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Browns Vs Seahawks

Harry Buffalo

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not missing much.......game summary..........both teams are playing horrible undisciplined football while both QBs seem to be in a intense "who can suck the worst" competition.



bout it so far.

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x-mas came early cause cleveland just got a 15yrd gift.

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blocked FG by the seahags. just when you think the browns are putting something together..............

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I can't decide if this is a case of two stout defenses, or two horrid offenses..... most likely both this game is sickning, i am trying to remember how many plays at least broke for 10 yards???


Our defensive hitting though is keeping me awake though, i love defense they give me my only hope.

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McCoy still has no protection. He also has missed a few throws to Watson, and the offense can't take advantage of good field position(after the fumble recovery I about threw up). Hardesty once again isn't stellar but has a good run every now and then. Defense has crushed the Seahawks so far and that's the only positive from the 1st half. Special teams once again having problems. can't afford to give up a blocked fg in a defensive game. Little needs the ball in his hands more, and massaqoui had a nice stretch play for a much needed first down. So far though, I'm not confident going into this second half.

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Getting the game in all its full HD glory here in Austin today. Yuh buddy. WIsh the Browns could get a ground game going and that we could have that INT back. Good effort by the secondary today, looking like theyre gelling a bit. McCoy's getting lit up out there.

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glad to see that the Browns are still playing ball control and sticking with the run. McCoy trying to pick up that first down n taking the hit. wants that W.

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These refs are sucking the browns dicks right now. Unbelievable. I mean I guess I'll take it but if those calls were against the browns I'd be furious.




i've always said there are 3 ways to win a football game. your offense wins it for you. your defense wins it for you. or the refs win it for you.



bottom line, a win is a win and i think the browns might steal one today.

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id have to say they got away with a bit of interference there.

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Sure they held them off. Defense is good unfortunately the offense is just wretched.


yeah watching the running game is depressing man

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