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The Republican Party Has To Give


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Vapor, bro, you aren't hearing me. I am saying I don't give a fuck about winning elections, I care about doing the right thing.


Look man, nobody did the right things more than Jesus Christ. When he was given chances to compromise, tone it down, and meet the Jew priests in the middle to help them save face, he refused........ What did it get him? Crucified, of course.


YOu are all caught up with winning elections. Look, it no secret to me that the world has gone to hell. Of course gay marriage and all this other shit is supported with a majority. This IS the liberal way....... any rules that cause discomfort, sacrifice, hard work, perserverence or self-reliance are now viewed as things that must be eliminated so that we respect EVERYONE'S point of view.


Dude, eventually you will have a living hell on earth. YOu can't keep sticking your hands in someone else's pockets and making them pay for all this shit. There is a limit and we are close to it.


Each year of my life we have moved to the left. More programs than ever before and yet the ills of the common man are worse than ever. Why do you think that is? Without standards, morals and a a principle-laden foundation, all you liberals are doing is making immorality more acceptable. Little by little, until as you see it before you know, the average American is too fucking ignorant to realize how badly his ways have eroded America.


Like it or not, Conservative White males built America. There is no space program, no St Judes Hospital, No sports bars, and no skyscrapers in Kenya. There are no lesbian hall of fame of inventions. There are no Mexican artificial hearts, kidneys and artificial limbs. There are no movie stars in history books for their risk taking, innovativeness and industriousness.


Show me the safe, clean, well-spoken black suburb in America where the school children can speak proper English and score in even the top 25% of performers. You can't. Left to their own devices, as a whole, these people rot, ruin, bastardize, rape, pillage and violate everything good they are given.


My Grandparents were Ukrainian immagrants and my Grandfather would tell me " Tommy, you be go to storr forr me na buy me peepsickle.............


Not ONE of their offspring spoke broken English..............ONE GENERATION IN AMERICA and my parents and aunts and uncles knew how to speak properly. 200 years later, nigs are still speaking like unintelligible assholes. That's your soft, liberal beliefs hard at work. It's racist to make them struggle.......... so now? you have minorities worse off than they ever were.


Fuck your liberalism and fuck your homos, baby killers and whore wanting free birth control.


Perhaps it will take a second American Revolution to fix this mess, but the Founding Fathers fled from all this shit you liberals are embracing.


Fuck your majority.


Oh yeah? Well, I'll suck your dick, you faggot.

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Vapor, bro, you aren't hearing me. I am saying I don't give a fuck about winning elections, I care about doing the right thing.


Look man, nobody did the right things more than Jesus Christ. When he was given chances to compromise, tone it down, and meet the Jew priests in the middle to help them save face, he refused........ What did it get him? Crucified, of course.


YOu are all caught up with winning elections. Look, it no secret to me that the world has gone to hell. Of course gay marriage and all this other shit is supported with a majority. This IS the liberal way....... any rules that cause discomfort, sacrifice, hard work, perserverence or self-reliance are now viewed as things that must be eliminated so that we respect EVERYONE'S point of view.


Dude, eventually you will have a living hell on earth. YOu can't keep sticking your hands in someone else's pockets and making them pay for all this shit. There is a limit and we are close to it.


Each year of my life we have moved to the left. More programs than ever before and yet the ills of the common man are worse than ever. Why do you think that is? Without standards, morals and a a principle-laden foundation, all you liberals are doing is making immorality more acceptable. Little by little, until as you see it before you know, the average American is too fucking ignorant to realize how badly his ways have eroded America.


Like it or not, Conservative White males built America. There is no space program, no St Judes Hospital, No sports bars, and no skyscrapers in Kenya. There are no lesbian hall of fame of inventions. There are no Mexican artificial hearts, kidneys and artificial limbs. There are no movie stars in history books for their risk taking, innovativeness and industriousness.


Show me the safe, clean, well-spoken black suburb in America where the school children can speak proper English and score in even the top 25% of performers. You can't. Left to their own devices, as a whole, these people rot, ruin, bastardize, rape, pillage and violate everything good they are given.


My Grandparents were Ukrainian immagrants and my Grandfather would tell me " Tommy, you be go to storr forr me na buy me peepsickle.............


Not ONE of their offspring spoke broken English..............ONE GENERATION IN AMERICA and my parents and aunts and uncles knew how to speak properly. 200 years later, nigs are still speaking like unintelligible assholes. That's your soft, liberal beliefs hard at work. It's racist to make them struggle.......... so now? you have minorities worse off than they ever were.


Fuck your liberalism and fuck your homos, baby killers and whore wanting free birth control.


Perhaps it will take a second American Revolution to fix this mess, but the Founding Fathers fled from all this shit you liberals are embracing.


Fuck your majority.





Just how I like my old people. Bitter, angry, racist and homophobic.


You really should just stop talking, you aren't doing yourself any favors. Go get the nurse and have her get you your medicine for the evening then enjoy your 3pm dinner and go to bed. I hear you guys are playing Bingo tomorrow

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Each year of my life we have moved to the left. More programs than ever before and yet the ills of the common man are worse than ever. Why do you think that is? Without standards, morals and a a principle-laden foundation, all you liberals are doing is making immorality more acceptable. Little by little, until as you see it before you know, the average American is too fucking ignorant to realize how badly his ways have eroded America.




Coming from possibly the most immoral "man" to frequent the Browns Board.





..but it's only us liberals making "immorality" acceptable.






Morality is subjective. In some cultures, it is considered not only legal but morally good to chop off a hand for theft, drop your elderly into frozen lakes, and dispose of female children in the dumpster.


Ask a deontologist, utilitarian, cultural relativist, categorical imperativist, virtue ethicist, subjectivist and egoist about the immorality of American and see if you don't get a different response for each.





Next time you want to argue about the effect of the snake-tongued liberal on America, try using something that can be empirically backed up. Oh wait, you're a conservative, you don't believe in empirical stats because Jesus didn't beam them down to you on a ethereal platter.

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Whatever, Ghoolie. The fact is, the people you support will actually not be elected if they continue to reject gay marriage, abortion, and illegal immigration forgiveness. If you disagree, I'm sorry, but you're not going to like the next couple of decades, because the people you will want to vote for are going to be compromising with the dems. It's really that simple.


I disagree. Illegal immigrants will obviously always vote for liberals but the democrats will not always grab 98% of the black vote. Plus if you look at the percentage differences in each state instead of electoral votes you would notice that the two candidates were a lot closer than it first appears. The media wants everyone to think the above three issues (gay marriage, abortion, illegal immigrants) are really important because that is the only way the democrats can win.


And you really drink the liberal media kool-aid with all this "compromising" talk. Every democrat seems to think Republicans are the only reason Washington hasn't made much progress. Last time I checked, compromise works both ways. Just because Obama got re-elected doesn't mean America has to bow down to his every command. If that's what you truly believe than you need to look up the definition for "compromise."

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I disagree. Illegal immigrants will obviously always vote for liberals but the democrats will not always grab 98% of the black vote. Plus if you look at the percentage differences in each state instead of electoral votes you would notice that the two candidates were a lot closer than it first appears. The media wants everyone to think the above three issues (gay marriage, abortion, illegal immigrants) are really important because that is the only way the democrats can win.


And you really drink the liberal media kool-aid with all this "compromising" talk. Every democrat seems to think Republicans are the only reason Washington hasn't made much progress. Last time I checked, compromise works both ways. Just because Obama got re-elected doesn't mean America has to bow down to his every command. If that's what you truly believe than you need to look up the definition for "compromise."


Wrong. I'm not talking about the compromise that's going to happen now, I'm referring to the compromise that's going to have to happen in the future. If the GOP wants seats in the house and senate, they're going to need to let go of their archaic stances on the social issues (ie. become more libertarian). If they fail to do so, then they're going to have to compromise much more than they ever have, because they won't have the seats to get done what they need to get done.

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Wrong. I'm not talking about the compromise that's going to happen now, I'm referring to the compromise that's going to have to happen in the future. If the GOP wants seats in the house and senate, they're going to need to let go of their archaic stances on the social issues (ie. become more libertarian). If they fail to do so, then they're going to have to compromise much more than they ever have, because they won't have the seats to get done what they need to get done.



You're 100% wrong of course and sounding extra Hitler-y, basically saying conform or die. That attitude will get you nowhere and is the exact reason nobody is willing to compromise.

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You're 100% wrong of course and sounding extra Hitler-y, basically saying conform or die. That attitude will get you nowhere and is the exact reason nobody is willing to compromise.


lol, and there's the Hitler reference. I'm saying that if they don't change their attitudes, less of them are going to get voted in. But I guess if you can't differentiate between that and, oh I don't know, say genocide, then you're a wet-biscuit Retard.

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Well there you have it. But what else would you call someone saying either you will conform to our opinion or else? Like it or not Hitler is the top villain in history and he also felt everyone would conform to his opinion or else. If there were a better example of it, than he wouldn't be cited so often.

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Well there you have it. But what else would you call someone saying either you will conform to our opinion or else? Like it or not Hitler is the top villain in history and he also felt everyone would conform to his opinion or else. If there were a better example of it, than he wouldn't be cited so often.



That's not what he's saying. He's saying that candidates will need to listen to the public's opinions or else they run the risk of not winning the popular vote.


It's the same as saying we need a coach who adapts his style to the skills of his players, not a coach who tries to fit square pegs into round holes.


The morals of this generation aren't the same morals of the last. There are more mixed-race families, a higher percentage of openly GLBT people, and the children born to the waves of illegal immigrants are reaching voting age.



At the end of the day, it's still a popularity contest. The person who appeals to more of the public in these swing states will win. Arguments like this are a by-product of bipartisanship, but doesn't Vapor's statement ultimately maintain what Lincoln said in his Gettysburg address? "A government of the people, by the people and for the people"



Unfortunately, with the way the electoral college is set up, the "people" Lincoln was referring to only reside in Ohio, North Carolina, Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Virginia and Florida.

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That's not what he's saying. He's saying that candidates will need to listen to the public's opinions or else they run the risk of not winning the popular vote.


It's the same as saying we need a coach who adapts his style to the skills of his players, not a coach who tries to fit square pegs into round holes.


The morals of this generation aren't the same morals of the last. There are more mixed-race families, a higher percentage of openly GLBT people, and the children born to the waves of illegal immigrants are reaching voting age.



At the end of the day, it's still a popularity contest. The person who appeals to more of the public in these swing states will win. Arguments like this are a by-product of bipartisanship, but doesn't Vapor's statement ultimately maintain what Lincoln said in his Gettysburg address? "A government of the people, by the people and for the people"



Unfortunately, with the way the electoral college is set up, the "people" Lincoln was referring to only reside in Ohio, North Carolina, Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Virginia and Florida.


Thank you! But that last part's not necessarily true. Senate and House races are wide open in many places other than those you've listed above. Each seat a party controls makes a difference.


Yes in case you missed it. Young voters prefer gay marriage. In 20 years who knows, but their opinions will never change. That's crazy, thinking they'll grow up. Stupid. They'll all be peter pan, forever.


It's called forecasting, even though you seem to maintain that it's not scientific to do so (which still boggles my mind)! You can forecast what's likely to happen based on trends that are visible from the data. And still, not a single one of you have shown me a shred of scientific evidence that you get more conservative as you age.

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Thank you! But that last part's not necessarily true. Senate and House races are wide open in many places other than those you've listed above. Each seat a party controls makes a difference.




It's called forecasting, even though you seem to maintain that it's not scientific to do so (which still boggles my mind)! You can forecast what's likely to happen based on trends that are visible from the data. And still, not a single one of you have shown me a shred of scientific evidence that you get more conservative as you age.


Where I think this fails is your basic idea that to be conservative you have to be anti gay marriage and anti abortion.


Personally I have no problem with gay marriage. Let them get married who the fuck really cares? I am anti abortion, its barbarism pure and simple.But on the flip side of that id support giving away contraceptives, and paying people to get sterilized.

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Thank you! But that last part's not necessarily true. Senate and House races are wide open in many places other than those you've listed above. Each seat a party controls makes a difference.




It's called forecasting, even though you seem to maintain that it's not scientific to do so (which still boggles my mind)! You can forecast what's likely to happen based on trends that are visible from the data. And still, not a single one of you have shown me a shred of scientific evidence that you get more conservative as you age.



It can boggle your mind then. Researching opinion polls is not science in the way that engineering or medicine is science. It's not hard science. It's fucking opinion polls.

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Where I think this fails is your basic idea that to be conservative you have to be anti gay marriage and anti abortion.


Personally I have no problem with gay marriage. Let them get married who the fuck really cares? I am anti abortion, its barbarism pure and simple.But on the flip side of that id support giving away contraceptives, and paying people to get sterilized.



Then you are making his point, I believe.


Those Republican candidates that are adamant pro-life, anti-gay, ship them back to Mexico aren't going to find success as we as a society evolve. Those candidates willing to adopt more "liberal" points of view are the ones that are appealing to the public. The percentage of God-fearing, Bible-thumping, "queers and beaners go to Hell" conservatives has become a clear minority in today's America, and those candidates appealing to that population will not find success in future elections.


It's not to say that conservatives have to become liberal because it's the better party. It's that if you are going to be in public office, then you must adopt the same views as the general public.


While I am pro-choice, I would much rather see preventative measures implemented. I'm all for teen males being vasectomized(?) until a certain age (no different than a drinking age or getting your driver's license). Unfortunately, that would then give teens no reason to use protection which would then cause in increase in STD's.

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Where I think this fails is your basic idea that to be conservative you have to be anti gay marriage and anti abortion.


Personally I have no problem with gay marriage. Let them get married who the fuck really cares? I am anti abortion, its barbarism pure and simple.But on the flip side of that id support giving away contraceptives, and paying people to get sterilized.


Right! I don't think that you have to be those things to be fiscally conservative. Unfortunately, if you're voting conservative, the only party that has a chance right now of doing what you want done with the government is also extremely socially conservative as well. So like I said earlier, the GOP is going to have start shifting towards libertarianism if they want to succeed as a party. Rick Santorum cannot be a party's second choice if it wants to win today.

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We are still talking homo stuff when the real issue is jobs.



When are you nimrods going to figure that out??



It's not homo rights, abortion, or pot smoking.....jobs is the issue.

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We are still talking homo stuff when the real issue is jobs.



When are you nimrods going to figure that out??



It's not homo rights, abortion, or pot smoking.....jobs is the issue.



Well meaningless social issues have been built up by certain people to be a lot more important than they are. I say let the gays get married. What will they bitch about then?


Let pot get legalized. If you claim to know anybody who's ever been really harmed by pot you're probably lying. Does it make people lazy? Maybe but there's plenty of lazy people who don't smoke pot. People wouldn't be so gargantuan-ly fat if they weren't.


I'm not for abortion, but the liberals would be hard pressed to rally the troops around abortion alone. Despite what vapor has said in the past you will not lose the female vote for opposing abortion.


I agree, jobs are the issue, but if we as conservatives stopped being so god damn upright about gays getting married and hippies having their pot it would take a lot of the steam out of the us vs them liberals.


So...you hear that Vapor? You're right. I agree with you.

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Well meaningless social issues have been built up by certain people to be a lot more important than they are. I say let the gays get married. What will they bitch about then?


The real issues, I suppose. By that, I mean foreign policy issues, fiscal issues.


Let pot get legalized. If you claim to know anybody who's ever been really harmed by pot you're probably lying. Does it make people lazy? Maybe but there's plenty of lazy people who don't smoke pot. People wouldn't be so gargantuan-ly fat if they weren't.


I'm not for abortion, but the liberals would be hard pressed to rally the troops around abortion alone. Despite what vapor has said in the past you will not lose the female vote for opposing abortion.


I agree. I think abortion will be a significantly less important issue 50 years from now.


I agree, jobs are the issue, but if we as conservatives stopped being so god damn upright about gays getting married and hippies having their pot it would take a lot of the steam out of the us vs them liberals.


I agree completely.


So...you hear that Vapor? You're right. I agree with you.


Hear, hear. We have consensus. Now, I heard on NPR yesterday that there is a movement starting with some GOP politicians to move the party platform closer to center on social issues. Maybe now we can argue about issues that actually matter.


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