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Difference Between Manning And A Our Weeds


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Running the ball is all well and good except you forget that Weeden doesn't call the plays and is not allowed to audible. Shurmur called that pass. With everybody being covered, the best thing for Weeden to do was to fall down in order to keep the clock running. 2nd and 16 is hardly a second and long situation in Cleveland, it's more of the norm. Like I said previously, had it been third down this would be a different story but taking the dive was hardly the worst thing that Weeden could have done there.


I'm not asking you to buy anything because that is exactly what happened. I've personally heard a QB coach say "try to hit the first row of the stands" talking about that throw. The problem is that Weeden put it in the 5th row of the stands. The intention was fine, it's the execution that was messed up.


As for the fourth down throw, I don't recall it but I'm sure it happened. There's probably no excuse for that.


What I'm trying to say is that it's less of Weeden's decision making than it is his ineffectiveness at performing when the game is on the line. He's as clutch as a playoff Tony Romo. Add to that an inept head coach and the reins so tight that Weeden can't even audible and you're going to get poor performance. It's a perfect storm of suck.


I am not defending Shurmur, but how many rookie QBs are allowed to audible?

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I am not defending Shurmur, but how many rookie QBs are allowed to audible?



I would have to assume all of them based on their performances this year.



Either that or each offensive coordinator of those teams is a genius and deserves a head coaching job next year.

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