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Seriously Peyton?


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Does the guy have to hold on to your wanker when you take a pi$$ as well. These agents are just in it for themselves. I don't care what they say.





BTW - I love the guy and the Browns should pay him, but really?? He also needs to fired his dumb@ss agent!! I have a feeling this situation had to do with not getting the ball very much last game.

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Does the guy have to hold on to your wanker when you take a pi$$ as well. These agents are just in it for themselves. I don't care what they say.





BTW - I love the guy and the Browns should pay him, but really?? He also needs to fired his dumb@ss agent!! I have a feeling this situation had to do with not getting the ball very much last game.


I couldn't agree with you more! I have lost a lot of respect for Hillis as a result of this story. He denied it and of course many believed him (not me), and now the truth comes out. Hillis made the decision his agent told him to make! And he absolutely should have treated the way he was in the last game by the coaches. He needs to listen to the dr.s not his agent.

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Does the guy have to hold on to your wanker when you take a pi$$ as well. These agents are just in it for themselves. I don't care what they say.





BTW - I love the guy and the Browns should pay him, but really?? He also needs to fired his dumb@ss agent!! I have a feeling this situation had to do with not getting the ball very much last game.


+1 on fire his agent. The guy is apparently counting on Hillis for a big payday.

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this made some of the espn afternoon shows yesterday and a lot of people realize that a RB may only have that one window of opportunity to get 'paid' but they also wonderied why he wasn't playing with strept throat, comparing that to a sniffle when you have a punctured lung and a cracked rib or playing with a makeshift flexible cast on your foot.


this dude should talk without the presence of his agent who is really only out for his cut anyway.

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MT..While I usually agree with you're viewpoints in this case the Browns are penny pinching Hillis

They are 10's of millions under the cap..Took care of Joe long term..gave Jayme "the bust" Mitchell

new deal..seriously..Hey Hillis's position RB has BY FAR the shortest NFL careers..(maybe 3 years)..

This NFL is a multi billion dollar business and the minute he starts showing wear and tear they will

dump him in the blink of an eye..It is what it is..BUSINESS..You are paid on performance..He has performed

and now wants to be compensated for his production..TIME TO PAY THE MAN


You ever have a good case of Strep..that s**t is rough..period

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MT..While I usually agree with you're viewpoints in this case the Browns are penny pinching Hillis

They are 10's of millions under the cap..Took care of Joe long term..gave Jayme "the bust" Mitchell

new deal..seriously..Hey Hillis's position RB has BY FAR the shortest NFL careers..(maybe 3 years)..

This NFL is a multi billion dollar business and the minute he starts showing wear and tear they will

dump him in the blink of an eye..It is what it is..BUSINESS..You are paid on performance..He has performed

and now wants to be compensated for his production..TIME TO PAY THE MAN


You ever have a good case of Strep..that s**t is rough..period


You are paid for your performance. And his performance this year (not all his fault) is average. You sign a "contract" in the NFL and then you sit out once it's about up until you get paid.


The man played well for one season. He hasn't earned big time money yet.

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yeah i've had it. ever have a cracked rib and a puctured lung at the same time and still go out and play qb?



Ummm a RB like Hillis takes more hits on a single play than a shitty QB does all game. I am sick of this comparison and it is downright xxxxing Retarded.

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Ummm a RB like Hillis takes more hits on a single play than a shitty QB does all game. I am sick of this comparison and it is downright xxxxing Retarded.


shitty answer. so if you have strept throat and get hit it all of sudden turns into pneumonia or something? the qb in question played with the cracked rib and punctured lung and moved around, threw the ball and even got smashed sacked. but still played.


you're right there is no comparison.

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shitty answer. so if you have strept throat and get hit it all of sudden turns into pneumonia or something? the qb in question played with the cracked rib and punctured lung and moved around, threw the ball and even got smashed sacked. but still played.


you're right there is no comparison.


What everyone here is seeming to forget is that these guys owe allegiance to only one thing, the once mighty dollar. They are PROFESSIONAL athletes. That means they play for BIG money. The old school loyalty to a city is non existent in my opinion. That being said, I hope we keep Hillis and his agent gets the crabs.

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shitty answer. so if you have strept throat and get hit it all of sudden turns into pneumonia or something? the qb in question played with the cracked rib and punctured lung and moved around, threw the ball and even got smashed sacked. but still played.


you're right there is no comparison.



Hillis played 3 games with cracked ribs last year dicktits.

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Frank gore money? No way...u don't pay one year wonders 13 mil guaranteed. But I can't expect u dumbasses to understand that.


10's of millions? We're 12 mil under the cap. This is why I don't take any of you seriously...u can't even get simple facts right

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None of this matters unless we have an OL. So I don't understand the focus on Hillis' stats this year.


When you really want to feel bad about the Browns, go to NFL.com and look up the stats for the offensive line:



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Frank gore money? No way...u don't pay one year wonders 13 mil guaranteed. But I can't expect u dumbasses to understand that.


10's of millions? We're 12 mil under the cap. This is why I don't take any of you seriously...u can't even get simple facts right

what a gay comment

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how do we know he is asking for Frank Gore money? From what I have read the main issue has been contract length.


25 games as a starter, 2500+ yards from scrimmage, 22 touchdowns. So based on that, if he had played 2 seasons as a starter he would have 3200 yards from scrimmage and 28 touchdowns, which is pretty consistent with his performance last year where he had 1600 yards from scrimmage and 13 tds.


Yes there were a few games where he touched the ball but wasn't a starter, he had 33 rushing attempts and 12 receptions which would make up for the two games he started at fullback (under McDaniels) but wasn't involved in the offense. Not to mention he only played part of the Chiefs game before landing upside down. Most of these attempts were short yardage which brought his ypc down and also include the first two games of last year.


Sign the man, or he could reunite with Shanahan in Washington. Take them to a Superbowl. Riggins told that to Gibbs and he thought "what an egomaniac."


It would be one thing if he only succeeded here for a few games, but there was a 5 game stretch that he started at tailback in Denver. 5 tds and averaged 5 ypc, his ypc was going up every game until he landed upside down catching a pass, I believe he was averaging 7 ypc in that game. He excelled with the stretch play which is why I find it odd that they don't use it much here this year. They used it quite a bit when Hardesty started, but for Hillis its mostly up the gut dives, but we have seen that he is capable on toss plays and stretch plays finding the cutback lane. Now its predictable and you have several defenders hitting him before he gets to the los, having to fight just to get 3 yards.


He's proven to be effective every time he has gotten the ball and is making league minimum. Yes Matt Forte is also making 600,000 but has made more overall money. Not many backs could have put up the numbers that Hillis put up last year. Mike Bell was a decent runner and had a stretch of success with the Saints when healthy. He wasn't even good enough to come in for a few snaps, he was averaging under 2 ypc with us last year.


I just don't see how a guy who succeeded in two different systems is considered a "one year wonder"


Is it that wrong for him to be looking out for his future?

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how do we know he is asking for Frank Gore money? From what I have read the main issue has been contract length.


25 games as a starter, 2500+ yards from scrimmage, 22 touchdowns. So based on that, if he had played 2 seasons as a starter he would have 3200 yards from scrimmage and 28 touchdowns, which is pretty consistent with his performance last year where he had 1600 yards from scrimmage and 13 tds.


Yes there were a few games where he touched the ball but wasn't a starter, he had 33 rushing attempts and 12 receptions which would make up for the two games he started at fullback (under McDaniels) but wasn't involved in the offense. Not to mention he only played part of the Chiefs game before landing upside down. Most of these attempts were short yardage which brought his ypc down and also include the first two games of last year.


Sign the man, or he could reunite with Shanahan in Washington. Take them to a Superbowl. Riggins told that to Gibbs and he thought "what an egomaniac."


It would be one thing if he only succeeded here for a few games, but there was a 5 game stretch that he started at tailback in Denver. 5 tds and averaged 5 ypc, his ypc was going up every game until he landed upside down catching a pass, I believe he was averaging 7 ypc in that game. He excelled with the stretch play which is why I find it odd that they don't use it much here this year. They used it quite a bit when Hardesty started, but for Hillis its mostly up the gut dives, but we have seen that he is capable on toss plays and stretch plays finding the cutback lane. Now its predictable and you have several defenders hitting him before he gets to the los, having to fight just to get 3 yards.


He's proven to be effective every time he has gotten the ball and is making league minimum. Yes Matt Forte is also making 600,000 but has made more overall money. Not many backs could have put up the numbers that Hillis put up last year. Mike Bell was a decent runner and had a stretch of success with the Saints when healthy. He wasn't even good enough to come in for a few snaps, he was averaging under 2 ypc with us last year.


I just don't see how a guy who succeeded in two different systems is considered a "one year wonder"


Is it that wrong for him to be looking out for his future?


When you beat off do you look at a picture of Hillis?

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The way i see it is if this regime can choke up 17m for a next to useless turd like gocong but cant muster a way to close a deal with a playmaker like hillis i can see a serious problem developing with this regime..


Number one this deal should have already been done and for considerably less than it will cost this boneheaded regime to do now..

Number two this regime has done nothing but take its sweet time on our dime and actually appears to have improved nothing, the current boneheaded regime is under no pressure from the owner and does not seem to think that winning now is an urgent or important matter, and this team is still a joke and will likely continue to be under this regime for years to come..


Ok so maybe im freaking out early but i do see problems developing that look to much like the same problems we have had before and it just sucks..

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2-2 is a joke? ooooooooooooooooooooooooook.


The Browns could probably get the players they need to win 9 games now....and proceed to go 4-12 for the three following seasons. Sounds great, right? So why did they even fire Savage and Crennel?


The Lions took their time and built a team with a strong foundation through the draft. It seems to be paying dividends. But for some reason you McMorons don't want to give the Browns an equal amount of time.


Let's not forget that they are 2-2 so far this year, not 0-4.

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Hillis played 3 games with cracked ribs last year dicktits.


you're a douche. you are not even making any sense.


he played with cracked ribs but couldn't play with strept throat? wow, you're punching a brick wall with this argument. just throw in the towel and realize you are looking like a little quiff trying to stick up for a dude with a sore throat and a temperature who punked out on purpose not playing as some type of leverage against this team.


grab a lollipop on the way out the door. drive safe and have a nice day.

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you're a douche. you are not even making any sense.


he played with cracked ribs but couldn't play with strept throat? wow, you're punching a brick wall with this argument. just throw in the towel and realize you are looking like a little quiff trying to stick up for a dude with a sore throat and a temperature who punked out on purpose not playing as some type of leverage against this team.


grab a lollipop on the way out the door. drive safe and have a nice day.



Listen, I'll type this using tiny words so that you can understand.


I never said that he couldn't have played. If he thought he could go, he should have went. I will not judge a man that loses 12lbs due to illness, that is serious shit.


When you question his toughness, you are plain wrong and I am pointing that out. It pisses me off when blow hards like you compare him to a QB who is playing hurt. Not even the same ballpark.



Now, about it being tied to his contract issues..... its all speculation. so xxxx off until you know something and stop spreading the FUD.

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well he's not impressing me as a 'man' as you say. when can he stand on his own and speak, play or even take a shit without his 'agent's' arm up his back?


yeah "i want to set the record straight" but "let me call my lawyer first".




oh and: go fxxk yourself btw.

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well he's not impressing me as a 'man' as you say. when can he stand on his own and speak, play or even take a shit without his 'agent's' arm up his back?


yeah "i want to set the record straight" but "let me call my lawyer first".




oh and: go fxxk yourself btw.


If I have time after xxxxing your brothe... errrrr I mean mom

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When you beat off do you look at a picture of Hillis?

I don't know where you could get something like that out of what I said unless you personally beat off to players that you think are talented. Im not dissing your lifestyle but personally I don't its appropriate for the message board, please keep personal things like that to yourself.

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If I have time after xxxxing your brothe... errrrr I mean mom


cool. now i know what level to come at you......


my mom and brother take the left over jizz dripping out of your sister's cooch and do an ass to mouth to your mom who passes it on to your pruned up grannie trying not to interrupt her doing a train down on the waterfront outside of her crack house.


say hello to shaq and kobe when you pass by the line of big stinkin nxxxers standing outside your daughter's room in the hallway of your trailer on your way to clean out your blown out ass in the outhouse by lettin brady quinn golden shower it clean.

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cool. now i know what level to come at you......


my mom and brother take the left over jizz dripping out of your sister's cooch and do an ass to mouth to your mom who passes it on to your pruned up grannie trying not to interrupt her doing a train down on the waterfront outside of her crack house.


say hello to shaq and kobe when you pass by the line of big stinkin nxxxers standing outside your daughter's room in the hallway of your trailer on your way to clean out your blown out ass in the outhouse by lettin brady quinn golden shower it clean.



I take offense to that, I never actually liked Brady Quinn.

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I don't know where you could get something like that out of what I said unless you personally beat off to players that you think are talented. Im not dissing your lifestyle but personally I don't its appropriate for the message board, please keep personal things like that to yourself.

How'd you know?

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