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Giving props to the DEFENSE


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Let's face it. Our offense is clearly what is losing us games. Our defense allowed 9 points today after being stranded out on the field with an inept offense for most of the game. That pick by Sheldon Brown was beautiful. Joe Haden and TJ Ward are all over the field. Our defense stuffed the run for MOST of the game. In the season opener the defense only allowed 10 points (ok, 17...but I don't count the 7 where they picked delhomme down to the 3 yard line). Our defense has been our strength so far this year.


We need a better gameplan offensively. We do not use Cribbs as much as we should be using him. Daboll...don't let the door hit you on the way out. I'm not one to jump to conclusions with firing people, but after seeing how putrid our offense looked today, I'm all for it.


So lets tip our cap to this defense. They may not be the best in the league, but at least they are playing like a real unit. They haven't allowed many points this year. It's very refreshing to watch. Now things may change against the more dynamic offenses, but I like what I see so far.


Stay positive. Go Browns.

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Good post. It's the truth. I love watching TJ and Joe out there this year. After today, I am not very optimistic about winning a lot of games this year, but I am stoked to see the development of our talented young defensive players.


I believe offensively we really do need a much better receiver. I honestly think Carlton Mitchell has enough speed to connect with Wallace or Delhomme on those failed deep route attempts like today.


It's sad to admit but this year losing has a whole new feel to it, if that makes any sense, which means I do not feel like crap after this loss :)

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Let's face it. Our offense is clearly what is losing us games. Our defense allowed 9 points today after being stranded out on the field with an inept offense for most of the game. That pick by Sheldon Brown was beautiful. Joe Haden and TJ Ward are all over the field. Our defense stuffed the run for MOST of the game. In the season opener the defense only allowed 10 points (ok, 17...but I don't count the 7 where they picked delhomme down to the 3 yard line). Our defense has been our strength so far this year.


We need a better gameplan offensively. We do not use Cribbs as much as we should be using him. Daboll...don't let the door hit you on the way out. I'm not one to jump to conclusions with firing people, but after seeing how putrid our offense looked today, I'm all for it.


So lets tip our cap to this defense. They may not be the best in the league, but at least they are playing like a real unit. They haven't allowed many points this year. It's very refreshing to watch. Now things may change against the more dynamic offenses, but I like what I see so far.


Stay positive. Go Browns.


The only time the defense really looks suspect is after they come right back out on the field after the inept offense gives the ball back.


There are some positives though - and they are that the foundation for this team should be defense and they appear to be on the right path. Until we get some playmakers and at least an average QB we will struggle offensively.


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The defense today was an embarassment. We have a lot of linebackers, while at the same time, we have no linebackers. Nice trick Mr. Ryan. Get rid of the bum.


What game was you watching? We gave up 3 field goals and one was from an offensive fumble that set the Chiefs up within field goal range to start the drive.

The defense is the only reason we've been in both games

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And how do you figure the defense was an "embarassment"? Pleasure us with some logic behind your statment.


exactly! the defense only gave up 6 pts. the chiefs got a td off of an int and a fg off of the jerome "fumble". what more does the d have to do? how much more can you ask of a defense than to only give up 6 pts? some people don't make any sense.

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The defense was decent dude, not exceptional. Considering the talent level there isnt much more that can be done.



The defense is just that--- decent at best. I would say that they are a smidge above average.


The negatives-- they have no pash rush, they can't get off the field on thrid down, Abe Elam

is terrible,and the LBs are sloooooow. Remember they played Josh Freeman (with a broken thumb)

and Matt Cassel (who is not the second coming of Joe Maontana) in the first two games.Also they

are NOT that young. Outside of Rubin the DL is old. The LBs outside of Benard are not that young either.

D'Qwell will help out when he gets back. At least he can run.


The positives-- TJ Ward is a player!! Joe Haden will be good.Eric Wright is solid. Find me more

positives please!!!


I hate to see it when we play a good QB (Brees, Roethlisberger,etc.).They will expose this

defense for what it is especially with the state of the Browns' offense.

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I have no complaints about our defense other than we need to develop a pass rush, its a solid defense and ryan does a true pro job of adjusting it with what he has...we lack the speed in the front 7 for a consistent pass rush and we get burned in man defense if we send haden, wright or ward and its a waste of time to send elam..


Unfortunately as rich always says...its offense that wins championships...;)

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Let's see if we can shut down Ray Rice this Sunday...a real tough assignment. The Ratbirds offense is struggling so far, I'm hoping the Browns can contain him.


If we do stop Rice, Flacco will be forced to throw, and after 4 ints vs Cincy, his confidence may be down.


We can't score any points on offense, but who knows....can I be the first to say this is a TOTAL TRAP GAME :rolleyes:

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Let's face it. Our offense is clearly what is losing us games. Our defense allowed 9 points today after being stranded out on the field with an inept offense for most of the game. That pick by Sheldon Brown was beautiful. Joe Haden and TJ Ward are all over the field. Our defense stuffed the run for MOST of the game. In the season opener the defense only allowed 10 points (ok, 17...but I don't count the 7 where they picked delhomme down to the 3 yard line). Our defense has been our strength so far this year.


We need a better gameplan offensively. We do not use Cribbs as much as we should be using him. Daboll...don't let the door hit you on the way out. I'm not one to jump to conclusions with firing people, but after seeing how putrid our offense looked today, I'm all for it.


So lets tip our cap to this defense. They may not be the best in the league, but at least they are playing like a real unit. They haven't allowed many points this year. It's very refreshing to watch. Now things may change against the more dynamic offenses, but I like what I see so far.


Stay positive. Go Browns.


Wow, I completely forgot about the pick from Sheldon Brown, that was a very athletic play. Just awesome.


Here's the Benard sack, pretty damn good as well:


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Let's see if we can shut down Ray Rice this Sunday...a real tough assignment. The Ratbirds offense is struggling so far, I'm hoping the Browns can contain him.


If we do stop Rice, Flacco will be forced to throw, and after 4 ints vs Cincy, his confidence may be down.


We can't score any points on offense, but who knows....can I be the first to say this is a TOTAL TRAP GAME :rolleyes:


I wish I was still alive in the Survivor Pool, It's so take the Browns (again) , total trap game!

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we do need a pass rush, but that can be addressed this coming draft. you can't fix everything in one year. we can always look at our D this year if we do horribly. it'll be the bright spot for us.



Well, they have sort of been trying to fix the pass rush in a number of drafts, and the guys just haven't measured up.

I mean, we don't have to go as far back as Courtney Brown and Gerard Warren to see failure at the pass rusher positions. There was Kam Wembley along with D'Qwell Jackson in 2006. Neither of them lit up the opposing QBs.

A year ago they went for Veikune and Maiava. Veikune is gone, Maiava is at the end of the bench (or is he gone too?)

They went for Beau Bell and Leon Williams in the 4th rounds a couple of years in a row...nothing there.

Of course there was Chaun Thompson in the second round...OOPS!

Their best D Line pick in several years has been Ahtyba Rubin, and he is not a pass rusher.

Yes, it will be a priorty...it has to be in the next draft/free agent period.

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