deiken said vrabel knew what the browns offesne was going to do before they ran the play. gee, i wonder why?


Yeah that was a bad call, but it only let to 3 points- good teams can overcome that. We're not a good team.


What was disgusting to me was once again zero pass rush. Cassell had all day to throw, all the time. So we once again gifted the Chiefs 10 points.


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That is a very good point. Cassel had all day to throw when he went back to pass. We have to do better.



Yeah that was a bad call, but it only let to 3 points- good teams can overcome that. We're not a good team.


What was disgusting to me was once again zero pass rush. Cassell had all day to throw, all the time. So we once again gifted the Chiefs 10 points.


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