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Play Calling Has Sucked


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there will be new coaches next year dont worry.


But that is what is sorting of pissing me off. Don't you think you would be all out, no holds barred in front of new ownership. No, it's like they are saying "Fire me now", get me out of here. I don't want another, "wait till next year" having to reboot, learn a new offense. There is no excuse this year with a shortened training camp and new coaches. Shurmur is again, calling plays that you run in high school. Nothing new. Nothing unexpected other than a reverse. Were NOT MOVING THE CHAINS. Trent has been ran between the tackles the entire game. Get him into some open field. Let him knock some more heads off.

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This is the overriding factor of the game and the browns people. The best example of this: we're up 6 in with 7:40 left. We have an opportunity with a few first downs to at least take the game down to 3-4 minutes. What does Shurmer and the gang call? Stupid ass dives up the middle with 10 guys in the box, dinky two yard throws and the one first down Jackson runs out of bound. This entire offensive staff including Shurmer clearly refuse to give up the old school conservative game calling of dives, short passes and overall "dink and dunk". I literally couldn't believe we actually ran that reverse. It's clear to me the offensive game has passed these guys by. I'm not basing that off one game, this is literally the same shit from last year. Hell, I'd rather have Weeden throw 8 int's and take chances than the shit we call offense.


Oh well, i don't know about you guys but I don't even get mad anymore. I know the browns are just a losing franchise that refuses to change and until (hopefully Haslam) sees the light games like today are what we have to look forward to.

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