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My "motivational" Rant...


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I see and hear a lot about coaches coming in and how they need to be able to motivate these players. But it should not be IMO, the coaches job to come in and have to worry about motivating anyone on this team. What has the NFL turned into that rookies all the way to veterans have to be motivated to play and to win. Look, I get it. A coach does need to be able to inspire. A coach needs to be able to come up with the pre and post game speeches. But something is wrong with the NFL and pretty much all pro sports.


Money is the motivation now. Not championships, not records, not longevity. Guys play for their payday, and that's it.

Winning a Superbowl or any pro sport championship is only secondary to these guys.

I understand that there are financial payouts for playoffs and winning a superbowl. But those things should be where the payout REALLY is. It's time the NFL and all pro sports change the way the structure contracts. If you want money, win. If you want more money, win bigger. If you want big money, win a championship.


Contracts should be incentive and performance laden. Period. We are in a day and age when a player can walk off the field and know his stats instantly and know what kind of performance bonuses he's going to get.


I believe that the overall performance of every team in the league would go up. Players would come in wanting to win a Championship. Staying or leaving a team would not be about money, but about winning.


I'm sure there is a lot more to this, and probably a lot that I haven't thought through well enough. But how do we make winning a championship the top priority. I watched several minutes of a couple of these High School All Star games. Every so often they would have a recruit declare his college of choice. And I couldn't help but think that in the back of the minds of the athlete and their parents was "The Payday". All the what if's of making it to the Pro's. I don't know. Guess I'm starting to become a little disenfranchised with all the hero worship of late.

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Anyone that ever saw Tom Landry and Chuck Noll and Paul Brown operate knows that these guys were NOT motivational speakers or rah rah type of guys.


What they did do was to teach and expect professionalism out of their players.

Oh, I am sure they had their private talks with players about their issues....but it was always in a businesslike professional manner.

This is the sort of guy I think JH is looking for....because it seems that this is the sort of guy JH himself is. No nonsense, businesslike. Joe Banner seems the same way.

I think they will look for a coach of similar bent.


Sure, Saban seems to be that kind of guy. But who knows about him.

Whisenhunt seems that kind of guy. So I think he has a chance.

Not sure about any other candidates.

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there are two types of leaders there is the loud Rah Rah leader who will push his team to the limits to succeed, and then there is the soft under lying coach who teaching and expecting perfection and coach with a little bit of fear. Both can be very successful it all depends on what your FO likes. Now the players are the same way, some go about there way and not say a word like a Barry Sanders, and some talk all day like a Dion Sanders. They all get paid if they are worth it.


These players all want to win, you think Tom Brady who might have the greatest life ever is happy when he losing because he has a Smokin hot wife and a shit ton of money? Hell no they all want to win.


If money was eerything why did Peyton Manning come back, he had nothing to prove won a Super Bowl and most people think top 5 QB of all time. If its about money why did AP come back so early he already has a ass ton money. He came back for the love of the game.


Ray Lewis could have retired and never played another game and people would have been fine with that...HE LOVES THE GAME. Brett Farve for the love god would not retire..WHY?? He loved the game.


I could go on and on about players, money is nice, but in the NFL they put themselves thru hell just to play a game they love. Most NFL players could have been baseball players, or something else but they love FOOTBALL....

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1 more thing, I know our Browns have Sucked over hte last 13 years, but it was not for a lack effort or for the love of the game. They just were not talented enough to win more games than they lose. They wanted to win, but they just were not good enough. Also you want people to get paid all on team performance?? So Jamal Charles of KC should be punished for his team being shitty, but he throws up a monster season...



Drew Breez should be punished because they didnt make the playoffs

Eli Manning should give back the money because they didnt make the playoffs



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there are two types of leaders there is the loud Rah Rah leader who will push his team to the limits to succeed, and then there is the soft under lying coach who teaching and expecting perfection and coach with a little bit of fear. Both can be very successful it all depends on what your FO likes. Now the players are the same way, some go about there way and not say a word like a Barry Sanders, and some talk all day like a Dion Sanders. They all get paid if they are worth it.


These players all want to win, you think Tom Brady who might have the greatest life ever is happy when he losing because he has a Smokin hot wife and a shit ton of money? Hell no they all want to win.


If money was eerything why did Peyton Manning come back, he had nothing to prove won a Super Bowl and most people think top 5 QB of all time. If its about money why did AP come back so early he already has a ass ton money. He came back for the love of the game.


Ray Lewis could have retired and never played another game and people would have been fine with that...HE LOVES THE GAME. Brett Farve for the love god would not retire..WHY?? He loved the game.


I could go on and on about players, money is nice, but in the NFL they put themselves thru hell just to play a game they love. Most NFL players could have been baseball players, or something else but they love FOOTBALL....


Yes, there are a few guys out there that don't fit my rant. However, I believe that they are the minority in professional sports. Why do you have guy like Pujols, wins a World Series, then leaves for another team. $$$$ Money Honey. If Winning was it, he would have stayed and won another one.


What ya do for money honey....

Come on Come on listen to the money talk....

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I was just talking about this with a friend of mine and I 100% agree with you. I think it's easy for the lot of us regular guys who played high school and or college football to think it's all about the love the game. But let's face it, at the end of the day this a job for these guys and for over half of them a very short one at that. Imagine knowing that most all of your income will come in a 4-6 year span (average), or even if you're a better player 10-11 years. These guys have families, bills, and other stuff just like us. I feel confident what motivates a vast majority of guys in the NFL to keep playing at that level is the money. Sure, a super bowl ring would be awesome. But I often wonder if guys who have long careers on bad teams (Joe Thomas) seriously lose sleep over it when the bell tolls on their career.


Let's face it, outside of the greats who haven't won a ring who remembers those solid players years down the road?? Going back to Joe Thomas, the man is slated to make over $100 million dollars in a Browns uniform. He works hard as hell and is clearly on a HOF track. But 25 years down the road, my kids are going to care less about Joe Thomas. No disrespect to the guy but that's how it is and is that way for so many other guys who have played in the league. I could be way off base but I could live with the fact I made a boat load of money and worked hard at my job.


Onto your idea about contracts. It's a novel idea but will never, ever happen. Players would refuse to play without guarantees and large contracts. Too much can go wrong in the NFL whether it's injuries, bad team play or coaching amongst other stuff. That's just the nature of pro sports though.

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1. You can not compare football to Baseball, Football these guys put there body thru hell to play the game. It was about money why not get a job that does not kill your body. Your not going to train year long and be in the best shape of your life and go out on that field and bust your ass just for money. Baseball is totaly different, baseball is built on Free agents and huge market teams. Baseball I think is all about money, if it was not it Manny, CC, Albert, Jim, Cliff, Kenny would have never left the tribe, and the tribe would have won at least 2 or 3 world series titles


2. O-Lineman do not play for the glory, if they did they would play on the D-line for the glory, of course there size they would not be able to play a skill postion. In General I do think o-lineman care more about there running back stats than anything else. Think about the Vikings O-line on how they feel about AP. 95% O-lineman are about the team more than themselves.


3. The problem with teams that lose every year, is that it takes a toll on the best players on the team. I sure Joe gets upset when we lose, but not as much as he use to because he is custom to it. Same goes for Dawson....

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1. You can not compare football to Baseball, Football these guys put there body thru hell to play the game. It was about money why not get a job that does not kill your body. Your not going to train year long and be in the best shape of your life and go out on that field and bust your ass just for money. Baseball is totaly different, baseball is built on Free agents and huge market teams. Baseball I think is all about money, if it was not it Manny, CC, Albert, Jim, Cliff, Kenny would have never left the tribe, and the tribe would have won at least 2 or 3 world series titles


-I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree on that. The reason guys kill their body is because league minimum is around $400,00 for a rookie and goes up. You tell me how jobs a 22-27 year old dude can do that makes that much money. I know if I had the skills to play in the NFL even for the minimum I'd sure as hell do it for a chance to make around $3 million over 4-5 years with a chance to make more. It's subjective so I'm not saying you're wrong but I don't why you wouldn't do that. I mean I bust my ass at my job now and won't make $400,000 for quite a while. Why would you not do that would be my question.


2. O-Lineman do not play for the glory, if they did they would play on the D-line for the glory, of course there size they would not be able to play a skill postion. In General I do think o-lineman care more about there running back stats than anything else. Think about the Vikings O-line on how they feel about AP. 95% O-lineman are about the team more than themselves.


--I'm not saying about guys as teammates. I just used Joe as an example but there's plenty of other situations like I referenced. How about a guy like Sheldon Brown or Phil Dawson? Those are two more guys who have long, great careers in the NFL but 20 years from now my kids won't know who they were or what position they played. Even if they got a ring (don't think Sheldon has one, could be wrong), both will have made millions and millions of dollars playing the game. I could be wrong but I think that's a lot more important.


3. The problem with teams that lose every year, is that it takes a toll on the best players on the team. I sure Joe gets upset when we lose, but not as much as he use to because he is custom to it.

Same goes for Dawson....


--I don't disagree with you on that one. Losing breeds losing even on the best players. Heck even in high school I was so used to losing in baseball and football it just gets to the point where it doesn't phase you like it should. But what I'm saying here is I don't think Joe is losing too much sleep over it knowing he gets over $10 million a year to do his job well. The game of football is a very unique game like that.

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if you have a player like ray lewis (as much as i hate that murderer) you don't need an inspirational coach. ever see ray lewis pregame in the huddle? those guys are scared to death that if they don't perform he might shoot them too.


that whole ray lewis stunt filled game was nothing more than a audition reel for his spot on any given football show on network/cable tv. he must have had a voice pronunciation coach for the last couple of years cuz when he first came in the league he sounded like josh cribbs.

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I was just talking about this with a friend of mine and I 100% agree with you. I think it's easy for the lot of us regular guys who played high school and or college football to think it's all about the love the game. But let's face it, at the end of the day this a job for these guys and for over half of them a very short one at that. Imagine knowing that most all of your income will come in a 4-6 year span (average), or even if you're a better player 10-11 years. These guys have families, bills, and other stuff just like us. I feel confident what motivates a vast majority of guys in the NFL to keep playing at that level is the money. Sure, a super bowl ring would be awesome. But I often wonder if guys who have long careers on bad teams (Joe Thomas) seriously lose sleep over it when the bell tolls on their career.


Let's face it, outside of the greats who haven't won a ring who remembers those solid players years down the road?? Going back to Joe Thomas, the man is slated to make over $100 million dollars in a Browns uniform. He works hard as hell and is clearly on a HOF track. But 25 years down the road, my kids are going to care less about Joe Thomas. No disrespect to the guy but that's how it is and is that way for so many other guys who have played in the league. I could be way off base but I could live with the fact I made a boat load of money and worked hard at my job.


Onto your idea about contracts. It's a novel idea but will never, ever happen. Players would refuse to play without guarantees and large contracts. Too much can go wrong in the NFL whether it's injuries, bad team play or coaching amongst other stuff. That's just the nature of pro sports though.

What a lot of these guys make In 10 year career I could retire on. Most of them will burn through it after retirement or pay towards child support.

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Contracts should be incentive and performance laden. Period. We are in a day and age when a player can walk off the field and know his stats instantly and know what kind of performance bonuses he's going to get.


Not going to happen, period. There's a thing called a union or the Players Association, and they are out to get the players paid. Championships are not in the "paid" part of that equation. Only 3% of the players win championships in a given year. The owners still make money whether or not a team wins a championship. The owners don't get their bodies injured, broken, damaged, etc.


Maybe your rage would be better vented as to why sports players make so much more money than people who contribute something meaningful to the overall good of society? Inventors, contructors of bridges, computers, cars, etc. have more impact on the lives of people than whether or not the Browns beat the Steelers in the final game of the 2012 season did it not?

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