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Donte Whitner


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It looks like the Bills know they are really far away from doing much in reagards to winning. I have seen a few rumors that they might be making a few more trades to get some more picks. What are your thoughts on how much to give up to get Donte Whitner . Would he be worth a 2nd or 3rd? I think he would be a a great addition if we had him, compared to Elam.

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It looks like the Bills know they are really far away from doing much in reagards to winning. I have seen a few rumors that they might be making a few more trades to get some more picks. What are your thoughts on how much to give up to get Donte Whitner . Would he be worth a 2nd or 3rd? I think he would be a a great addition if we had him, compared to Elam.



How about the front office just continues to attempt to do it's due diligence and draft well. Good teams build through the draft, they don't ship off draft picks for random players. The Bills need a QB and they'll be fine. I also don't they are looking to move Whitner.

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I know that there are a lot of Ohio State fans on this board and that there is a lot of bias towards them, but come on guys. Witner has been an underachiever from day one. When he was drafted in the top ten, everyone was dumbfounded by it and still are. He may be good but we might never know because he has horrible players around him. I like our chances with Asante.

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Why do you guys want all these overrated Ohio State players? how long before we have a "please sign Maurice Clarett" thread? It was bad enough when I saw all the please get Troy Smith junk. I understand you are obsessed, fine wear your red and gray on Saturday and wear your brown and orange on Sunday. There's no reason why those have to go together. I'm not around here saying OMG bring back Charlie Frye, sign Jason Taylor and trade for Reggie Corner. Because I know there are better options out there, and I don't care what college our guys come from as long as we win! Our best player is from freaking Can't State, but Cribbs is a beast so I couldn't care less. You need to think of what's best for the Browns, not yourself.


Go Hoosiers!

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Seriously, where do people come up with this stuff? Whitner is not good. Moss just went for a 3rd and you would give up a 2nd or 3rd for a below average safety? These are the same people that question the FO and bash the coach. Come on man.


First and foremost I never stated I wanted a 2nd or 3rd so get your shit straight, I said do you think he is worth it. We wasted a 2nd on Vekunie or whatever his name was last year. We traded our Number 1 last year and Elam was involved and he is nothing but pure ass. I am not a homer on OSU but I do think that Whitner would be an upgrade over Elam.

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First and foremost I never stated I wanted a 2nd or 3rd so get your shit straight, I said do you think he is worth it. We wasted a 2nd on Vekunie or whatever his name was last year. We traded our Number 1 last year and Elam was involved and he is nothing but pure ass. I am not a homer on OSU but I do think that Whitner would be an upgrade over Elam.

The fact that you asked speaks volumes. Just because the Browns made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that they should be in a hurry to do it again. I would rather see them use picks on unproven rookies than proven underachievers.


Also the trade last year was Sanchez for Mack, Ratliff, Coleman, Elam, and Veikune. Not exactly a bad deal for the Browns.

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First and foremost I never stated I wanted a 2nd or 3rd so get your shit straight, I said do you think he is worth it. We wasted a 2nd on Vekunie or whatever his name was last year. We traded our Number 1 last year and Elam was involved and he is nothing but pure ass. I am not a homer on OSU but I do think that Whitner would be an upgrade over Elam.


Nice try dude.


But seriously I think we should trade our 1st and 2nd round picks, along with Joe Thomas, to the 49ers for Troy Smith and Ted Ginn. I think Thomas is good but he went to Wisconsin which is not Ohio State so he automatically sucks. Then we can sign Maurice Clarett and cut Peyton Hillis and Harrison.


Imagine this starting offense!


QB - Troy Smith

RB - Maurice Clarett

WR - Brian Robiskie

WR- Ted Ginn JR


Super Bowl? I think so....

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You asked if he was worth a second or third....that's fact. And he's not....if you're gonna bag mangini for missing on viekune and 'wasting' a second, you've gotta be brain dead to waste another pick on whitner. Dv. Was an unknown....we know whitener sucks....so your thread is just wrong on so many levels.

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You asked if he was worth a second or third....that's fact. And he's not....if you're gonna bag mangini for missing on viekune and 'wasting' a second, you've gotta be brain dead to waste another pick on whitner. Dv. Was an unknown....we know whitener sucks....so your thread is just wrong on so many levels.



Who are you again, oh thats right the same person I am here. You know nothing about running an organiztion, just like i do not. Hence the reason we post on the Browns Board. The thread was about possibly getting Whitner to replace Elam, I dont give a shit the actual compensation for him, I was asking what we thought his worth was, then you proceed to try and make an ass out of me. Post some actual facts about not getting him instead of he said she said. Everyone on here knows Elam is not the answer right now and maybe Larry Asante might be our future, but maybe not. Give me some stats before insulting man. Dont treat me like a f%%king squeelers troll.

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You asked if he was worth a second or third....that's fact. And he's not....if you're gonna bag mangini for missing on viekune and 'wasting' a second, you've gotta be brain dead to waste another pick on whitner. Dv. Was an unknown....we know whitener sucks....so your thread is just wrong on so many levels.


Also I have never bagged or will bag EM, im just stating the fact that some times a 2nd or 3rd dont work out.

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From what it looks like, Whitner isn't doing too bad this season. He already has like 36 tackles and is projected to have around 140 if his pace keeps up, but the fact of the matter is we already have a solid hard tackling Safety in Ward, why would we need 2. If we were to pick up an other safety we need one that is good in coverage and at the moment I think that Elem is a better coverage safety than Whitner. We need to look into another CB is Eric Wright doesn't turn his shit around.

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It looks like the Bills know they are really far away from doing much in reagards to winning. I have seen a few rumors that they might be making a few more trades to get some more picks. What are your thoughts on how much to give up to get Donte Whitner . Would he be worth a 2nd or 3rd? I think he would be a a great addition if we had him, compared to Elam.



We could use a good DB, I say try and get him for a second or third round pick, or trade Eric Wright even up.


Isn't it funny how a lot of people dont want us to draft Buckeye players and they continue to out perform all of those draft day beauty queens.

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The Homer is strong in you t.....


I don't care where they go to school.....but the Rosetta colored glasses sure xxxx up alot of y'all....


Suckeyes can do no wrong.....Eric Wright gets crusified for 2 bad games. Some consistency would be nice....36 tackles? Whoop Dee xxxxin doo....we don't have a tackling problem.




Give it up for homotron though.....only reply that resembled any sense.

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The Homer is strong in you t.....


I don't care where they go to school.....but the Rosetta colored glasses sure xxxx up alot of y'all....


Suckeyes can do no wrong.....Eric Wright gets crusified for 2 bad games. Some consistency would be nice....36 tackles? Whoop Dee xxxxin doo....we don't have a tackling problem.




Give it up for homotron though.....only reply that resembled any sense.


Dude, did you see Robiskie he had 1 catch yesterday! I will officially admit I was wrong and that he will be a hall of famer. With that 5 yard catch, that gives him 3 on the season!!!!!!! it's just amazing, I can't believe all the media hype around this Hillis guy, but NO one is talking about Robiskie and his Pro Bowl bound stats. At this rate he should have about 8 receptions on the year averaging about 5 yards per catch. Not bad at all!!! Go OSwho SUCKEYES


Go Wisconsin!



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The Homer is strong in you t.....


I don't care where they go to school.....but the Rosetta colored glasses sure xxxx up alot of y'all....


Suckeyes can do no wrong.....Eric Wright gets crusified for 2 bad games. Some consistency would be nice....36 tackles? Whoop Dee xxxxin doo....we don't have a tackling problem.




Give it up for homotron though.....only reply that resembled any sense.


Just like with EVERY school out there, any particular colleges alum are going to have some hits and some misses in the NFL. Ohio State included. The only reason Ohio State is discussed in this vain is because this, after all is an Ohio based entity, the Browns are an Ohio team, and many if not most Browns fans are also OSU fans. So, sure, there is going to be some familiarity and some affinity toward the OSU players. If you took all the player drafted in the last 10 years from all the major college programs you are going to get some good picks and some bad picks. I think I will start another thread on this subject, concentating solely on the Browns picks and the schools/conferences they come from

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