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First Energy Field


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I was kind of hoping that Fat Heads would put in to get it. Or Malley's so that they could have free chocolate day or some shit.

The word "FREE" and Browns stadium will never go together

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I will admit that I do get more excited than a 43 year old should at walking up and seeing "Cleveland Browns Stadium" on the side of the stadium. But at the same time, being as I only get there once a year (maybe twice this season) I don't think that moment will be diminished if it says First Energy Field or even Ghoolies Condom Shop...it's still the stadium where the Browns play and it will still be exciting regardless of who's name is on the side.

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At the end of the day, it's just the stadium. I know a lot of people were mad when Jacobs field changed to Progressive, but it never really bothered me. Honestly everyone knows that the Browns play there, doesn't really need to be called Cleveland Browns Stadium. Maybe with the money they make from FirstEnergy they can put some money into the stadium. Make it more modern, bigger video boards, etc.


I find it funny that there will be two First Energy Stadiums in Northeast Ohio.


...But no one will have any trouble telling them apart.

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Good for Mr. Haslam. I'm all for anything he might do to increase revenues (except for raising ticket prices).

I am a season ticket holder. My tickets have not gone up in 4 years. WIth this news of 1st energy paying big cash for nameing rights.



I fully expect my season tickets to go up. Maybe not this year, but next year......................LOOK OUT

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I am a season ticket holder. My tickets have not gone up in 4 years. WIth this news of 1st energy paying big cash for nameing rights.



I fully expect my season tickets to go up. Maybe not this year, but next year......................LOOK OUT



Ticket prices may not go up but I promise you that First Energy's rates will spike up some!

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Ticket prices may not go up but I promise you that First Energy's rates will spike up some!

No problem........... I don't have 1st energy as my electric provider

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Looks like we are getting a make over, no longer Cleveland browns statuim....More Money, More Money


Dont really care what they call it, just thought i would tell everyone


Not surprising. Why shouldn't Jimmy collect another couple million a year for nothing?


Next up, Dear Season ticket holder. After holding the line on ticket prices for years, for the 2013 season there will be an across the board 10% price increase for your seats. Even with this increase, be aware Browns ticket prices are still below league average, and are still a tremendous value.


Sure, just like your $7.50 beers are "good value". After having had to put up with crap football for over 10 years, you should be giving the long time ticket holders a season's worth of seats for FREE.

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Good for Mr. Haslam. I'm all for anything he might do to increase revenues (except for raising ticket prices).


I agree.


Even though our prices are some of the lowest in the league, with the state of the economy in and around Cleveland still rocky, and we haven't been very good, I'd hope ticket prices don't get bumped for at least a couple of seasons.

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Not surprising. Why shouldn't Jimmy collect another couple million a year for nothing?


Next up, Dear Season ticket holder. After holding the line on ticket prices for years, for the 2013 season there will be an across the board 10% price increase for your seats. Even with this increase, be aware Browns ticket prices are still below league average, and are still a tremendous value.


Sure, just like your $7.50 beers are "good value". After having had to put up with crap football for over 10 years, you should be giving the long time ticket holders a season's worth of seats for FREE.


That wouldn't surprise me either.

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I am a season ticket holder. My tickets have not gone up in 4 years. WIth this news of 1st energy paying big cash for nameing rights.



I fully expect my season tickets to go up. Maybe not this year, but next year......................LOOK OUT


i'm a season ticketholder too. Mr. Modell never raised prices after a poor season. i'm glad the Lerner's followed in those footsteps. i hope Mr. Haslam does too.

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I thank goodness that I too am not a First Energy customer. Where I live we have municipal power. Here is the problem with this deal...none of which has anything to do with the Browns:


First off....this is PUBLIC Utility. It has a monopoly over the areas in which it serves. It does NOT have to compete with anyone else at all to provide electricity to its customers.

Its customers must use them and have no real option to opt out.


This naming rights deal is NOTHING but a big fucking ego move by the few fucked up fat cats that run that utility.

They just want to play their ego games with their customers money...and yes, you bet your sweet ass the cost of this "advertizing" will be passed onto its customers.


Why on god's earth a company that has a monopoly...that does not have to compete for its customers...feels the need to spend so much on advertising is beyond me.


Aside from that, can the Browns use the money? Sure. JH is spending a billion dollars on the team, he has the right to recoup that if he wishes...

and, hopefully, some of that money will go into stadium improvements>>>>>> like a scoreboard video screen you can actually see.

The few times I have gone to the games I thought the Browns scoreboard was chintzy as hell.

But, whatever improvement JH wants to make with the money is alright by me.


Just one thing>>>>> Don't ever ask ME to call it "First Energy Stadium." Fuck that. I will still always refer to it as Cleveland Browns Stadium, or CBS.


After all they aren't paying ME to advertise their product. When and if they do, I will be glad to promote their product.


No, I never even wear "corporate" logo stuff. Sure, I will wear Browns/Cavs/Indians gear, and the gear I often wear is my Akron U sweater or my Cleveland-Marshall Law School hat...or my kids Kenyon or Trinity gear.....but I won't just gratuitously wear some corporate logo.

If Nike wants ME to wear their swoosh, they can pay me to do so...just like they pay LeBron or Tiger et al.

I do wear some apparell that has the name of a couple of non-profits I sit on the board of, but then I have an affiliaton with them.

So, don't ask me to call it First Energy Stadium. This will likely be the last time I do so.

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I don't see the problem here. You all want to be considered a legitimate football team, this is what legitimate owners do. All but 8 or 10 of the teams in the NFL have sold their naming rights to the stadium. It's not like we were playing in Lambeau field.


I may not be old enough to remember going to games in the Muni but there's pictures in my house of my dad as a kid there and I've heard stories ad nauseam of the atmosphere of the stadium with the Kardiac Kids on the field. If this had been that stadium, I would be against it. But it's not. This is CBS, not the Muni. The Browns have experienced nothing but failure there. So I welcome the change, because with change comes opportunity.

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The only thing I don't like is the name "First Energy Field at Cleveland Browns Stadium" why? We all know what it used to be called, and we all know the Cleveland Browns supposedly play games there. Just seems like we're one step away from a "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim" debacle. Like others have said, this isn't Lambeau Field or Yankee Stadium.

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The only thing I don't like is the name "First Energy Field at Cleveland Browns Stadium"...


I like it. They get paid, but keep the historical name attached.


Now let's get some big titty cheerleaders and some winning football.



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The only thing I don't like is the name "First Energy Field at Cleveland Browns Stadium" why? We all know what it used to be called, and we all know the Cleveland Browns supposedly play games there. Just seems like we're one step away from a "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim" debacle. Like others have said, this isn't Lambeau Field or Yankee Stadium.


Actually that would be cool- take a cue from the Donkeys "Sports Authority at Mile High" it's been done before, and I like the idea.

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Yea, it seems they only got the naming rights to the field, not the stadium. I mean, Randy Lerner gave naming rights to each exit to like the Cleveland Clinic or MBNA. Maybe they could sell naming rights to the bathrooms.


Hell, I wonder if I could get a sponsor when I take a dump:


"This Bowel Movement is brought to you by Taco Bell".


I think I've hit on something there.

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