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The Very First Hint Of A Decent Team And We Turn Into The Old Browns


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What excuse is it this time homers? We played the best defense in the league? Still learning a new offense?

This team is still 3 years away from the playoffs, and that's IF we hit home runs in our drafts.

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We're playing like crap. Plain and simple.


I think this year still has some hope attatched to it, simply because of the schedule, but McCoy's progression, lack of WR depth, and trying to figure out if the WCO is even the right fit for the offense are sadly, all long-term projects.


After last week I thought 10-6 and now I think 8-8. There will be weeks like this... sadly.

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and trying to figure out if the WCO is even the right fit for the offense

you better hope so because that what holmgren and his regime has brought in and i don't think you'll ever see him change his mind and admit he was wrong.


hey it's still early in the season BUT we played much better last year with a tougher schedule.

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I do have to say that there is something very much "off" about watching Colt in the WCO sometimes. He literally looks restricted.


Mangini's system gave him freedom and without any playmaker WR's, I really think you run the risk of stunting his growth if it's just one checkdown after another.

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This team gave up in the 2nd quarter. Don't think I've ever seen that before in the NFL. I'm sure there are some high school teams out there that would have at least put up a better fight...


It's Tennessee. Not Greenbay, not Baltimore, not New England...but we make every crap team look like a superbowl contender

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Its not the wrs calling the plays....its not the wrs checking down, its no the wrs throwing ducks that hang in the air for 5 minutes. I by no means love these receivers, but I see alot of you using them as the scapegoat for noodles. I saw open receivers, and a QB that can't get them the ball. I also saw an OC that has no clue how to call a game.

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No excuses. The Browns simply played poorly. On to next week.

The single player that is driving me nuts is Sheldon Brown. He is a 32 yr old vet & got burned for a short TD (AND interfered) without EVER looking back for the ball? Try him at safety or stick a fork in him....he's done.

As far as Hardesty, maybe he should have been pulled due to his drops, but Hillis may still be a little run down.

I'm still a Brown's Fan but I'm also realistic. They are heading in the right direction, but they also have a ways to go.


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Lots of blame to go around in this one from the playcalling right down to personnel choices and execution..

I am downgrading from an 8-8 season to a 7-9...


This team still has a long way to go and the titans did a good job of painfully revealing most of what needs work to the naked eye..

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Nobody mentioned the shitty tackling- unacceptable.


I was worried about the defense, and today, it all came to be. We have no speed at LB at all. The opposing TEs are going to kill us the rest of the season, we can't cover the TE.

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Despite obvious lack of talent/playmakers the browns looked like they were just going through the motions today. It's pretty early in the season to put out such a lackadasical


effort. Shumur has to shoulder the blame for the embarassing performance at home. The 97 yd pick six was disgraceful. Factor in having to endure the network


commentator pointing out just how lousy the Browns' are every five minutes and you end up with a waste of a Sundy afternoon. f gannon

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Nobody mentioned the shitty tackling- unacceptable.


I was worried about the defense, and today, it all came to be. We have no speed at LB at all. The opposing TEs are going to kill us the rest of the season, we can't cover the TE.



Good call Bob.. we also have no speed at RB... no speed at receiver... and with the exception of Haden, no speed in the defensive backfield... Usama Young on the 80 yd TD... WTF?????


Fujiita and Gocong run like they're stuck in the mud...


We are so slow it is almost painful to watch...

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This coaching staff refuses to make changes during half time to adjust the game.

They decide we are going to throw the ball and even if it doesn't work... they stick with it.

I still see positives and think this WILL be a good team..... soon!

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Let's not panic yet, as I think we all know we don't have the horses yet to compete for the playoffs.


This was their worst effort, but they have a Bye week and hopefully, will tweak their schemes on both sides of the ball.


I think our top priority in the draft should be a speedy OLB that knocks opponents on their ass. Problem is, I've been saying that for 10 years.

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Why isn't Holmgren coaching this team ? We have a hall of fame coach employed by the Browns watching from a luxury suite. If anyone can make the WCO work in Cleveland it would be him. Shurmur should be the OC, not HC. I'm still not happy we ran Mangini out of town. If Holmgren didn't want to coach why not install a new OC and work with Mangini to make him a better coach? At least EM teams were disciplined and didn't make so many mental errors. We just aren't getting anything from having Holmgren here IMO.


I'd like to see us make some changes after the bye week. Start Little and Skrine. Bench Nocatchski, and Sheldon Brown goes to nickel back. Put Mitchell in there and try to stretch the defense with his speed a few plays a game.


McCoy has the happy feet, probably because our line isn't giving him much time to to throw. He doesn't watch the recievers long enough for them to get open, he looks forthe checkdowns immediately He looked better last year, but i'm nowhere near ready to give up on the kid.

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