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Westside Steve

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What was really fun, is when you and your other libs lambasted Pres Bush and VP Cheney for it


for seems like thousands of times....


only to have us tell you it was a lie.


And then, yes. It was a lie. Once they found out who did it....


case close.


That WAS fun !


Plume and Wilson were politically motivated jerkfaces who accused a Pres and VP falsely.


I believe it was Holbrooke who "outed" them.


But no... never a word about him. All accusations disappeared.


No apology from Plume or Wilson. The left never apologize, they just accuse everybody else of


something else, anything else.

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I did? How'd I do that?


Everyone suspected that it came from the Vice President's office. And then the investigation found that it came from the Vice President's office. And then they convicted a guy in the Vice President's office who was close to the Vice President. And then they said, "There is a cloud over the vice president . . . And that cloud remains because this defendant obstructed justice."


Yeah, had that all wrong.

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and that guy who did it was immediately dropped from any outrage whatsoever.


It was a poltiical hack job to get Bush and Cheney. When they weren't involved....


your'alls liberal outrage was proved phoney again.


No principles, no values.

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I did? How'd I do that?


Everyone suspected that it came from the Vice President's office. And then the investigation found that it came from the Vice President's office. And then they convicted a guy in the Vice President's office who was close to the Vice President. And then they said, "There is a cloud over the vice president . . . And that cloud remains because this defendant obstructed justice."


Yeah, had that all wrong.


So who in the vague area of "the vice presidents office" leaked it?


ya DID have that all wrong.

Amd faking reports to sabotage the war effort and the Bush administration in turn is seditious.


Stll I'm sure Sean Penn wil sort it out to your liking.



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Steve, are you serious? Where do you get your facts? We know who did the leaking. Libby, Rove, and Armitage. That's what the investigation found. What they couldn't answer is what part the Vice President played because Libby obstructed justice.


Let's not do this again.


You're still wrong.


We know what you wished for.


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I can't believe Heck is holding onto the big lie.


It's over, Heck. Your Saul Alinski worhipping heroes had it wrong.


But, they don't care. Neither do you, apparently.


It's always amusing when the libs, now only Heck, come around here,


and blabber about wanting serious conversation.


Then they never man up with any.


What is it about them, that Heck and the rest rarely, if ever,


started their own thread?


Libs attack. It's all they do. Anything else, and they are frightened.


Libs hate standing up for any value or principle. They think that's what makes


them special and brilliant and superior and that they have a kind of purpose.

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Scooters doing time because it was all false?


Rove's a big ball o' bitch and he sent word to get wilson.


But yea, conservatives don't do that kinda crap.


Like Rove didn't accuse mcCain of having an illegitimate black child or call Max Cleland of being a communist.

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Scooters doing time because it was all false?


Well he isn't doing time because anybody outed Plame.


Rove's a big ball o' bitch and he sent word to get wilson.


Ball O Bitch??

Well gee since you put it that way.....


But yea, conservatives don't do that kinda crap.


Like Rove didn't accuse mcCain of having an illegitimate black child or call Max Cleland of being a communist.




Hey are you Hecks source??????



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Naw! I'm what you guys call a liberal. But I think of myself as a centrist.

I really don't care for liberal causes and all that, but I really don't like conservative pundits who just make stuff up.

I think most politicians end up doing stupid stuff anyway that you don't really need to make up crazy crap about them.

It just makes it hard to believe anything you have to say.


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Naw! I'm what you guys call a liberal. But I think of myself as a centrist.


Well I don't know exactly what I am but many of my positions are shared by the left. Hell I may be further left than some of em on some things.

Other things I'm to the right of many.


I really don't care for liberal causes and all that, but I really don't like conservative pundits who just make stuff up.

I think most politicians end up doing stupid stuff anyway that you don't really need to make up crazy crap about them.

It just makes it hard to believe anything you have to say.


I don't believe (or care about) much of what either side says.


I think it's stupid to turn two crooked people (Plam and Wilson) into mythical beings.

No one denies he falsified his report and that the two gave differing stories about how he came to get the assignment.

Is that inaccuracy better or worse than when Libby misspoke?

I guess you can decide.


Also with your Rove accusation I suppose it's be easy enough to identify the source of those phantom McCain baby calls.

And it'd be a huge story.


My guess is IF they occurred it was the opposition looking to cause a stink.

If you think about it the polls were saying Kerry McCain at that point.

But that's just a guess too.


Also Max Cleland is an adult.

If one wished to make a career out of hard military service he'll face some nasty ads.

Ask John McCain.


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Also Max Cleland is an adult.

If one wished to make a career out of hard military service he'll face some nasty ads.

Ask John McCain.


True, but it would take a real turd blossom to call an adult like that a communist.


Do you think this movie is going to make heroes out of Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame the way sean penn made a hero out of Harvey Milk?

I think the only people who'll attend that sermon is the choir.

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Steve, even John McCain blames Bush and Rove for those phone calls. He's angry about it to this day. It's why he doesn't like George Bush, and had to swallow his pride in order to campaign for him. Initially, he said he wouldn't. Because of those phone calls.


You really should stop pretending that we don't know how this happened, as if it's still an open question.

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Steve, even John McCain blames Bush and Rove for those phone calls. He's angry about it to this day. It's why he doesn't like George Bush, and had to swallow his pride in order to campaign for him. Initially, he said he wouldn't. Because of those phone calls.


You really should stop pretending that we don't know how this happened, as if it's still an open question.

Ha. Everybody knows Obama is a socialist Kenya born Muslim.

Admit it.


We don't need no stinking proof.


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and it would really be the easiest thing in the world to document.


So would wmds, but that didn't stop every conservative pundit and even the former president from believing in a fantasy. Now they're all trying to make it seem like it was a wonderful idea.


When's that movie coming out?

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Naw! I'm what you guys call a liberal. But I think of myself as a centrist.

I really don't care for liberal causes and all that, but I really don't like conservative pundits who just make stuff up.

I think most politicians end up doing stupid stuff anyway that you don't really need to make up crazy crap about them.

It just makes it hard to believe anything you have to say.


What was made up? I haven't heard one thing that was made up. You'd think the lib media would go


berserk over that. Name one, just curious.


Nobody is saying one party anything. The current Republicans admit they didn't do what they should have,


cut the budget, etc.


but the corrupt, opaque Obamao regime blew it way past the ability to eventually get the balanced budget back.


Now, it's critical. Even Germany, China and Russia say so. Odd... they never said that back when the Reps started


pushing the deficit spending (primarily because of 9/11), but hardly solely because of...).


And, think of yourself as a centrist all you life, but you seem to be way left.


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Naw! I'm what you guys call a liberal. But I think of myself as a centrist.

I really don't care for liberal causes and all that, but I really don't like conservative pundits who just make stuff up.

I think most politicians end up doing stupid stuff anyway that you don't really need to make up crazy crap about them.

It just makes it hard to believe anything you have to say.


What was made up? I haven't heard one thing that was made up. You'd think the lib media would go


berserk over that. Name one, just curious.








That Obama is a Muslim was pretty significant, or that he wasn't a citizen.

I think Obama and the democrats have been pretty able to screw things up so that people notice without whole networks devoted to making stuff up.

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That Obama is a Muslim was pretty significant, or that he wasn't a citizen.


Neither one of those ever came from Beck or Hannity or Rush, that I'm aware of.


Most all the conservative pundits I have heard, give the reasoning about why it's a controversy.


I figure he was born here. but he doesn't act like he is an American. He's more global government/George Soros


alienated from believing in America, and who doesn't believe in us. Well, he dissed our Constitution, he lambasted


the Supreme Court from ruling like he didn't want them to, and he has been cold if not hostile to Israel,


while reaching out hugely at every turn to Muslims.


Hasn't gone to any synagogue. But there isn't a mosque he won't miss before his term is over. He has anti-captalist

rads all over his admin, and the Open Society no borders-America is the enemy George Soros ... has been to the

WH four times already.


I'm waiting for liberals to realize that things are wrong in Obamao land, instead of dissing conservatives

like good little Manson family members.


It's time to quit the cult, libs. And start realizing that the emotionalism is leading you away from

logically thinking about what is really going on.


Personally attack Beck all you want. and Hannity. and Mark Levin. and Rush. But for once, tell me where they are

wrong about what they are saying. Mark Levin is the guy I respect most. But, Beck is talking about "spooky dude",

and he is absolutely on to big time stuff.

He doesn't have to make stuff up. He shows Soros and Obamao etc, in video clips saying exactly what they are saying.


forget Beck personally. It's the truth about what is GOING ON that worries me.

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