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Mr. T

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So, you decided not to go to Medical School then? We need good doctors, especially Primary Care.


I'm still planning on doing medical school. I'm in the process of applying for physician-scientist positions. I just don't know what I want my Ph.D. in, yet. Maybe BME.

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Seriously you don't know what a slide rule is? It has a pair of logarithmic scales, used for multiplication, division, trig and roots. It is the calculator before there were calculators. Wiki has a good page about them.


A TI-84 Silver and badass safety glasses sounds super. You can get a lot of significant digits wit that. A slide rule will give you three significant digits, but it's faster than TI-84. Click the image for a close up.




It's f*cking amazing that we got people on the moon with those.

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Vapor, as a prospective MD you have to look in the Barbershop where there is video of actual prep/brain surgery.


Ha. I don't think I have the hands to be a surgeon.


/edit. Just watched it. Very cool. Did you know that patients are sometimes awake and conscious during brain surgery?

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Ha. I don't think I have the hands to be a surgeon.


/edit. Just watched it. Very cool. Did you know that patients are sometimes awake and conscious during brain surgery?


Yep, I've seen House haha. They ask the patient questions so they know they didn't hit something lol. Well, that's what TV taught me at least.


I could never be a doctor, that's so much school. Props to you.

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Yea! Let's all run down to the bank of China and turn in our dollars for yuan! Does anybody expect Fanny Mae to force the bank of China to give silly home loans to people who can't even prove they have a job? Hell no!


Dollars used to make the world go 'round, I suppose they still do, I haven't checked in the last 10 minutes. Dollars run the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, oil is calculated by the barrel in dollars, paid for in dollars; all of our foreign aid is in dollars, all foreign contractors are paid in dollars, the Federal Reserve prints dollars out of thin air, Al Sharpton owes millions of dollars in back taxes.


But wait - China is buying tons of oil from Iran in yuan. China and Russia have started doing business in yuan. OPEC is planning to come out with their own currency. Nobody knows how many dollars will equal a Petro Dollar yet but we will have to pay it because they'll have us over a barrel.


How's the dollar working out for us?


In 1913 if you purchased an item for $100 today that item would cost $2,317.09. That's a 2217.1% annual inflation rate.


Anybody here born during the Carter administration? A $100 item in 1979 would cost $315.97 today.


How about a college education? Let's say in 1989 a four year degree cost $65,000.00, today that same education would cost $120,245.81


what am I getting at?


Hell, I don't know either.







Isn't it amazing how inflation has run so rampant while our beloved leaders tell us it hasn't?

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