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2016 Obama's America - Anyone See This


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A co-worker brought this up this morning and I hadn't heard anything about it. A few reviews read later, and this sounds like it is a very well done documentary. Not like most of your left or right agenda driven propaganda, this movie seems to look at the Core Values of what drives Obama. What created and molded his youth and the influence his Muslim Father had on him.


Who's seen it, your thoughts. My impression right now is that it's too little too late. Most people have their minds made up, but do you think this is enough to change someone's thinking?

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A co-worker brought this up this morning and I hadn't heard anything about it. A few reviews read later, and this sounds like it is a very well done documentary. Not like most of your left or right agenda driven propaganda, this movie seems to look at the Core Values of what drives Obama. What created and molded his youth and the influence his Muslim Father had on him.


Who's seen it, your thoughts. My impression right now is that it's too little too late. Most people have their minds made up, but do you think this is enough to change someone's thinking?

It's up on westside steve's movie reviews page on this website.

I think it's credible and believe that's were the man's political roots are.

It's not going to change anyone's mind.

That's also the roots of his political base so...


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It's up on westside steve's movie reviews page on this website.

I think it's credible and believe that's were the man's political roots are.

It's not going to change anyone's mind.

That's also the roots of his political base so...




What do you mean by your last line?

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I havent seen it. Probably because you were right about how I (others) would go in, maybe upset or even angry?


I kind of know about his background and such and wouldnt need this movie to change my mind, but your statement regarding his base has me intrigued now!


And I think that will really piss me off, so .... thx for that! lol

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Saw it. AS a documentary it is good and not offensive as the democrats say. As a pro-right documentary it is not strong in its message. It attempts to provide insight into Obama's past and thought process. It says that Obama was deeply affected by his fathers thoughts and goes in depth to cover the fathers past in Kenya in depth. Obama did not spend much time with his father. He did spend more time with other people who were pro-socialistic and not enough light is shed on that. The film maker obsesses about Obama's father and his ideals - when he should have focused more on Obama's mother considering she was with him more than his father. The film tangents about Obama's half brother with whom Obama hardly ever met and hence did not help. The author is trying to make this a big deal. The author has many ammunition but chooses not to shoot( The movie has a plot but lacks the details and the punch.)


The more glaring problems are:

1. Towards the beginning when the host tries to explain India to the viewers he does a poor job. You destiny is handed to you in India he says. That sounds like a sweet deal but unfortunately that is not true.

2. The host tries to show clips of many articles attacking his book and then tries to promote himself by saying - look im from DArthmouth an Ivy league college and I know what is going on. Ideally one should use your own movie to promote yourself. Your views- sure, but not yourself.

3. Later on he predicts 3 results for USA if Obama wins (less nuclear warheads in US, more debt and third I dont remember.) The sad part is this was already predicted by many people much before the author. The host is trying to take credits for a prediction that has not occurred and is really not his own.


I wish the host tried to showcase more about Obama's falling's than promote himself. This document is not going to have the Michael Moore effect that one would wish sadly.

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I wish the host tried to showcase more about Obama's falling's than promote himself. This document is not going to have the Michael Moore effect that one would wish sadly.

Of course not.

Moore is very popular amongst the left who run the media and Hollywood.

That bias is nothing new.

( But it does seem especially fervent recently.)


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