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We Lose Next Week And Fans Will Go Apeshit!


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IF we lose to the Rams, which is a real possibility, something needs to be done by the fans; nothing is being done by the coaches or anyone else, so it's up to us.


We should organize and carry through some kind of way to show our displeasure with our our franchise that has been trampled on and trodden through the mud. We are the Cleveland Freaking Browns! We deserve better than this! We deserve BETTER than what the 12 years of not-giving-a-xxxx-attitude has brought us.

There never seems to be a sense of urgency on the face of the owner or GM all the way down to the coaches and players. Well F-that! If they won't do something about it, then WE should!


I remember a while back someone from the Dawg Pound tried to orchestrate something to publicly address the inadequacies of the team during a nationally televised game. He was chastised for it.


Well, if we lose next Sunday, I think we should think along those lines again, although the pussy fans thought it would look bad and would have looked to be in poor taste.


America is filled with people like this...just sitting around waiting for someone else to do something to spark a revolution. Or they don't want to be bothered.

If that's how you all feel, then you deserve this POS team you've been watching for the past 12 pathetic years. But if you DO believe you deserve better, then let's do something about it.


I'm sick of the excuses, sick of the losing, sick of the experiments, sick of the regime changes, sick of the not caring, sick of the owner, sick of the G-DAMN losing attitude around here. It's like a xxxxING morgue! Wake the F up Browns fans and demand accountability and CHANGE!


You can be heard, it's just if you have the guts to do something about it.

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if there was to be a time and place to do what you are talking about i think people would show up. sorta like the wall street demonstrators (of course not on that level) but it always takes that one person to organize everything, to get the word out, to 'v for vendetta' it. safety in numbers. a public protest is fine. an act of civil disobedience that teeters on vandalism or tyranny.....not so much.


look what happened today 4 miles from where i live. that takes balls:




but you can't be a respected business person hanging from a bridge and expect your million dollar accounts to stay with your company.


dressing up like a clown and doing a high wire act over city hall looks like you just lost your mind.

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IF we lose to the Rams, which is a real possibility, something needs to be done by the fans; nothing is being done by the coaches or anyone else, so it's up to us.


We should organize and carry through some kind of way to show our displeasure with our our franchise that has been trampled on and trodden through the mud. We are the Cleveland Freaking Browns! We deserve better than this! We deserve BETTER than what the 12 years of not-giving-a-xxxx-attitude has brought us.

There never seems to be a sense of urgency on the face of the owner or GM all the way down to the coaches and players. Well F-that! If they won't do something about it, then WE should!


I remember a while back someone from the Dawg Pound tried to orchestrate something to publicly address the inadequacies of the team during a nationally televised game. He was chastised for it.


Well, if we lose next Sunday, I think we should think along those lines again, although the pussy fans thought it would look bad and would have looked to be in poor taste.


America is filled with people like this...just sitting around waiting for someone else to do something to spark a revolution. Or they don't want to be bothered.

If that's how you all feel, then you deserve this POS team you've been watching for the past 12 pathetic years. But if you DO believe you deserve better, then let's do something about it.


I'm sick of the excuses, sick of the losing, sick of the experiments, sick of the regime changes, sick of the not caring, sick of the owner, sick of the G-DAMN losing attitude around here. It's like a xxxxING morgue! Wake the F up Browns fans and demand accountability and CHANGE!


You can be heard, it's just if you have the guts to do something about it.


They ought to play this one for Holmgren and Heckert if they haven't heard it already. The Natives are restless.......




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I'm leaving 80* weather, taking off four days of work, flying 1200 miles to see the Browns beat the 1-7 Rams ... if they lose I will take a giant apeshit on the 50 yardline ... while holding up a sign that says "This one's for you, Randy ... you midget soccer-loving homo".




Zombo, save a space for me and G-Man on that helmet centre field.

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I'm leaving 80* weather, taking off four days of work, flying 1200 miles to see the Browns beat the 1-7 Rams ... if they lose I will take a giant apeshit on the 50 yardline ... while holding up a sign that says "This one's for you, Randy ... you midget soccer-loving homo".





They will have to close the stadium afterwards for hazardous waste.

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Occupado midfield if we lose. Join me for a big group dump on the fifty yard line after the game.




You should just paper bag ur dump and throw it once the game is over if the Browns loose .... Maybe ur shit might hit shurmur and stimulate some intelligence in him .....

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I did not expect much this year but i did expect to see an offensive minded team not some friggin dinosaur minded crap like shurmur is trying to pull off, its basically the same garbage mangini tried to do by forcing square blocks into round holes, only mangini managed to make a few fit to where shurmur is utter fail sauce and was not ready to be the browns OC let alone our HC..


And the walrus sits on his fat ass and does nothing because the big show is a no show and nearly as invisible as randy lerner and just as useless to this club..

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I did not expect much this year but i did expect to see an offensive minded team not some friggin dinosaur minded crap like shurmur is trying to pull off, its basically the same garbage mangini tried to do by forcing square blocks into round holes, only mangini managed to make a few fit to where shurmur is utter fail sauce and was not ready to be the browns OC let alone our HC..


And the walrus sits on his fat ass and does nothing because the big show is a no show and nearly as invisible as randy lerner and just as useless to this club..



Not to mention that this organization has alienated former players such as Bernie Kosar, and Jim Brown as well as the fans with their Big Brother bullshit at the stadium. Lerner needs to step up as owner of HIS football team, and DEMAND accountability as well as remind EVERYONE from the front office on down that there will be NO MORE FREE RIDES! At some point you'd have to be tired of the fact that you've pissed away about $50 million on former coaches and front offices, and then bring in a new regime, and nothing changes!

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I would actually fly to Cleveland to protest Lerner.


I think however the FIRST thing to do is to pick a clever, catchy name. Then contact the Cleveland media and present the idea as if you already have hundreds of people up in arms getting ready to protest.


Get invited on a couple local sports talk shows to get the mo rolling.


Otherwise, it is an uphill battle. Remember how formidable the media and fans were together when Modell moved? That is the spirit needed.

I don't even live in the country anymore, but I'd like to see something done about our lackadaisical approach year in and year out. There's no urgency, always waiting on a 3-5 year plan. I just feel this approach has crept into the minds of Browns fans everywhere screaming THINGS WILL NEVER CHANGE!

NO ONE is upset in the Cleveland Browns office, no one cares, everyone is just collecting paychecks, and we the fans are the ones left out in the cold!

I'm telling you, if WE don't voice our opinions this thing will continue to recycle. New regime in, old regime out. Rinse and repeat.

There HAS to be SOMEONE Lerner can hire with a proven track record; some Mastermind of football operations.

I'm starting to think though it has more to do with the players and their not giving a F attitude and losing culture and mentality than it does with the Fat boy in the booth Walrus.

These are the guys actually PLAYING the sport. THEY are accountable on what THEY do on Sunday. The ball is in THEIR hands. It's up to them to perform on Sundays.

Heckert is doing a fine job the last couple years drafting, I think we need to demand more from our players.

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They ought to play this one for Holmgren and Heckert if they haven't heard it already. The Natives are restless.......





Hey ... with his appropriate use of the phrase "It's Groundhog Day," the guy came up with the perfect new mascot for the Browns: The Groundhog. Maybe fans should all start showing up in groundhog garb.

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I was watching the ravens steelers game just thinking how bad the browns would look against each of those teams. They are on a different level than Cleveland. Those are actual football players out there, our guys are NOTHING compared to them, not even close to the level of talent those teams have. It's ridiculous

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or DON'T occupy browns' stadium. seriously no one show up.


that's all it would take.


unfortunately for the most part the tickets are already bought and paid for and would only be hurting the little guy who sells whatever at or around the stadium. plus you'll have the diehards show up anyways...........

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Protest what?

Do you think this is a publicly owned team?


Save time and gas protest with your wallet its the only kind of protest this club understands..

As far as im concerned lerner can take this piece of shit to LA and put it in pink leotards and call it the lerner faggots as long as cleveland is given another expansion with full browns rights and the chance to get an owner who actually understands cleveland style football, its fans and loves the game..

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Accountability for fielding a quality Cleveland brown product is a efin fairy tale. Show me another product that has the same Browns' suck value and continues to


generate acceptable market share and revenue for the company. Why make a better mousetrap if the current inferior piece of crap brings in acceptable


profit with minimal investment? Change for the browns will occur only when the fans refuse to pay for anymore crap, and in football crazy NE Ohio i can't see


that happening.


f jackie

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