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Will Anyone Be Sad If Ray Ray Is Done?


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On another front I read where someone else said: "Ray Lewis is out looking for another camera to cry into".

That sounds about right as well.




fo sho - he will be crying win or lose




crocodile tears.... boo hooo hooo ---cmon ray make it look real ok?

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I will be sad. From a subjective point of view, Ray Lewis is one of the greatest players of history. His "criminal" history notwithstanding, his play on the field, his charitable endeavors, his rigorous diet and workout plans and his inspirational personality have made him one of my top five favorite players of all time.


Ray Lewis is a very good man and player, regardless of the jersey he puts on. Regardless of whether or not you guys believe it, it's true.


Nobody talked about the women Jim Brown beat and probably raped.



Nobody would give a shit about Ray Lewis's off the field problems if he played for Cleveland. Same for Roethlisberger, same for Harrison, same for anyone in the league.


OK Wes' wife is DA BOMB. Sorry to have to inject some seriousness into the discussion- I finally got around to it.


Is Ray Lewis one of the top 5 LBs of all time? Sure. Is Jim Brown probably the greatest RB of all time? Sure.


But if you think no one cares about off-field issues, and is a blind hero worshiper- you're WAY off base. There's more people out there that you can imagine who can separate the athletic star from the person. I'd still think Rothlisberger and Harrison were scum, even if they played for the Browns. Don't think you saw me shed any tears when Donte Stallworth got reamed for that DUI manslaughter. In fact- I thought he got off easy. I've met a guy who got drunk, rammed a bus stop, killed a couple people and spent seven years in the slammer. Yeah young 'un, we talked about it plenty when Jim Brown tossed that chick off the balcony- but you weren't alive yet to know about it.


Does a "very good man" forget what happened when two guys get killed? Does a very good man pay millions to the victim's families to shut them up? If you don't think Ray was on speed dial to his hot-shot lawyer the second after it all went down, you're naive as hell. Or maybe you want to tell me how the clothes he was wearing at the scene magically disappeared, and were never found?


Abuse\rapist's victims may be emotionally scarred for life, but they're still alive. Ray and\or his pals victims are DEAD. Hell's Bells, Mike Vick spent two years in the slammer for killing dogs, and Ray's as innocent as a Choir Boy? BS. He ranks right up there with OJ for beating an accessory to murder rap. And the shit job the prosecutors did managing the case is Keystone Kops laughable, if it wasn't so tragic.


You may think otherwise, but MHO is Ray knows he got away with one- and unlike OJ, at least he's reformed his life since- and I'll call all that charitable work as a guilt trip. No he won't get hit by lightning playing indoors at the Super Bowl- but if one of those lights fall on him- like this we'll know.


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I think it is self-delusion to think that every NFL player doesn't take any advantage he can to play better and longer.


I'm not condoning it, but let's be honest, if instead of these speedy high scoring monster teams of today, we instead had to watch the 1965 NFL level play, there wouldn't be nearly the interest.


Fan taste for blood and excitement drives this as much as money and ego do.


Lewis is a very popular guy, Both famous and infamous. When one is in the public eye, a lot more stories are going to be started. I don't know what the guy is like in person, but he was a great player to watch.


Quote from "the Little Criminal" "I passed every drug test". Whoopee- so did Lance Armstrong. If you weren't Ray Lewis, they'd kick your azz out of the Super Bowl I guarantee it.

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Quote from "the Little Criminal" "I passed every drug test". Whoopee- so did Lance Armstrong. If you weren't Ray Lewis, they'd kick your azz out of the Super Bowl I guarantee it.

First off, no they wouldn't. While the NFL has shown that it will suspend people with out physical evidence (eg, Bounty Gate) the NFL has shown that they WILL NOT suspend someone for breaking the performance enhancing drug policy without a positive test. He could have been the 53rd man on the roster and he would still be playing.


Secondly I personally find it stupid that the NFL can suspend someone for using a product that you can literally walk into a nutrition store and buy like any other product. While a lot of guys that we see do get banned for Aderal and HGH, about half of the guys who do get suspended do so because they take a product that cost 30 bunch a tub and any person who works out can go and buy. I used to use a pre workout when I lifted that really wasn't any different that any other preworkout that I could buy except for some added protein and it is on the NFL's banned substance list. It's legal for any 18 year old college student to buy but it's a no no for football players. Doesn't make sense to me.

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Ray Lewis is a thug, Who has gotten away far too long,and... Im happy to see his world, potentially become torn apart.

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First off, no they wouldn't. While the NFL has shown that it will suspend people with out physical evidence (eg, Bounty Gate) the NFL has shown that they WILL NOT suspend someone for breaking the performance enhancing drug policy without a positive test. He could have been the 53rd man on the roster and he would still be playing.


Secondly I personally find it stupid that the NFL can suspend someone for using a product that you can literally walk into a nutrition store and buy like any other product. While a lot of guys that we see do get banned for Aderal and HGH, about half of the guys who do get suspended do so because they take a product that cost 30 bunch a tub and any person who works out can go and buy. I used to use a pre workout when I lifted that really wasn't any different that any other preworkout that I could buy except for some added protein and it is on the NFL's banned substance list. It's legal for any 18 year old college student to buy but it's a no no for football players. Doesn't make sense to me.


Doesn't matter if it makes sense to you or not. The fact of the matter is these guys are paid a lot of money. They know the rules and the consequences of breaking them.

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Here's a question: Will the Pro Football writers refuse to induct a player into the HOF for being suspected of using PEDs the way the Baseball writers do?


I mean, if Mark McGuire/Barry Bonds/Roger Clemens etc. ain't in their HOF (and, I believe that none of them ever failed a PED test) should Ray Lewis, et al be allowed in?


(and I don't think there has probably been a Tour de France won by any cyclist in 30 years that wasn't dirty)

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Doesn't matter if it makes sense to you or not. The fact of the matter is these guys are paid a lot of money. They know the rules and the consequences of breaking them.


Ok they are paid a lot of money. They also know what kind of drug testing is done (piss) and what they can get away with taking with that test. The type of substance used can only be found by doing a blood test. So am I supposed to be mad that guys are using something on a banned list when the NFL doesn't use a test that could detect it? Nope. That's the NFLs fault for not getting different testing procedures in the CBA.

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Ok they are paid a lot of money. They also know what kind of drug testing is done (piss) and what they can get away with taking with that test. The type of substance used can only be found by doing a blood test. So am I supposed to be mad that guys are using something on a banned list when the NFL doesn't use a test that could detect it? Nope. That's the NFLs fault for not getting different testing procedures in the CBA.


Yes. I guess honesty and integrity don't matter. It's just getting over on the test that matters.

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Yes. I guess honesty and integrity don't matter. It's just getting over on the test that matters.


Honesty and integrity? That doesn't exist much in the NFL. It would be great if their was, if it was much more like it was 30 years ago, but the NFL is filled with people who do anything they can to win. Some of it is illegal, drugs and cheating, but a lot of it is out in the light of day and it is not only visibly but it is applauded. Players getting cut without their money guaranteed, management constantly lying to players, constantly lying to fans, I mean how often have we heard these billion dollar owners say they are not making enough money just to raise ticket prices and sell a $9 dollar beers. When I want to see honesty and integrity I'll look to my preacher, seems to be the only one in this day and age that fits those two bills.

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Ray Lewis was a good linebacker. Most of his influence on games really came down to inspiring his team to play above and beyond what they were capable of. His pregame antics are legendary and his level of heart would be appreciated in an orange helmet.


But, will I be sad? Hell no. Congrats and good riddence, maybe we can finally win a game.

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Honesty and integrity?

yeah. really?


can the mods set up a 5 star rating system where each poster gets a vote when their view is popular and a minus vote when unpopular?


the same people that bitch about some posters being this and that are the same people that think that society is wrong or 'this or that'.


OMG (really?) this guy sucks because he thinks like this...or this guy thinks like this and he's the shit!! LIKE ME!! FOLLOW ME!! SHARE ME!!


we all know by now how each one of us 'regulars' feel.....


harry buffallo always has to be serious. no laughs. same with a bunch of old walking on egg shell motherfuckers. are you serious? who cares? so you know a lot about football. does that mean the rest of us have to sit on our hands?

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The worst part about Stabb retiring is that now he'll be picked up by a major network and we'll have to see every time a football game is aired.


Oh shit, I didn't even think of that.


If he and Shannon Sharpe are on the same show it would turn me off for life. I can barely handle Sharpe now.



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yep. all the way. well i guess there are worse things in life...


like being a juiced up roid head locker room jock sniffer.


Yeah, getting laid all the time is the worst.


Except all these steroids made my dick and balls actually suck back into my body. It's like a Twilight zone episode. I can finally get laid whenever I want, but I'm now a Ken doll.

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2 Super Bowl Championships


2 NFL Defensive Player of the Year awards


1 Super Bowl MVP Award


17 years as the heart and soul of the Baltimore Ravens


Hate if you want, but Ray Lewis is the greatest defensive player of all time. Hate on him, but kiss his rings while you do.

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2 Super Bowl Championships


2 NFL Defensive Player of the Year awards


1 Super Bowl MVP Award


17 years as the heart and soul of the Baltimore Ravens


Hate if you want, but Ray Lewis is the greatest defensive player of all time. Hate on him, but kiss his rings while you do.

He was a great player, but he is nowhere NEAR the greatest. Lawrence Taylor was WAY more important,AND BETTER, then ray ray.


Ray Ray is MAYBE the 3rd best inside LB ever. He didn't change the game, and not 1 team ever had to game plan against him.


He will most certianly walk into the Hall-of-Fame on his first try, but he doesn't even come close to LT, as a defender that offensive coaches worried about

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