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GM Tom Heckert Not Helping Fix Team's 0-3 Record


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In the NFL, the only stat that matters is the number in the win column.


Right now, the Cleveland Browns have an 0-3 record, and some of the blame needs to fall on General Manager Tom Heckert.


We can sit here all day, arguing until we're blue in the face about the failings of the players and the coaching staff but at the end of the day, Heckert is the one in charge of the 53-man roster.


Before we get to Heckert, though, a moment to digress about the Browns coordinators.


While perusing various Browns related websites and digesting the different takes on the first three weeks of the season, several conclusions can be reached: the first being Offensive Coordinator Brian Daboll doesn't have very many friends.


Daboll's shortcomings as an offensive coordinator have been well documented by myself and others around here, so let's make sure this one point is on record: Daboll does not handle the pressures of the job during a game well at all. His offensive schemes are conservative and easily read by opposing defenses.


If things start to go wrong, Daboll panics and gets even more conservative, preferring to "play it safe" rather than give the ball back to someone who dropped a pass or fumbled a ball. He's not good at making adjustments and lacks imagination.


While there's another 3,000 words on the "Daboll Stinks and Should Be Fired" subject, let's bring this home to Heckert, who broke camp without any kind of star receiver on the roster.


None were drafted and he made no attempt to go out and get any in free agency or via a trade.


The Browns just picked up wide receiver Sam Aiken, but that's just feeding off of Bill Belichick's scraps, something that rarely ever works out for any team.


When Belichick is done with a player, 95 percent of the time it was for a very good reason.


Heckert knew coming in the only "veteran" wide receiver on the team was Chansi Stuckey. Other than that, there's Mohamed Massaquoi and Brian Robiskie, both of whom are entering their second year; only Massaquoi looks like he'll be any good, although his potential to be a star receiver is fading rapidly.


There's Joshua Cribbs, but he's become an all-purpose player and shouldn't be the team's No. 1 wide receiver.


If he's all they got, then great, use him, but Heckert hasn't done much to address the fact that without a deep threat, opposing defenses have a much easier day because they can just crowd the line and shut you down.


So what if Cribbs gets a couple of good catches? The other teams realize they'll just get us on the next play, and so far this year, that's exactly what has happened.



Turning to the defense, Defensive Coordinator Rob Ryan loves to blitz, and it bit him in the behind this past week as Joe Flacco turned one ill-advised blitz into seven points.


Of course, Ryan also left Eric Wright on Anquan Boldin, even though Boldin had proved halfway through the first quarter it was a complete mismatch.


Once again, Heckert broke camp with only three defensive backs and 12 linebackers. So if one of our DBs has a bad day, like . . . say . . . hmmm. . . ERIC WRIGHT, there's not a heck of a lot the coaching staff can do about it because who else is there?


That's not to excuse the coaching staff, though, who should've changed the assignment in the second half, but the adjustments issue is another article.


Peyton Hillis had a great game, but to think the Browns will get a bruising performance out of Hillis like that every week is just silly. The Browns need a speedy running back to compliment Hillis' frontal attack, or Hillis, like the wide receivers, will just get shut down.


But Heckert decided to trade away three draft picks to move up from the top of the third round to the bottom of the second round and take a running back with a significant injury history, Montario Hardesty.


Hardesty already had torn one ACL and had two knee surgeries. He was healthy his senior year, so Heckert decided to take a chance. Why he felt the need to move up, though, is the problem. This team has drafted badly enough over the years that losing any pick is a bad move.


Plus, Hardesty wasn't going anywhere. Why Heckert felt someone else was going to take this guy, not projected to go any higher than the end of the third round, will probably remain a mystery.


Heckert isn't talking about it after Hardesty was put on the injured reserve list after tearing his other ACL after only running a handful of plays in the last preseason game.


This isn't meant as a knock on Hardesty, who we all hope can return and be good, but that's assuming he ever sees the field. Hardesty could end up being a complete waste of three draft picks and that's something Heckert is accountable for.


To sum it up: Heckert made some questionable moves on draft day, didn't do much to address the team's lack of wide receivers, and felt going into the season with only three DBs was an acceptable situation. So this begs the question: is it any surprise this team is 0-3 ?


From: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/476868-...eams-0-3-record


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I certainly dont whole heartedly agree with the article, but have realized for some time that heckert has a blame stake in the losing as well right along with dabs and mangini, in the sense that he has repeatedly failed to get the coach a WR that can stretch the field and thats while several had been available...


Its the usual mess and as usual is an organizational failure from the top to the bottom, made worse with an awful OC and a coach that wont fire him, and for that the blame has to rest on the HC...

Its my guess that mangini foolishly staked it all on jake delhomme being able to get it done, its early in the season and we lost our starter in game one and we were winning up until that moment so im trying to lay off the blame game for now to see if after jake comes back in if the WRs suddenly and mysteriously catch on fire...

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None were drafted and he made no attempt to go out and get any in free agency or via a trade.


That is not true, the Browns drafted Carlton Mitchell in the 6th Round this season, add in high picks used on Mohamed Massaquoi and Brian Robiskie just last season, I'm one Browns fan who is glad that we didn't draft another WR. I was in favor of bringing in a Vet, but who is to say that we didn't try? What big time established receiving threat would have wanted to come here during the middle of our QB shuffle this past off-season?


The WR position is a major problem, but hardly Heckerts fault.

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Like others.. I can only agree and disagree to a point... When it comes to stretching the field..


Why are we not doing it. Is it because we don't have a fast enough WR? Or are we not calling those plays? I think it more the latter IMO. Really, how do we know for sure. I remember a post from someone who was at one of the games and said that the WR were getting seperation but it was either JD or Seneca that wasn't throwing it downfield. I think it was in the first game, in the second half. I am still not willing to put the entire blame on our WR's.... yet. Yes they are young and inexperienced... Yet I don't see the plays being called that proves anything yet. In fact there are plenty of passing plays not being called at all.. .let alone streak plays downfield... Slants.. crosses over the middle..


I do agree, that there were plenty of WR in the market that we should have tried for and we didn't do it.


As for a speedy back... Well.. I still like JH.. However, IMO, we aren't using him right when looking at the plays he's running...

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How many here think that Heckert should draft a QB with the next draft in the first round ? It is touted as a special class for QB. But our need seems to be a no 1 WR.



If Andrew Luck continues his impressive campaign....I'll take 0-16 just make sure we get him :)


Build with Quaterback

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Does it really surprise you that Heckert didn't go out and get a receiver??? Isn't that the ONE thing the eagles have been missing for 10 years (minus 1 year with TO) and was NEVER really addressed? (and yes I know Heckert was only with philly for about 6 of those years)


Anyway, who knows what really goes on behind the scenes...


On a quick side note.. I have been relatively impressed with Cribbs play at receiver. I bet this kid could play almost ANY position.. this kid is no joke!



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Does it really surprise you that Heckert didn't go out and get a receiver??? Isn't that the ONE thing the eagles have been missing for 10 years (minus 1 year with TO) and was NEVER really addressed? (and yes I know Heckert was only with philly for about 6 of those years)


Anyway, who knows what really goes on behind the scenes...


On a quick side note.. I have been relatively impressed with Cribbs play at receiver. I bet this kid could play almost ANY position.. this kid is no joke!



Doesn't philly have jackson and maclin. Those are a good 1 and 2 wr. So maybe heckert knows something obout wr.

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First off, Hardesty was a second round grade, he was listed in a lot of draft anyalist as a mid and late secound round. Secondly at this point last year we are better statistically in most categories than last year. In all 3 games we the lead going in or in the 4th quarter, but not able to finish. We don't have the players to do it nor would Heckert be able to get all the players this year. The coaching staff is going to stay through the year good or most likely bad, Holmgren is not going to fire them. I think he and Heckert have a group of personal in mind but weren't ready yet or could not leave their position this year.

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Giving up three draft picks for a RB with surgicaly repaired knees was a terrible move.This team had and still has a lot of holes.They could of came away with 4 starters from original 11 picks,instead we got 1 starter-Ward.


Actually it looks more like three starters you can add Hayden and Lauvao to the list. And hindsight is 20\20. Ward was an injury risk too- so how has that one turned out so far?


Yeah, the top FA WRs were all dying to come and play for a rebuilding 5-11 team.


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Actually it looks more like three starters you can add Hayden and Lauvao to the list. And hindsight is 20\20. Ward was an injury risk too- so how has that one turned out so far?


Yeah, the top FA WRs were all dying to come and play for a rebuilding 5-11 team.



The draft is a crapshoot & I would say we came out of it pretty well. There will be "question marks" that hit & "can't misses" that don't....Remember Mandarich, Leaf, Leinhart?

As far as the WR, hoorta said it perfectly. Most often, these guys would take less than what we would offer for a legitimate shot at a Super Bowl ring.


I just don't understand some folks continual negativity. Try looking at what Heckert & others HAVE done!


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How many here think that Heckert should draft a QB with the next draft in the first round ? It is touted as a special class for QB. But our need seems to be a no 1 WR.



Well, IF a guy like Andrew Luck or Ryan Mallet are truly deemed to be Top of the Draft Sure Fire Franchise QBs, then perhaps drafting a QB early in the first round (assuming the Browns indeed continue to lose at the rate they have been going) may be in order.


Luck seems like he may be the real deal. He had the pedigree....his daddy was an NFL QB. He has the intelligence....Stanford is one of the Top 10 academic institutions in the nation. He has the bazooka arm....according to all scouting reports. He had the size....about 6'4 or 6'5 and 240 pounds. Does he have the Chutzpah. That, as Hamlet said, is the question!

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Sporting News article just a couple of days ago on Top draft prospects.


I believe I caught it saying that Andrew Luck is the best QB prospect this writer/scout has seen in 10 years. That would make him perhaps the best prospect to come out since, say, Payton Manning?:




I would think however that the team from Buffalo would ultimately get the first crack at him or anyone else.

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Andrew Luck or Ryan Mallet, it is still early but I would like to see how they finish out their seasons and see who scores the highest in the wonderlic.


I would wager on the Stanford guy if you were taking odds. Here is why:


Stanford U.S.News and World Report ranking: #5 (behind only Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Yale)

Arkansas U.S. News and World Report rank: #132


Stanford acceptance rate: 8% of applicants.

Arkansas acceptance rate: 56% of applicants


Stanford student avg. HS GPA: 3.9

Arkansas student avg. HS GPA: 3.5


Stanford acceptee avg. SAT score: 1440

Arkansas acceptee avg. SAT score: 1140


Stanford acceptee avg ACT score: 32

Arkansas acceptee avg. ACT score: 25


For what this is worth.

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Well, IF a guy like Andrew Luck or Ryan Mallet are truly deemed to be Top of the Draft Sure Fire Franchise QBs, then perhaps drafting a QB early in the first round (assuming the Browns indeed continue to lose at the rate they have been going) may be in order.


Luck seems like he may be the real deal. He had the pedigree....his daddy was an NFL QB. He has the intelligence....Stanford is one of the Top 10 academic institutions in the nation. He has the bazooka arm....according to all scouting reports. He had the size....about 6'4 or 6'5 and 240 pounds. Does he have the Chutzpah. That, as Hamlet said, is the question!


His coach is a guy they nicked name "Captain Comeback" from what I've seen,some of that has begun to rub off



No thanks to Ryan Mallet....Derek Anderson part II...right down to the size 17s

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