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North Carolina Solves Climate Change

MLD Woody

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Years ago, based on science, we were warned of a tipping point.

Now that that moment has come and gone with no chance of a carbon tax to save us, where are we now?

A don't take out a 30 year mortgage?

B don't buy the 5 year warranty?

C don't purchase green bananas?



Really? Your "tipping point" thing again?

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This global warming brouhaha has been going on for decades now.

One side says it's a complete hoax and the other side screams we're all going to die.

Scientists (great and powerful scientists) predicted that if we did not make significant changes to our way of life, thought to be carbon tax among other things, that there would be a tipping point from where the damage would be just too severe to ever recover. In order to shake up the population that number of years was set in numbers easily imaginable. In 5 or 10 years it would be too late!

Well, that deadline, like applegates spaceship, has come and gone. The earth is still here, having never ignited into a celestial ball of flame.

To put it in terms you might appreciate, it reminds me of the minister on the street corner with a sign predicting armageddon.


You are new here and have missed a lot of the global warming crap.


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Of course, that's not what the science said, but that's okay. And we likely have passed some tipping points. The earth is going to get warmer in the future. For example, certain glaciers that were present for hundreds/thousands of years won't be there anymore. We're pretty certain about this. This never meant "everyone is going to die" or that the earth was going to cease to exist. It meant that since greenhouse gas emissions stay in the atmosphere for a really long time, you go past tipping points for, say, saving those glaciers. You just don't know what the theory was, what the projections were, or bothered to look.


But thank you for yet another classic example of the logical fallacy reductio ad absurdum. But you really shouldn't keep doing that.

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Of course, that's not what the science said, but that's okay.

It's okay?

So anyone, maybe even some among us, who said that they believed 5-10 years seemed reasonable was making that up out of whole cloth????

And not basing it on scientific study?

Gosh why would anyone do something like that!?!?


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I'll try again. There were scientists who have been warning that without action you're soon going to pass tipping points on specific events, like the melting of glaciers, and Arctic sea ice, and that sort of thing. And those events can trigger other events, like the melting of the permafrost, and the release of methane, and species extinctions, etc. These are called "feedback loops." And yes, many believe we've passed some of these tipping points, and that we're almost certain to have already ensured a warmer planet in the future.


Scientists weren't saying we're passing the tipping point where the earth bursts into flames and ceases to exist, or that all the humans die.


Which is why your "tipping point" notion is just as useless now as it was then. And the time before that. And the time before that. So, why don't we move on to your global warming point #2, which is where you say no one is going to change their personal behavior, so why bother? Which is also sort of dense, and something we've been over multiple times as well.


Which is probably why I wanted Tupa to join in.

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Steve, you're a cool guy, but I don't think you are very good at this science stuff

Woodrow whether you studied freshman calculus for henry the fifth if you believee a carbon tax is the only way to save the environment you should at least be smart enough to figure out that it ain't happening. Sayonara earth.

Klaatu: your ride's here.


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I just picked up my copy of that left-wing rag The Economist and saw that the cover story is called "The Melting North." It's about how the Arctic is becoming ice free, and how nations and businesses, particularly oil companies and natural resource extraction industries, are already fighting over who is going to have access to what.


It also concludes like this, which sounds an awful lot like someone around here whose been made to answer the same old questions from someone else...



"The impending enrichment of Arctic countries would not compensate for the costs of runaway Arctic warming. Arctic species, habitats and quite possibly whole ecosystems would be lost. No Arctic country—not even Russia, which has a poor history of conservation—could contemplate wreaking such environmental havoc unilaterally. Yet all are happy to profit from it. That makes the Arctic a textbook illustration of the commons-despoiling tragedy that climate change is.


The costs to the world are likely to be greater than those to the Arctic, however. Arctic glaciers—including the Greenland ice sheet—are melting and disintegrating faster than expected. If this were to continue over a couple of centuries, there would be a strong chance of catastrophic rises in sea levels; this alone might cost the world more than it stands to benefit from Arctic resources. As a symptom of global warming, moreover, the warming Arctic is indivisible from the manifold costs it will entail. The World Bank estimates the cost of adapting to climate change between 2010 and 2050 at $75 billion-100 billion a year; other estimates are higher.


Sooner or later such arithmetic is going to force governments to get serious about dealing with climate change. It is already clear what is required: policies to put an appropriate price on carbon emissions, through a tax or market-based system, that is sufficient to persuade polluters to develop and adopt cleaner technologies. These are already available, and so is the ingenuity needed to force down their costs and bring them to market. Indeed, it is evident in the Arctic: the technological feats that oil companies display there are inspiring.


With prompt action, the worst outcomes of a warmer Arctic can still be avoided. The shrinking ice cap may find a new equilibrium. Most of the permafrost may remain frozen. But the Arctic will nonetheless be radically changed, to the detriment of a unique polar biome. This much is already inevitable."

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List of the glaciers that are GROWING.


I'm tired of all the politics libs have as the only reason for their phoney man made global warming farce.


It's over. No fact. Just desperate for lib democrat votes in upcoming elections.


It's over.

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Arctic ice growing. In summer. Since 2007. Has increased by 409,000 miles.


Libs lie. Try to manipulate public opinions for votes.


Any excuse they can muster.


Heck is one of the more dishonest ones on this board.


It's really tough for me to give him the benefit of the doubt - about out of control idealism.


More like what I said.


The arctic is becoming ice free? B FREAKIN S.






An Inconvenient Truth: The Ice Cap Is Growing


By James S. Robbins


January 10, 2010, 05:54PM



A report from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado finds that Arctic summer sea

ice has increased by 409,000 square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007. But didn't we hear from the

same Center that the North Pole was set to disappear by now? We all deserve apologies from the

global warming fanatics who wanted to reshape the world in their image and called those who objected

to their wild theories ignorant deniers. They were so convinced the world was ending and only they

could save it, yet now they have been exposed as at best wildly idealistic and at worst frauds.

They should have to do public penance for their hubris. I suggest they sit on blocks of melting ice

and ponder their limitations. Either that or let the polar bears deal with them

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Should I feel bad that I just kicked Heck's rear across the internet like an acorn?:rolleyes:


I hope he doesn't pull a Shep.


Arctic ice melting away. mmgw. ROF,LMAO !

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Here you go tree huggers! and liars




Let me just give you some of the predictions from scientists in the last 35, 30 years. Scientists and environmentalists, okay? Here they are. Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against the problems we’re facing as mankind. Biologist George Wald, Harvard. Yeah, made that statement in 1970. So… I didn’t know we were all dead by 1985. Oh, yeah, we all died in 2000.

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Here you go tree huggers! and liars




Let me just give you some of the predictions from scientists in the last 35, 30 years. Scientists and environmentalists, okay? Here they are. Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against the problems we’re facing as mankind. Biologist George Wald, Harvard. Yeah, made that statement in 1970. So… I didn’t know we were all dead by 1985. Oh, yeah, we all died in 2000.


You're right, that one guy saying crazy shit completely discredits it



and that little poster is Retarded, lol. When do we ever "drive around trees"?

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Here you go tree huggers! and liars




Let me just give you some of the predictions from scientists in the last 35, 30 years. Scientists and environmentalists, okay? Here they are. Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against the problems we’re facing as mankind. Biologist George Wald, Harvard. Yeah, made that statement in 1970. So… I didn’t know we were all dead by 1985. Oh, yeah, we all died in 2000.


Lol, we drive around trees? No we don't. This is America. You're from North Carolina. You've driven on the freeways in the mountains. You ever notice how sometimes you'll see sharp inclines on both sides of the road? That's because we blasted our way through the fucking mountain!

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  • 2 months later...
<br />Yeah you fucking moron, I'm going to research your point for you. First I'd have to find all the crazy ass tea party conservative websites you go to and then blindly follow w/e they say. Cuz, you know, if someone doesn't they aren't a real patriot <br /><br /><br /><br />"Scientific consensus is the collective judgment, position, and opinion of the community of scientists in a particular field of study. Consensus implies general agreement, though not necessarily unanimity."<br /><br /><br />Numbers are good. Percentages are better. <a href='http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2010/06/04/1003187107.full.pdf+html' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>This study says 97% of climate researches disagree with you</a><br />
<br /><br /><br />


Busted again!!

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