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F--- Weeden. He's Derek Anderson 2


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Words cannot describe how bad Weeden was. lol


If this keeps up he has got to be benched.


Don't give me the "oh it's his first game" shit either, his play was absolutely inexcusable, UNFUCKINGACCEPTABLE!

You are 100% correct. First game ever? So fucking what. He sucked period. There is no reason he was in there past half time.

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Just so everyone knows, if Weeden would've gone:


0-20 - 0YDS - 0TD - 0INT his rating would have been 39.583..............Puts that awesome 5.1 rating into perspective doesn't it?

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This offense is screaming for McCoy to be in at QB. He accurate and makes plays with his feet. He might not have a cannon but he's got a fine medium range rifle and for this offense to succeed that's all it needs. Colt rolling and dishing off to Richardson and Cameron... poetry in motion. Little and Gordon and Benjamin would benefit as well.


Put Colt in - We want to win!

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This offense is screaming for McCoy to be in at QB. He accurate and makes plays with his feet. He might not have a cannon but he's got a fine medium range rifle and for this offense to succeed that's all it needs. Colt rolling and dishing off to Richardson and Cameron... poetry in motion. Little and Gordon and Benjamin would benefit as well.


Put Colt in - We want to win!


I like colt. Really I do, but this is why he needed to be traded. 1 game in and there's already a qb controversy. The fans are calling for his head. Did you forget that colt sucks ass? If weeden has two more bad games you'll probably get your wish and then the mccoy excuse train will start up. Oh, but he didn't have a running back. T rich can only get 1 yard at a time. Oh but he's got no line, oh but all the recievers were crap. Guess what? Weeden has those same problems.

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Yea cysko you fool!! the Oline gave Weeden a good amount of protection today I was surprised!! I just wish for once the Browns could be 1-0 thats IT!! Im pretty certain that colt wouldve been a little better than what? 9 of 25 with 4 picks or whatever it was? Atleast Colt is accurate. Now start in with all your BS about how it was his first game and yadda yadda. I love how over the summer everyone was talking up richardson and weeden after they looked up their highlight reels on youtube and saw weeden throw to the best receiver in the land in a conference that was piss poor on defense. Now everyone is all doom and gloom after todays game... I LOVE it!! We never give anyone a chance here. Every year its "the browns struggling on offense"...Sorry Im a bit drunk but think about how many different QBs we've had in the 14 seasons we've been back? Every year we want that new QB and everyone hypes him up. God the shit gets old. Oh well....maybe one day someone will step in and take this team to the super bowl year one, if not we'll just fire everyone and rebuild every 2 years!!! Im sorry my flame suits on. I just loved signing on here today and seeing all these people that talked up weeden, now calling for his head. speaking of which, has king stoolie made a post yet?

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To the OP...

I've compared Weedon to Mike Phipps, but DA works as well.


Passer rating 05.12

I don't think I have ever seen one that low.

Oh well, I would expect him to improve.

Like he has anywhere to go but up???


But guys hes got a "cannon" !!!!!!

LOL... yeah, a couple of those INT's got to the DB's really quickly...



This offense is screaming for McCoy to be in at QB. He accurate and makes plays with his feet. He might not have a cannon but he's got a fine medium range rifle and for this offense to succeed that's all it needs. Colt rolling and dishing off to Richardson and Cameron... poetry in motion. Little and Gordon and Benjamin would benefit as well.


Put Colt in - We want to win!

Couldn't have said it better Po-G... Will only add the Colt looks like a PAP wizard compared to Weedon and that would help our R-Corps get open as well... and God knows they need all the help they can get...

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Not to mention Weeden fumbles the damn ball every time someone touches him.

Yeah... there's that, too...


His lack of ball security is the perfect complement to his lack of mobility...

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Its not so much the int's. Rookies are going to throw them. Its the lack of everything else. Obviously its way to soon to say hes going to be a bust, but I was disspointed thats for sure, Especially after the effort the defense gave. Maybe we'll lose out and have a chance at Barkley - keep the ol qb carousel a goin.

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Weederception is not ready and that isnt his fault lets put the blame where it really goes on hecktard and shurmur..

Chalk this one up to a game we should have won but didnt due to poor playcalling and the wrong QB at the helm..


Mccoys foot speed alone would have won this game weeden is to slow and panics to easy..


Looking forward to haslam bringing down the curtain on the big show..

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come on folks...We gave Colt 2 solid years and he got better every game and we gave hime a new offense every year to learn...Let's at least give Brandon 6 games...ok, maybe 3.5 but that's it. If he is still pretty much sucking it up during the Ravens game...during the second half Pat has to pull the trigger...because if he doesn't some irate fan will!!!!

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You guys are fucking stupid. It's no wonder Cleveland fans are a laughingstock.


Yes, its the fans, not the decades of failure thats the laughinstock....But hey, Weeden can hit clay ducks with amazing accuracy!! Thats gotta count for something right.

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