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I don't know why Howie and G-man always like December......must make it feel like home or something.


It doesn't really matter to me as I try to go to at least 1 game in each moth of the season, but I can agree it would be nice to hold that thing in Sept or Oct. while the weather is nicer....plus, we aren't so far out of the race we can actually get a little excited for the game.


I skipped the Dec games this year and just let the tickets go because I didn't see the point in watching a crappy team get hammered while sitting in freezing rain.


Plus, for you guys that fly in, it cuts down on the baggage. A carry on is about all you'd need rather than pack up a steamer trunk full of long underwear, boots, hats, and parka's.


I think main issues with Howie & G for the earlier games are family commitments Anniversary/Kids Birthdays that kinda stuff, though may be wrong and the are jusr freaks who love the numbing Cleveland Air in Nov/Dec time to help them forget how drunk they have just gotten.

Myself, my judgement is usually just settled on when there are Two home games in a Row, though last couple years has in truth been geared to when Howie & G get across to, as has been a blast last couple years with big get together from around the US and across the Pond.

This year will likely be up in the air for myself, with retiring from the Air Force, and hopefully in a new job by then (now one in Cleveland would be nice, but just wishing there), so sorting the time off might lead me to be later in Year as only finish with Air Force early August, so likely want to get settled in new Job for couple months prior to pounding my Liver and Kidneys for 10 days or so

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Nothing like the feel of a home opener.



As for the boots and such, I can tell you don't remember as you look a bit out of place in December wearing a windbreaker and tennis shoes.


It seems I remember you having on a turtle neck....or was it your dickie??


At any rate, you need to beef up the warm weather gear, even if you only wear it once a year.


I bought some boots rated to -30...I have worn them maybe 10 times in 6-7 years...all in Cleveland. No need for them here.


The turtleneck is about the warmest thing that I own and I really only wear it in Cleveland or possibly early morning golf out here when it's "cold" (meaning in the 40's). It's hard to imagine buying winter type clothes when it's 88 degrees out here today on January 4th.

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The turtleneck is about the warmest thing that I own and I really only wear it in Cleveland or possibly early morning golf out here when it's "cold" (meaning in the 40's). It's hard to imagine buying winter type clothes when it's 88 degrees out here today on January 4th.


I bought a jacket this year.


Wore it the first night in Cleveland and last night when we got a cold blast of air down here.


Back in the closet. Deep in the closet. Like, retired.


September or October, please.



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I understand men. I long ago abandoned the Cleveland climate.



Chattanooga isn't like San Diego or Naples, but it isn't a cold climate, and I do have a home in Venice, Fla., so I know what you mean.



Earlier could mean "The Browns Board does Put-in-Bay"




Plus.....if you two decide to do it early, it makes it a big week-end, then Keith, Howie, and G make it another big weekend, though I don't know if I can survive another weekend like the last game.



Seriously, I don't remember much after the first person or two said they wanted a shot of shine....that isn't good, and I mean that. I think I dimmed a few brain cells that weekend.

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I'm going to go ahead and call it for next year. Let's do the home opener. Nothing but optimism that weekend, warm sunny weather, at worst it's raining and at least it will still be warm.


Think how much more beer we can drink if it's 80 degrees outside when we're tailgating!!


Not to mention, women in shorts and tank tops at the game.

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A road trip game with the gang would be amazing but I can really only make one trip to a Browns game per year (unless they play the LA Chargers) and as much fun as a road trip with the group would be, I really love the trip to Cleveland.

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You do bring up a great point on the shorts and halter tops.


You and Zombo just plan it.



Most people go to the opener anyway. Then when the English troops invade, it's another weekend.


Sounds good to me. I know Ed and Don can carry their weight, and when it get's down to it, they don't have to go out of their way to do anything extra special on the grill. Plus...Lobster tails grill up quicker then burgers ;)



As for Stan, he'll manage to rally even if it means a bit more moaning.

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Ugh, AFC West and NFC East.


I expect the Chargers and Eagles to improve, the Raiders and Chiefs to be tough outs... the rest of both divisions to be question marks.


I hope that the Browns beat the Giants though; my hate of Eli Manning is about 20 times that of the average Browns fan's dislike of the Steelers and Ravens combined.

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I've already done the Steeler game in September twice and it didn't exactly end well, although a Sunday night game against the Steelers in September would be amazing but I don't think we have any shot at that.


We've got to get Howie in on this but I think home opener is the ticket this year. Keith will be able to make it, take another couple days off before the new job search, the weather will be fantastic and there will still be optimism for the season.


It also allows for an Indians game possibly on Saturday or golf on Saturday whatever the group prefers.

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Golf Saturday, Tribe Sat Night ... straight to the lot after the game.




Yeah Me, Howie & G Man will take you guys on at Golf, BrownsBoard Ryder cup challenge followed by lots of drinking, followed by Zombo streaking at the Tribe game, getting arrested and spending night in cells before being bailed just in time to head to the Lot.


Another Weird & Wacky Weekend in the plans, oh god help us all. these 9 months are going to fly by now :P

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For a road trip to Denver (staying in mountains west of there) and maybe Oakland and maybe New Jersey (if you want to stay in the Poconos or upstate NJ about 60-70 miles away) I could possibly hook you up with a resort condo for a good price with a getaway from my time share group, depending on time of year.

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Yeah Me, Howie & G Man will take you guys on at Golf, BrownsBoard Ryder cup challenge followed by lots of drinking, followed by Zombo streaking at the Tribe game, getting arrested and spending night in cells before being bailed just in time to head to the Lot.


Another Weird & Wacky Weekend in the plans, oh god help us all. these 9 months are going to fly by now :P


Sounds like a plan and a fantastic weekend. I'm a 15 handicap at golf so I expect to be given strokes by the UK bunch...

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I love those double dip weekends when the Indians are in town.


There are two possible weekends for that to happen.


Sat. 9-15 Tigers


Sat. 9-29 Royals


Go to the game Saturday night(assuming it's not a day game), to the lot on Sunday.



That would be a stay downtown weekend for me.



You could count me in on the golf....I am assuming my shoulder gets better.

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I love those double dip weekends when the Indians are in town.


There are two possible weekends for that to happen.


Sat. 9-15 Tigers


Sat. 9-29 Royals


Go to the game Saturday night(assuming it's not a day game), to the lot on Sunday.



That would be a stay downtown weekend for me.



You could count me in on the golf....I am assuming my shoulder gets better.


We've got two chances, pretty cool.


Ideal: The Indians and Tigers are in a red hot pennant race on 9/15, we trounce the Steelers on 9/16, and the Queen's subjects buy our beer all weeekend because we trounced them at golf.



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I am very interested in an early game next season only because I can't wait 10 more months.


I am not going to party with any of you lot though as you are all a bad influence on me and make me drink too much.


If the first home game is Sept 15th I think that works pretty well for me and I am guessing the G Man. His wedding anniversary is 11/9 which has not allowed us to go to those early Sept games in the past but I am sure he could get away with the 15th.


That's only 8 months away - wow, I'm excited.


And this year - NO SHOTS. NO STAGE INVASIONS. NO SATURDAY AFTERNOON BINGE DRINKING. I'd like some kind of memory of the trip.


I'm no golfer though so you'll have to beat me at something else to get free beer.


Looking forward to it already.



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I am very interested in an early game next season only because I can't wait 10 more months.


I am not going to party with any of you lot though as you are all a bad influence on me and make me drink too much.


If the first home game is Sept 15th I think that works pretty well for me and I am guessing the G Man. His wedding anniversary is 11/9 which has not allowed us to go to those early Sept games in the past but I am sure he could get away with the 15th.


That's only 8 months away - wow, I'm excited.


And this year - NO SHOTS. NO STAGE INVASIONS. NO SATURDAY AFTERNOON BINGE DRINKING. I'd like some kind of memory of the trip.


If you drank Saturday afternoon that is own your fault. I was snoozing comfortably.



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Zombo - you have to back me on the NO SHOTS rule this year - it made a mess of both of us, just I got up the next day. Like a man.


One shot per day.


And sleeping is manly. Bears do it all winter.



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If you drank Saturday afternoon that is own your fault. I was snoozing comfortably.




I am not sure unconcious trying to sleep in a vomit free space in your room counts as snoozing comfortably. but yeah at least you know afternoon drinking is not ever a good plan, well specially not the next morning.

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I am very interested in an early game next season only because I can't wait 10 more months.


I am not going to party with any of you lot though as you are all a bad influence on me and make me drink too much.


Too right, mate!


If the first home game is Sept 15th I think that works pretty well for me and I am guessing the G Man. His wedding anniversary is 11/9 which has not allowed us to go to those early Sept games in the past but I am sure he could get away with the 15th.


Howie, to us, 11/9 means November 9th. I assume you are meaning September 9th.


That's only 8 months away - wow, I'm excited.


And this year - NO SHOTS. NO STAGE INVASIONS. NO SATURDAY AFTERNOON BINGE DRINKING. I'd like some kind of memory of the trip.




I'm no golfer though so you'll have to beat me at something else to get free beer.


Darts? Jarts?


Looking forward to it already.



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I am not sure unconcious trying to sleep in a vomit free space in your room counts as snoozing comfortably. but yeah at least you know afternoon drinking is not ever a good plan, well specially not the next morning.



You were far from "snoozing comfortably" when I woke your sorry ass up at 4:00 Saturday afternoon. You were in a coma and didn't know you name or where you were or what time of day it was.


Not to mention...real men drink in the afternoon on a Cleveland trip.


God willing the Browns are at home on 9/16....It would be nice if a plan can come together this easily.

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You were far from "snoozing comfortably" when I woke your sorry ass up at 4:00 Saturday afternoon. You were in a coma and didn't know you name or where you were or what time of day it was.


Not to mention...real men drink in the afternoon on a Cleveland trip.


God willing the Browns are at home on 9/16....It would be nice if a plan can come together this easily.


Odds seem good of a Home game, going by previous season openers, as for seeing a Win as well, maybe not so fortunate, will have to make sure we get more drunk after game again just in case it goes to rat shit



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Hey Gipper,


I know how you guys do the month first thing so I did mean 9/11 as in September 11th.


It was a blast last season but I have to say was the heaviest drinking trip yet and that's going some.


Would be great if we could get an early game in - here's keeping those fingers crossed.

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