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How Bad Do The Squealers Suck?


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"Aura of the Steelers"


seriously you sound like a star-struck groupie. Did you loser your virginity to a heifer from a Stoolers bar or something? Get a grip. They're just a football team, not Angels in piss and black. Angels wouldn't abuse steroids or HGH or have officials on their payroll.

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"Aura of the Steelers"


seriously you sound like a star-struck groupie. Did you loser your virginity to a heifer from a Stoolers bar or something? Get a grip. They're just a football team, not Angels in piss and black. Angels wouldn't abuse steroids or HGH

Agreed. Harrison loves him some roids.

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Being a die-hard fan doesn't include being a pussy faggot that talks shit via internet forums. That's just being an immature douchebag, which you've proven to be on many occasions.



Once your balls drop, maybe you'll realize this. All this thread will prove to do is cause internet fights, which mean about as much in the grand scheme of things as a mosquito's pussy fart.



Jesus Christ, grow up you xxxxing infantile douchebag. I've had it with you, you're nothing but an ignorant pussy who tries to stir the pot just for shits and gigs. Kids like you come and go, and none of them contribute anything to this forum, or society for that matter. You know nothing about football outside of what you've gathered from playing Madden with your other middle school friends.


By all means, continue to sit behind a keyboard and talk shit about the Steelers, the Ravens, the Bengals, or any team you want if you think that's what being a "die-hard" fan is. As for the rest of us, we'll continue to intelligently discuss all things Browns without having needless Steeler insults spew out of our xxxx.


You can believe that on weeks 14 and 17, I'll be singing a different tune. But I'm not going to go out of my way to be a dick. That achieves nothing.

lol look at you up here! big man on the browns board talking shit over the net! congrats man youre awesome. Let me know when youll be at the muni we can have a few beers and tailgate together! excuse me tho i gotta go eat some weights n the weight room little guy! peace

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Yes, the Steelers have a fairly sizable national following because of their success. But yes, much of that is the FRAK factor. Yes, give credit to the Steelers Front Office for pulling off such a string of success......but the truth is, if the teams in similar places like say Buffalo, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Chicago or Philly had a similar run they too would have been the darlings of the FRAK squad.


Now, can someone respond to my assertion that the Browns-Steelers is one of the truest rivalries in the NFL, and not just a rivalry of winning programs, like the Ravens/Steelers or Pats/Colts?

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had fun reading post of actual people who commented on the topic. Its NFL football and a fanpage, have a little fun with it guys. No body is winning a contest for who can "act" the most mature. You root and get crazy for favorite teams not sit by a fireside and drink tea with your pinky out!


I played college ball n maybe thats why im such an over the top fanatic...ive seen the craizest of crazy fans at rallys

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All I was saying really is let's get some wins under our belt or at least compete before we start popping off at the mouth. It's like going against someone in any kind of competition and lose time and time again. Trash talk doesn't usually work on those that win on a consistent basis (see Michael Jordan). Once again Jake I see where you're coming from but most of us want to see it on the field so we can talk about it. 28-10 or 41-9 is hardly competing. Now had those outcomes been different or the shoe was on the other foot then yeah I can see us barking the Steelers suck. We all love this team and want them to exceed our expectations but I for one have got to see it on the field before I go and bash a rival team that has dominated us for a decade. And even worse that rival team has had the success that no one can take away from them...as much as we'd like to.

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lol look at you up here! big man on the browns board talking shit over the net! congrats man youre awesome. Let me know when youll be at the muni we can have a few beers and tailgate together! excuse me tho i gotta go eat some weights n the weight room little guy! peace


Actually he's a pretty big dude..

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jake, have you forgotten in your week and a half posting here how this thread began? with you running your cry hole at people who were bleeding brown and orange before your balls even dropped.


nice try tho....the irony in your posts is astounding. :ph34r:

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lol look at you up here! big man on the browns board talking shit over the net! congrats man youre awesome. Let me know when youll be at the muni we can have a few beers and tailgate together! excuse me tho i gotta go eat some weights n the weight room little guy! peace


I'm just playing your game, babygirl.


I'm not having this same conversation about size that I've already had with the last jackoff xxxxwit to think he was a hardass because he did curls three times a week.



If you want to have it in person, you can have it with me in Asheville on Sept. 25. That's the day I'll be working out for pro scouts. NFL Films will be there, maybe you can get your five minutes of fame.


had fun reading post of actual people who commented on the topic. Its NFL football and a fanpage, have a little fun with it guys. No body is winning a contest for who can "act" the most mature. You root and get crazy for favorite teams not sit by a fireside and drink tea with your pinky out!


I played college ball n maybe thats why im such an over the top fanatic...ive seen the craizest of crazy fans at rallys



As did I. Division 1. Playing college ball isn't an excuse for you to be a douchebag, however. And unless you played in the South, I highly doubt that. You haven't seen a crazy college fan until you've been to Gainesville, or Athens, or Columbia on gameday. Redneck fans don't give a shit.

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those Squealer fans are either 1) transplanted Pennsylvania natives or 2) FRONTRUNNERS.

I have been saying this got years. It's not that Steeler fans travel to Seattle and Minnesota for games. It's that they are already there. It's the same reason why so many Yankee fans are in ballparks across the nation. That reason is simple: they're assholes.

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there's a ton of pittsburgh transplants for a reason....the city sux ass to find a decent job. population is a third of what it was 20 years ago....house fires every single day because of all the old abandoned buildings and homes.


they dont travel well....they dont need to. most pitt fans dont live in pitt anymore.

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congrats both browns and steeler fans. we let a little douchebag come in here and rile everyone up after the second PRESEASON game! Fxxk this little punk. i got more respect for the steeler trolls on this board than i do for jake24.


BTW what's the 24 for? what you're 2' tall? fidget.

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Why is Green Bay best all time........they won four bowls while the Steelers won six...........using your logic the Browns are the best all time.............take advantage of history.......


orf just make up your own rules as you go along.........if you do the Bears are supreme...........otherwise get real..




anyway your logic is non existent........the Steelers are by far the best franchise for the past 41 years and that is more than half of the real NFL existence

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I'm already sick of hearing about the Squealers already and we're in Week 2 of the Preseason. Tired of looking at them, hearing their name and tired of hearing about Little Ben. Let's just keep a topic thread open where we can just bash the Squealers and get some things off our chest if need be during the year. Every Browns fan needs a place where they can go to a say a few things (explicit) about that group..............


Let's hear it

Ha ha ha ha ha ha... Its Football Season !!

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This is why everyone hates Steeler fans. You don't see any other fanbase try and wipe out half of the NFL's history .. especially when they were part of it!


According to http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/


By Championships:


1. Packers 13

2. Bears 9

3. Browns 8

4. Giants 7

5. Steelers 6



By Winnning %


1. Bears .579

2. Cowboys .576

3. Dolphins .576

4. Packers .559

5. Vikings .551

6. Browns .549


14. Steelers .520


By Wins


1. Bears 704

2. Packers 664

3. Giants 636

4. Redskins 547

5. Steelers 541



By Playoff Seasons


1. Giants 30

2. Cowboys 30

3. Browns 28

4. Rams 27

5. Packers 26

6. Steelers 26


There is absolutely no way you can convince anyone that the Steelers are a greater NFL franchise than the Packers or the Bears. And you'd have a damn hard argument saying they were greater than the Browns or Giants either. At the very best, they are fifth, with the cowboys dead on their ass.



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This is why everyone hates Steeler fans. You don't see any other fanbase try and wipe out half of the NFL's history .. especially when they were part of it!


According to http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/


By Championships:


1. Packers 13

2. Bears 9

3. Browns 8

4. Giants 7

5. Steelers 6



By Winnning %


1. Bears .579

2. Cowboys .576

3. Dolphins .576

4. Packers .559

5. Vikings .551

6. Browns .549


14. Steelers .520


By Wins


1. Bears 704

2. Packers 664

3. Giants 636

4. Redskins 547

5. Steelers 541



By Playoff Seasons


1. Giants 30

2. Cowboys 30

3. Browns 28

4. Rams 27

5. Packers 26

6. Steelers 26


There is absolutely no way you can convince anyone that the Steelers are a greater NFL franchise than the Packers or the Bears. And you'd have a damn hard argument saying they were greater than the Browns or Giants either. At the very best, they are fifth, with the cowboys dead on their ass.





Do your figures include AAFC years, or only NFL years? (Don't forget, the Steelers have played at least 16 more seasons than the Browns)

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... come on man The Browns were Great ! Phenomenal even. And Pittsburgh was Crap. We know it and Understand it. You cant tell me that what they have done During the Super Bowl ERA isnt Impressive correct ? Hey I respect the Pack the Browns the Giants as the Early Stud Franchises of the Game ! But all of them have had Stretches of Ordinary and worse... Just as Pittsburgh did early on. I would say the Most Impressive thing about the Steelers Franchise has been how Long they have Held Strong since. Props to the Trailblazing Squads NY GB ( and GB and NY have also represented in the Modern ERA as well ) And C`Town... But Props also to Pittsburgh Dallas SF and NE for what they have done since ! They ALL Hold Royal Spots on the NFL Crest.

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... come on man The Browns were Great ! Phenomenal even. And Pittsburgh was Crap. We know it and Understand it. You cant tell me that what they have done During the Super Bowl ERA isnt Impressive correct ? Hey I respect the Pack the Browns the Giants as the Early Stud Franchises of the Game ! But all of them have had Stretches of Ordinary and worse... Just as Pittsburgh did early on. I would say the Most Impressive thing about the Steelers Franchise has been how Long they have Held Strong since. Props to the Trailblazing Squads NY GB ( and GB and NY have also represented in the Modern ERA as well ) And C`Town... But Props also to Pittsburgh Dallas SF and NE for what they have done since ! They ALL Hold Royal Spots on the NFL Crest.



Well, that is the pure cyclical nature of the sport. Those crowns you are passing out are the result of good organizations, and as often as not a stellar coach/QB combination. Think about the great dynasties:

The early Packers combo of Curly Lambeau and Arnie Herber

The 40s Bears combo of George Halas and Sid Luckman

The 40s/50s Browns with Paul Brown and Otto Graham

The 60s Packers with Vince Lombardi and Bart Starr

The 70s Steelers with Chuck Noll and Terry Bradshaw

The 80s 49ers with Bill Walsh and Joe Montana

The 90s Cowboys with Jimmy Johnson and Troy Aikman

The 00s Patriots with Belichick and Brady


A couple of organizations have had a reprise, like the Cowboys who with Landry and Staubach who except for a couple of close losses to the Steelers in the SB could have been one of the great dynasties. The Steelers have had somewhat of a reprise lately with a couple wins and a loss in the SB. Who knows who is poised to be the next dynasty. It could be someone from out of left field. Maybe the Saints run off a couple of SBs in a row here to get them into this team picture. Maybe it will be the Seattle Seahawks or the Jacksonville Jaguars...or the Cleveland Browns or the Cincinnati Bengals. Stay tuned.

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So much for the few responses by tim couch pulls out on how stupid this thread was....these arguments and comments make for some good shit to read. Bottom line no matter how much you hate it...fans fighting for their favorite team makes for a great column


Agree with zombo as well....theres no way in hell you can say Pittsburgh is a better franchise then the Packs or Bears

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This is why everyone hates Steeler fans. You don't see any other fanbase try and wipe out half of the NFL's history .. especially when they were part of it!


According to http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/


By Championships:


1. Packers 13

2. Bears 9

3. Browns 8 <--- 4 NFL Championships

4. Giants 7

5. Steelers 6


Still love counting those old AAFC titles like they're world championships, eh??


Well fine, since we're on the history debate let's go to the NFL records book...


World Champions:

1946 - Chicago Bears

1947 - Chicago Cardinals

1948 - Philadelphia Eagles

1949 - Philadelphia Eagles


The AAFC titles are noteworthy but it was a league that only lasted 4 years and had only one other team go to the NFL, the pre-Montana 49ers. The AAFC championships banners from '46-'49 can be hung proudly in CBS but if you try to pass them off as "World Championship banners" then Cleveland should have joined the league a few years earlier.

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Still love counting those old AAFC titles like they're world championships, eh??


Well fine, since we're on the history debate let's go to the NFL records book...


World Champions:

1946 - Chicago Bears

1947 - Chicago Cardinals

1948 - Philadelphia Eagles

1949 - Philadelphia Eagles


The AAFC titles are noteworthy but it was a league that only lasted 4 years and had only one other team go to the NFL, the pre-Montana 49ers. The AAFC championships banners from '46-'49 can be hung proudly in CBS but if you try to pass them off as "World Championship banners" then Cleveland should have joined the league a few years earlier.


Pro Football Reference recognizes the AFL and AAFC champonships, as they are considered major professional leagues. As does the Pro Football Hall of Fame.


If you want to throw away the history of teams like the Raiders, Bills, 49ers and Browns ... that's par for the course as a Steeler fan ... but true NFL historians include those franchises from their birth.



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Pro Football Reference recognizes the AFL and AAFC champonships, as they are considered major professional leagues. As does the Pro Football Hall of Fame.


If you want to throw away the history of teams like the Raiders, Bills, 49ers and Browns ... that's par for the course as a Steeler fan ... but true NFL historians include those franchises from their birth.



The NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Period. AAFC is like the OLD NCAA Div 1~AA Titles ( and whatever they call it now ) Granted the Browns Squads during those years had NFL Caliber talent Most of the League was 2nd level. Argue all you want The NFL DOESN'T Recognize it .

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Pro Football Reference recognizes the AFL and AAFC champonships, as they are considered major professional leagues. As does the Pro Football Hall of Fame.


If you want to throw away the history of teams like the Raiders, Bills, 49ers and Browns ... that's par for the course as a Steeler fan ... but true NFL historians include those franchises from their birth.



Yes, much respect that the profootballreference.com and the HOF recognize the championships, but you will not find those titles listed as "world championship" in the record books of the most important source of all: the National Football League.


We'll make a deal: Steelers fans won't try to ignore history as long as Browns fans don't try to rewrite history.

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