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Mitt Romney And Moromonism


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Ok, we all know about Mitt Romney being Mormon, but does anyone no anything about Mormonism. I find it a tad strange that someone like Mitt would fall for such a false religion based on the lies of a charlatan like Joseph Smith. Maybe it's because the LDS church is now so far removed from it's origins that it can some how dismiss it's history, but I find it difficult to pass up myself.


Mormonism is not just "YOu must believe in Jesus to be saved". At it's core, it has some very mysterious and esoteric beliefs that do in fact, based on Christian Orthodoxy technically make Mormonism a "cult". Here are some issues in their beliefs.


Before you go on, let me say that the LDS church is full of very good people who mean well and have great intentions. But all one has to do is look into the history books and find that there are some things that just don't line up and I can't believe that we have a candidate who considers himself to be Mormon. I wonder if he even knows about their deepest doctrines. This probably doesn't mean much to anyone. I will still vote for the man because he is the lesser of two evils IMO. But God, is this really the best this country can throw together.



Here's the list.


Jesus and Lucifer are spiritual brothers.


A plan of salvation was needed for the people of earth so Jesus offered a plan to the Father and Satan offered a plan to the father but Jesus' plan was accepted. In effect the Devil wanted to be the Savior of all Mankind and to "deny men their agency and to dethrone god," (Mormon Doctrine, p. 193; Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p. 8).



When we die, based on our earthly works, we could possibly attain "Godhood" and be given our "world" to be a "God and Goddess" over.


God, as we traditionally think of him has a wife and they make spiritual babies who inhabit our physical offspring here on earth. God was also a man on another planet that attained this "Godhood" and was given control over our earth to be God over.


There religion is very "Works" based and your afterlife and the results of your afterlife are determined by your works. There are different levels of the "Eternal Heaven" based on what we do here on Earth.


Book of Mormon is on the same level as the Bible


There is no salvation outside the mormon church - A.If it had not been for Joseph Smith and the restoration, there would be no salvation. There is no salvation [the context is the full gospel including exaltation to Godhood] outside the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


A."One of the most fallacious doctrines originated by Satan and propounded by man is that man is saved alone by the grace of God; that belief in Jesus Christ alone is all that is needed for salvation," (Miracle of Forgiveness, Spencer W. Kimball, p. 206).

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Yeah Mormonism is so unbelievable


But other religions are totally legit!





If you start nitpicking about what morons believe then it'd only a small step to Catholics and the like.


Yes, and I would agree with you to a point. However mormonism makes some very crazy claims. One in fact is that at one point, here in North America, just after the death of Christ, there was an advanced civilization that Christ came back to and ministered to. These people were in fact Jews who made it to north america, but we call them Indians. Yet, no archeological finds substantiate and DNA testing of Indians show that they have no connection to the middle east and jewish people.


And all of these lies have been established, taught and spread since the mid-1800's. Well done Josepsh Smith, well done.

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And in other news, a parchment was found that claims Jesus had a wife.


Response from a theologian in an "acceptable" (Baptist) sect of Christian mythology.


Jim West, a professor and Baptist pastor in Tennessee, said: "A statement on a papyrus fragment isn't proof of anything. It's nothing more than a statement 'in thin air', without substantial context."


Sweet Christ, the irony.

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Ok, we all know about Mitt Romney being Mormon, but does anyone no anything about Mormonism. I find it a tad strange that someone like Mitt would fall for such a false religion based on the lies of a charlatan like Joseph Smith. Maybe it's because the LDS church is now so far removed from it's origins that it can some how dismiss it's history, but I find it difficult to pass up myself.


Mormonism is not just "YOu must believe in Jesus to be saved". At it's core, it has some very mysterious and esoteric beliefs that do in fact, based on Christian Orthodoxy technically make Mormonism a "cult". Here are some issues in their beliefs.


Before you go on, let me say that the LDS church is full of very good people who mean well and have great intentions. But all one has to do is look into the history books and find that there are some things that just don't line up and I can't believe that we have a candidate who considers himself to be Mormon. I wonder if he even knows about their deepest doctrines. This probably doesn't mean much to anyone. I will still vote for the man because he is the lesser of two evils IMO. But God, is this really the best this country can throw together.



Here's the list.


Jesus and Lucifer are spiritual brothers.


A plan of salvation was needed for the people of earth so Jesus offered a plan to the Father and Satan offered a plan to the father but Jesus' plan was accepted. In effect the Devil wanted to be the Savior of all Mankind and to "deny men their agency and to dethrone god," (Mormon Doctrine, p. 193; Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p. 8).



When we die, based on our earthly works, we could possibly attain "Godhood" and be given our "world" to be a "God and Goddess" over.


God, as we traditionally think of him has a wife and they make spiritual babies who inhabit our physical offspring here on earth. God was also a man on another planet that attained this "Godhood" and was given control over our earth to be God over.


There religion is very "Works" based and your afterlife and the results of your afterlife are determined by your works. There are different levels of the "Eternal Heaven" based on what we do here on Earth.


Book of Mormon is on the same level as the Bible


There is no salvation outside the mormon church - A.If it had not been for Joseph Smith and the restoration, there would be no salvation. There is no salvation [the context is the full gospel including exaltation to Godhood] outside the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


A."One of the most fallacious doctrines originated by Satan and propounded by man is that man is saved alone by the grace of God; that belief in Jesus Christ alone is all that is needed for salvation," (Miracle of Forgiveness, Spencer W. Kimball, p. 206).


Did you really have to bring this up? Now all the atheists will come out of the closet spouting their BS. Who cares what religion he is? I only care what kind of leader he would make. Obama also says he is a man of faith, and had a revolutionary preacher who hated America. But we talk about Romney.

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And in other news, a parchment was found that claims Jesus had a wife.


Response from a theologian in an "acceptable" (Baptist) sect of Christian mythology.




Sweet Christ, the irony.


""A statement on a papyrus fragment isn't proof of anything. It's nothing more than a statement 'in thin air', without substantial context.""




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Did you really have to bring this up? Now all the atheists will come out of the closet spouting their BS. Who cares what religion he is? I only care what kind of leader he would make. Obama also says he is a man of faith, and had a revolutionary preacher who hated America. But we talk about Romney.


No I am pretty sure we get 2 or 3 threads a day with a link to Da Blaze, or breitbart, or beck or wahtever insulting some aspect of Obama...

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Did you really have to bring this up? Now all the atheists will come out of the closet spouting their BS. Who cares what religion he is? I only care what kind of leader he would make. Obama also says he is a man of faith, and had a revolutionary preacher who hated America. But we talk about Romney.


I want to say his religion doesn't and shouldn't matter. And that's how most of America feels. I think the only people who really care about Romney's religion are the ultra-conservative, mainstream Christians. It's a non-issue for me. What's interesting, however, is that at a certain point a candidate's religiosity does matter. I could never vote for that religious idiot Santorum.

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