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Phil Taylor Gets Fined


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of course. the squeelers resort to after the play violence any time they get inferiority complexes from losing, or almost losing.


These Browns are not intimidated. At all. But the squeeler and squeeler "fans" squeal angrily when they aren't the only ones doing the intimidating.


Paybacks are due, squeelers. Maybe you won't be so happy to cheapshot next time.



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lol I like Phil Taylor too but you do know that if someone on the Steelers did this to a Browns player you'd all be here complaining about how dirty they are and complaining about Harrison, etc etc


just saying

The guy who took the hit left the game with a concussion because of it. I'm surprised it wasn't more based on that fact alone. But I'm still trying to figure out why Goodell decided $7,875 was the perfect amount for a fine.


The hit was illegal, but it's really no big deal. Look at all the top defenses and most of the top defenders. They play on the edge with an attitude and sometimes shit happens.

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The guy who took the hit left the game with a concussion because of it. I'm surprised it wasn't more based on that fact alone. But I'm still trying to figure out why Goodell decided $7,875 was the perfect amount for a fine.


The hit was illegal, but it's really no big deal. Look at all the top defenses and most of the top defenders. They play on the edge with an attitude and sometimes shit happens.

Probably a percentage of that weeks check

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I'm still waiting for the fine on Brandon Stockley for the cheap shot pick he put on Sheldon Brown that knocked him out of the game and prevented him from finishing the season out.... Still can't figure out why that shot was never addressed, he was flagged on the play and in the reply it clearly showed him launching himself into Brown who wasn't even looking.

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of course. the squeelers resort to after the play violence any time they get inferiority complexes from losing, or almost losing.


These Browns are not intimidated. At all. But the squeeler and squeeler "fans" squeal angrily when they aren't the only ones doing the intimidating.


Paybacks are due, squeelers. Maybe you won't be so happy to cheapshot next time.




Why so much hate for the Steelers?

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lol I like Phil Taylor too but you do know that if someone on the Steelers did this to a Browns player you'd all be here complaining about how dirty they are and complaining about Harrison, etc etc


just saying

Would have given you +2 if I could.


Phil's hit was reprehensible and totally classless.

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lol I like Phil Taylor too but you do know that if someone on the Steelers did this to a Browns player you'd all be here complaining about how dirty they are and complaining about Harrison, etc etc


just saying


Only difference is the Squealers have a history. Whines Hard made a living out of blindsiding guys when they weren't looking- and now the NFL makes it illegal. Kimo VonCheapshotten damn near ended Carson Palmer's career with a (sorry it was a deliberate attempt) to take out his knee. Headhunter Harrison is another one of their poster boys.


If someone scalps Head & Shoulders grabbing a fist full of hair, it won't bother me much.

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The difference between Taylor doing this and a Steeler playing doing it is that we, as fans, welcomed it whereas if this happened to a Steeler player there would be a group of pussies complaining about how the league is out to get them.


Then they would exclaim "Black and yellow!" or "six rings!" and scurry back to their doublewides.

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The difference between Taylor doing this and a Steeler playing doing it is that we, as fans, welcomed it whereas if this happened to a Steeler player there would be a group of pussies complaining about how the league is out to get them.


Then they would exclaim "Black and yellow!" or "six rings!" and scurry back to their doublewides.




Steeler fans complain when their players are excessively fined by playing hard hitting aggressive football.


Would you be crying if one of your players knocked out two Steelers in a single game the way Harrison did to Mo Mass and Cribbs?

No, you'd be smiling and lovin it. Just like I did.

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Why so much hate for the Steelers? Hypo


It goes way back to cheapshotting by pittspukeburg. Mean Joe Greene days even. I think Greene stomped on one of our olinemen's head or something.


Later years, it wsa hines ward blind side cheap shots - and harrison's and von what's his name taking out of qb's knees....



There is a freakin difference between just plain taking out the qb's knee (cincy) in a playoff game,


cheapshotting HISTORICALLY to win, getting away with oline HOLDING in Pittspukeburg most of the time,


while it IS called on the other team, constant blind side hits by ward,


and self defense.


Paybacks are justified. Pittspukeburg, and the squeelers reek of history, exactly as Mr. Hoorta said.

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Why so much hate for the Steelers? Hypo


It goes way back to cheapshotting by pittspukeburg. Mean Joe Greene days even. I think Greene stomped on one of our olinemen's head or something.


Later years, it wsa hines ward blind side cheap shots - and harrison's and von what's his name taking out of qb's knees....



There is a freakin difference between just plain taking out the qb's knee (cincy) in a playoff game,


cheapshotting HISTORICALLY to win, getting away with oline HOLDING in Pittspukeburg most of the time,


while it IS called on the other team, constant blind side hits by ward,


and self defense.


Paybacks are justified. Pittspukeburg, and the squeelers reek of history, exactly as Mr. Hoorta said.



You also forgot the 2005 Christmas Eve massacre when that bastard James Harrison slammed one of you to the turf.

Maybe it was you?...you do sound awfully bitter LOL!

A player of a bitter "rival" slamming a Clown fan to the turf was priceless!


But nice try. Those were merely convenient excuses to hide the true reason you hate the Steelers.


What if the Steelers never did those 'naughty' things?...be honest dude, you'd still hate them.


Browns fans hate of the Steelers started way before Ward, Kimo, Harrison ect. It started after Modell convinced Rooney to join the AFC Central. Modells thinking was that cleveland would own the division by racking up easy wins over a hapless Pittsburgh team and the others. Instead, his evil plan backfired, and it was the Steelers that started winning Super Bowls instead of "gods gift to football", the supposed "big boys on the block" Cleveland Clowns... er Browns...(I will be civil and call them by their correct name going forward, don't want to sound as ignorant and hateful as browns fans).


You hate them because the Steelers are what you want sooo bad for your Browns to be... the model NFL franchise.

You hate them because after a dismal first 40yrs, they have become the winningest franchise since the formation of the league in 1970.

You hate them because they have owned your Browns since for the last 20 or so years, and have the all time record against them.

You hate them because they knocked your Browns out of the playoffs twice.

You hate them because they have had only 3 head coaches since 1970...and you're still looking for one LOL!

You hate them because they won 6 Lombardies, while your Browns are one of only four teams to have never even made a SB appearance.

You hate them because they are of the elite, while the Clowns remain the NFL's laughingstock.


Could go on and on.


But look on the bright side..you still have the slamming of Terry Bradshaw to the turf by some buffoon named Turkey back in the 70's to hang your hat on!

Continue having fun with that!

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Taylor's simply been exposed for the cheapshotting chump he is. The sissy blow to the back of the head he threw would have had you girls whining if a Steeler player had done it. Philly was also a key player in the high-low chop that put Roethlisberger out last year. Fact is he's got a history of pulling this kind of crap. And now he's been nailed.


The players the hit Ben last year were Schaefering and Paxson, both of which were 29ish year old career practice squad players. Paxson spent most of his time on the Steelers practice squad if my memory serves me well. Tried to find a video of it but I could only find this article from the Plains Dealer which shows a picture of the sack.



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when a player gets an NFL fine, that fine money goes to an NFL charity. So the player gets to right it off on their taxes.



IS THIS TRUE????????????

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You're right. Taylor was though FINED in the rematch for his cheap shot club to Roethlisberger's head (while of course Browns fans were too busy squealing about Harrison's hit on McCoy to notice). Like I said, this isn't the first time -- part of which goes into his getting busted.


Phil Taylor is as filthy as Zombo's toilet bowl.


Can dish it out but can't take it. Typical craven behavior for squib fans.

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As usual you have things ass backwards.


It was Brownie fans squealing about Harrison, while their own guy had dished out an even cheaper shot. But you didn't hear Steeler fans whining about Taylor in the days after the game, did you? No, the airwaves were dominated with cries of Harrison this, Harrison that.


Can dish it out, but can't take it -- yep.


I will tell you that as a Browns Fan I would have loved Harrison to play for the Browns, not so much now, but from say 2008-2011 Yep would have loved it, and so would EVERY BROWNS FAN PERIOD. I dont care what any of them say. He is Nasty and does not give a shit. You need players like that. One problem with Harrison is he didnt it Colt hard enough to keep him out of that game. He must of been of the Juice at that time. :)


AS for cheap shots, who cares let them play its the NFL. Just like we would have loved Harrison, the Steelers would love to have Taylor



As it is, it really does not matter. I have never been caought up in who cheap shot who...

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As usual you have things ass backwards.


It was Brownie fans squealing about Harrison, while their own guy had dished out an even cheaper shot. But you didn't hear Steeler fans whining about Taylor in the days after the game, did you? No, the airwaves were dominated with cries of Harrison this, Harrison that.


Can dish it out, but can't take it -- yep.



Are you fucking kidding me? This whole thread is a whine...by you, sissy boy.

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