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Bradley And Gay Released

Flyin J

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Who gives a fuck about pittsburg. Its not a great city it sucks its a shithole city that sucks to drive in. Just because you say its great dont mean shit to anyone. Btw this subject has been beat to death 1000 times over and everytime you lost the argument.

Go to the steeler board talk about locker room troubles salary cap issues/ casualties.

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Who gives a fuck about pittsburg. Its not a great city it sucks its a shithole city that sucks to drive in. Just because you say its great dont mean shit to anyone. Btw this subject has been beat to death 1000 times over and everytime you lost the argument.

Go to the steeler board talk about locker room troubles salary cap issues/ casualties.


They restructured all the big contracts outside of Woodley and that's expected to be restructured soon. In talks with Harrison right now and we just signed William Gay. If were in cap hell we wouldn't have resigned Gay even if his contract is inexpensive. As far as the city is concerned, I can't begin to care what you are anyone else thinks about it. I love it here and it's far from a shit hole. A lot of other people that live outside the city agree with me. I also post on my steeler board plenty. The only time I post here is when someone wants to jump on the Pittsburgh hate train.

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Sooooo we aren't going to sign a free agent or we will?

No matter how you look at it 90% to everyone that signs a free agent overpays. Some one has to offer more than the next to make his offer more appealing. Other than that you have a couple guys that dont care about the $ and nearing retirement and just want to win a s.b.


We'll bring in some FA's, but some people have it in their mind's eye that we're gonna go out and get Levitre, and Kruger, and Smith, and Ellerbe and DRC and just have a complete renovation of our team because we're so far under the cap.



The truth is that we'll get a couple guys of decent skill, but no big name blockbuster-type signings.

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You have got to be fucking with me, right?


There's no way you can actually read the things I'm saying, then "counter" my arguments with the exact same things I'm saying...and then claim that you're the one who proposed the idea.


My argument is that it takes competence in the ownership and management in our sports team to bring in a winner to this town.

What exactly about this statement do you disagree with?

Or are you still going to stick to the line that "its too cold here, BRRR, or "the river caught on fire when most of the current players grandparents were in high school", or "there is a lot of trash on the streets", so no good players will come here.



Gipper, do us all a favor- stick to your pointless trivia posts that nobody really gives a fuck about and let the people who actually know what they are talking about continue to have conversation, you crazy old motherfucker.


I get it. You are lazy and ignorant of the history of the game...which is basically all the trivia does. Test your knowledge of the sport. I clearly comprehend why you don't participate. You obviously have no knowledge of the history of the sport.



In order to win, we will have to bring in FA. But in order to bring in FA...we have to win. It's an endless circle, so other factors will have to be introduced. It's not a hard concept to grasp.


Well, you are right....winning helps (isn't that what I have been saying?). But you are double dumbass wrong to thing that "other factors" have to be introduced....at least the factors you claim. But there is one other factor you ignore: MONEY. Winning and money are the keys.

Why is it that you cannot understand this? Because you are such a puss that the sight of a little snow will paralyze you? That the sight of an empty building gets you paranoid? Are you so pyrophobic that you think if you stood on the shore of the Cuyahoga River that after 44 years a fire monster might jump up and burn you alive?

Do you think that all major leaguers possess your weaknesses?


Keep showing pride in the dumpster-city that you don't even live in. You'd think, since it was such a nice place, you'd live there and not in Wadsworth.


Yes, that is what decent, loyal people do. They have pride, they show loyalty.

You apparently are NOT that kind of person. You exhibit no pride or loyalty.

As for living in Wadsworth...this is where I am from. I live about 5 miles from where I grew up. My office where I sit is only about 3 blocks from the old hospital where I was born.

They write odes and sing songs about people like me.

I did live in the Cleveland City limits for 3 years while going to school. I can be in downtown Cleveland in about 35-40 minutes.


You're saying that I'm making your argument for you about needing a winner, yet that's exactly what was written in my original post and has been stated in every single one of my posts since. You're the one who's pussy is hurt and can't actually read what I'm saying.


Apparently it is YOU that cannot read what you are saying.



You're focusing on the fact that I'm calling Cleveland a trashbag and not on what the actual content of my comments are.

You are right. I am focusing on the fucking dumbass shit you are saying. If you don't want people to focus on the dumbass shit you say, then don't say dumbass shit....and then don't compound it by saying the same dumbass shit you say.


You are the Cleveland fanbase in a microcosm. You get so riled up when someone says something bad about Cleveland that you immediately get combative and dismissive, even when you're making the same exact points as the other person.


Yes, I DO get combative and dismissive of someone that says dumbass shit. Why shouldn't I?

If I say your mother was a great cook and a whore....would you overlook the fact that I called her a whore and only say "gee thanks for the compliment about my mother's cooking". How stupid are you?


For instance, I said that a player would rather play for a contender than a shitty team on a lake. You then say "No, look at Detroit or Green Bay. They are winners and they are on a lake. Lakes have nothing to do with it ".

The content of the message was that a player would rather play for a contender, yet all you can see is that somehow, somebody insulted Cleveland's lake. The lake had nothing to do with that statement, (although it is a giant toilet), but that's what you picked and that's what you ran with.


If the lake, the shitty city had nothing to do with it, then why did you state it? If you didn't intend to insult the city then why did you insult the city?

I mean, what kind of mental midget are you?

Your mother was a whore. Your mother sucks cocks in hell.....a player would rather play for a winner. (please, please ignore the statements I said about your cocksucking mother).

Are you perhaps getting a clue as to how absurd you are being?



What's even better is that you then just talk yourself in a circle until the other person stops arguing with you, all the while making attacks. You are the epitome of an uninformed debater.


Am I? You are the one that keeps going in circles and acting like a little snow will kill you or are afraid the big bad fire monster will get you.

I say simply: get competent management. Pure and simple.


So, once again, here are the facts. You don't have to agree with them, and I know you won't, but that is immaterial...because they are facts:


1. Most FA's want to play for a contender.

2. We are not a contender.

3. Therefore, we have to either 1) sell our city to them or 2) overpay for them

4. Haslam is a successful CEO and knows how to run a business, therefore it is unlikely that he will considerably overpay for them.

5. Therefore it stands to reason that we will not be making a giant splash in FA, as some of you like to think.


OK, sure, much of what you say is fairly accurate. I do NOT believe however that we need to "sell the city". The Browns need to sell their organization. The Browns need to sell their coaching staff. The Browns need to pay fair value for a player. These are 99% of the reasons. Every city has it areas of wealth and prosperity where an NFL player may live. Browns player are not going to go live in the ghettos of Cleveland. Nor are the players of any team going to live in the ghettos of any NFL city. And every NFL city has ghettos (except maybe Green Bay).


On a separate, but related, note:


1. The city of Cleveland is an AIDS filled dumpster-hole and is the laughingstock of most of the country.

2. It should follow in the footsteps of other cities that have successfully renewed their images such as Indianapolis and, to a lesser extent, Detroit.

3. The city of Cleveland is an AIDS filled dumpster-hole and is the laughingstock of most of the country.


Well, here we go. Evidence of why you can't/don't'won't do the trivia: out and out ignorance on not only sports, but life in America in general.

Not only are you pyrophobic and chionophobic(fear of snow), you are also homophobic. You are also apparently about 25 years out of time. The AIDS epidemic hasn't been that big of an issue for like 25 years....except, of course to a homophobe.

I guess I could go on and on and on and on about the amenities, qualities etc. of the cith of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio....but it would probably be lost on someone who is so out of touch.

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Gipper you're a grumpy old man. Pittsburgh has much more going for it than competitive sports teams. If it didn't you wouldn't have cities like Detroit looking to it as a model for their own revitalization. I personally don't give a damn if you acknowledge that fact or not, it's your choice to remain ignorant/stubborn. Bottom line Pittsburgh came from the brink and now sits pretty nicely as far as major cities are concerned. Cities sure as hell aren't modeling their redevelopment and urban renewal on Cleveland so I guess it's probably more than a couple things were Pittsburgh comes out on top. Stay grumpy Gipper.




EDIT: "You are the epitome of an uniformed debater" hits the nail squarely on the head. You do talk yourself in circles and the other person debating just doesn't care to continue. It's at least the case for me when I get in to "discussions" with you. It's mind numbing a majority of the time. Your cheerleaders then come out of hiding and reaffirm your circle talk so you appear the victor. It's a vicious cycle and one I prefer to avoid.



Look, you want to jump into a snakepit? Don't complain about getting bit.

What you believe to be the case about Cleveland and Pittsburgh is nothing more than your prejudice.

I have been to both Pittsburgh and Cleveland on any number of occasions.

I have been to every major city in the country.

Both cities, to me are similar. There is nothing better about Pittsburgh. There is nothing better about Cleveland. They have some differences, but they are very much alike.

Now, you can circle jerk yourself around and delude yourself that Pisstown is all that and a bag of chips...but it ain't. And neither is Indy, or Detroit, or just about anywhere else.

The only city in this country, to me, that has transformed itself greatly in the past decade or so is Austin, TX. But that is just because it has grown to a tremendous amount. But with that growth has come a bunch of other issues. Example: you can hardly now get around there.

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Free Agents wont come here for all the reasons you all are saying. Were not competitive. We wont overpay. Cleveland is the least glamorous city in the NFL. Its cold as fuck. Pittsburgh overcomes its downfalls with good management and player evaluation which leads to them always being competitive. Winning is number 1 in professional sports, the chance at a championship will trump all downfalls. Until we find a QB and the term "next year" actually comes to fruition we will not be able to lure big time free agents. But thats ok. We dont need Mike Wallace, we dont need Greg Jennings, we dont need nnamdi. Sure theyd help but if we can get a great QB and some mid level free agents, we'll turn the corner.

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Free Agents wont come here for all the reasons you all are saying. Were not competitive. We wont overpay. Cleveland is the least glamorous city in the NFL. Its cold as fuck. Pittsburgh overcomes its downfalls with good management and player evaluation which leads to them always being competitive. Winning is number 1 in professional sports, the chance at a championship will trump all downfalls. Until we find a QB and the term "next year" actually comes to fruition we will not be able to lure big time free agents. But thats ok. We dont need Mike Wallace, we dont need Greg Jennings, we dont need nnamdi. Sure theyd help but if we can get a great QB and some mid level free agents, we'll turn the corner.



While you presented sound logic and reasoning, you used the words "Cleveland", "less glamorous", and "cold as fuck", so it therefore will not be counted as a viable opinion to people on here.



But I agree, nobody will come here until we start winning. The city isn't doing itself any favors by being a disgusting vat of filth, so until we start competing, we'll be stuck with cast-offs and second tier guys.

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hell a lot of nfl cities are ugly. chicago green bay cleveland buffalo new england (actually foxborough) all are cold and dreary. the difference is those teams have won RECENTLY.


maybe the pro football hall of fame should be moved to cleveland itself (probably some rule against it).


or this regime needs to start a marketing campaign spotlighting the golden age of football and how dominate the browns were. during the season there should be browns' propaganda films, posters, etc. strewn across city blocks and hung inside and out the stadium, hotels (especially the one where the opposing team stays) and have 2 home games where the browns wear throw back unis...including the white and black.


the whole purpose on those sundays should be to highlight the area around the stadium to leave visitors saying that cleveland is doing something right. don't they do a car race at the old airport next to the stadium? why not have that in september on a saturday before the game? how about the air show? hell if i were banner i would make sure there were friggin huge boats docked off of where the stadium lies. just to give it the look of a port city.

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Look, you want to jump into a snakepit? Don't complain about getting bit.

What you believe to be the case about Cleveland and Pittsburgh is nothing more than your prejudice.

I have been to both Pittsburgh and Cleveland on any number of occasions.

I have been to every major city in the country.

Both cities, to me are similar. There is nothing better about Pittsburgh. There is nothing better about Cleveland. They have some differences, but they are very much alike.

Now, you can circle jerk yourself around and delude yourself that Pisstown is all that and a bag of chips...but it ain't. And neither is Indy, or Detroit, or just about anywhere else.

The only city in this country, to me, that has transformed itself greatly in the past decade or so is Austin, TX. But that is just because it has grown to a tremendous amount. But with that growth has come a bunch of other issues. Example: you can hardly now get around there.


Cleveland is nicer than Pittsburgh.


That's just my opinion, but I was raised in Western Pennsylvania and go to both places often.


They are both nice cities ... in the Summertime. But there are more bad roads, bad teeth and fat women in Pittsburgh.



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While you presented sound logic and reasoning, you used the words "Cleveland", "less glamorous", and "cold as fuck", so it therefore will not be counted as a viable opinion to people on here.



But I agree, nobody will come here until we start winning. The city isn't doing itself any favors by being a disgusting vat of filth, so until we start competing, we'll be stuck with cast-offs and second tier guys.



Why don't you just go root for the Myrtle Beach Sand Crabs. What's that? Myrtle Beach isn't considered to be a viable major league city?

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hell a lot of nfl cities are ugly. chicago green bay cleveland buffalo new england (actually foxborough) all are cold and dreary. the difference is those teams have won RECENTLY.


maybe the pro football hall of fame should be moved to cleveland itself (probably some rule against it).


or this regime needs to start a marketing campaign spotlighting the golden age of football and how dominate the browns were. during the season there should be browns' propaganda films, posters, etc. strewn across city blocks and hung inside and out the stadium, hotels (especially the one where the opposing team stays) and have 2 home games where the browns wear throw back unis...including the white and black.


the whole purpose on those sundays should be to highlight the area around the stadium to leave visitors saying that cleveland is doing something right. don't they do a car race at the old airport next to the stadium? why not have that in september on a saturday before the game? how about the air show? hell if i were banner i would make sure there were friggin huge boats docked off of where the stadium lies. just to give it the of a port city.



Yea, Northeast Ohio is such a shithole that no way would two of the favorite pastimes of mankind like Football and Rock n Roll place their Hall of Fames here, now would they?

OOPs! Fuck me. That is exactly where those Hall of Fames are located.

Boy, the people making those decisions must have been dumbasses. Shouldn't those have been placed in Southeast Bugtussle or somewhere in the Sweat Belt?

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Shouldn't those have been placed in Southeast Bugtussle or somewhere in the Sweat Belt?


LOL!! :lol: :lol:


they couldn't afford to put those anywhere south. they wouldn't have had the budget to put in the hundred or so spittoons needed for jethro, mary joe and their 13 kids. they'd also have to make it 100% interactive where all the people would have to do is push a button and listen to the kiosk of let's say jim brown. yeah i know it'd be tough enough to expect them to be able to push a button but considering only 20% of dem dar folks can read.....


oh and you'd have to have the museums/hall of fames segregated. no white man in the south is ever going to believe that elvis wasn't the king of rock and roll.

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who cares? fuck 'em if they don't want to come here.


just wait until we start to win and the guy's a FA again and then he's hoping to sign....he can go fuck himself then too.


i know it's tough to keep your mouth shut in this day of twats and twits and myface and spacebook but these guys should know there is a thing called 'burning bridges' and it's a dumb thing to do in life.

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Why don't you just go root for the Myrtle Beach Sand Crabs. What's that? Myrtle Beach isn't considered to be a viable major league city?



No, we lack the necessary homeless people shitting on the street and overwhelming diarrhea smell that Cleveland has.


But in 10 years when Cleveland's population drops below ours, we'll see.

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No, we lack the necessary homeless people shitting on the street and overwhelming diarrhea smell that Cleveland has.


But in 10 years when Cleveland's population drops below ours, we'll see.


Face it. You are just lacking. In anything and everything.


Just out of curiosity: Why are you even a Browns fan? Why aren't you the fan of some team from some faceless, colorless, characterless, generic, plastic town like Atlanta or Dallas or someplace you think is a "glamor town" since that is what you seem to think it is all about?


(When we all know that football is about blood, sweat, tears, mud, snot, dirt...and some times even a little snow and ice).

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Why is Cleveland the only team in the NFL that players openly come out and say that theres no way theyll play there? (Manningham last year and Connor Barwin a couple days ago come to mind)?

Have a link or is it more hear say?


Who gives a fuck about manningham anyway the dude isnt shit thats why the NYG let him go. How bout some names with relevance.

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Face it. You are just lacking. In anything and everything.


Just out of curiosity: Why are you even a Browns fan? Why aren't you the fan of some team from some faceless, colorless, characterless, generic, plastic town like Atlanta or Dallas or someplace you think is a "glamor town" since that is what you seem to think it is all about?


(When we all know that football is about blood, sweat, tears, mud, snot, dirt...and some times even a little snow and ice).


That's rich. You're an old, wrinkled bag of hate and ignorance, yet I'm the one who is lacking. You regurgitate trivia questions you found on "the google machine" and think that you're contributing to valid conversation.


I'm a Browns fan because my father was and raised me to be. He also warned me of the fake, maudlin fans that cling to the past and twiddle their thumbs saying "woe is me, we used to be so good". Fans like you.


I am a football player. I'm a division 1 scholarship athlete, with offers from two SEC schools. I chose to stay near home to be close to my sick father, so we could watch Browns games together. Don't tell me what it's like to play football. You know nothing of what its like to play, as the game hadn't been invented when you were a youth.


I have a degree in this industry, ive had internships and volunteer work in this industry and I'll soon have a very good job in this industry. In a few years, you'll be bitching about the decisions I make, and I'm okay with that. Because ill have succeeded in something, unlike you.

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Have a link or is it more hear say?


Who gives a fuck about manningham anyway the dude isnt shit thats why the NYG let him go. How bout some names with relevance.



Its how were viewed around the league. Not just these guys.

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That's rich. You're an old, wrinkled bag of hate and ignorance, yet I'm the one who is lacking. You regurgitate trivia questions you found on "the google machine" and think that you're contributing to valid conversation.


It contributes to the entertainment of the people that enjoy it. Just because YOU are too dumb to answer any of the questions doesn't mean that others don't like it.

Do I have to use google? Sure, because unlike you, I admit that I don't know everything.


I'm a Browns fan because my father was and raised me to be. He also warned me of the fake, maudlin fans that cling to the past and twiddle their thumbs saying "woe is me, we used to be so good". Fans like you.


Now you have shown your ignorance. Anyone who has bothered to pay attention to my opinions knows that is not me. It sounds more like you. You are the one that has proclaimed "woe is us, nobody likes us because (in your ignorant opinion) the city is terrible".

Why do you transfer your own emotions on to others?


I am a football player. I'm a division 1 scholarship athlete, with offers from two SEC schools. I chose to stay near home to be close to my sick father, so we could watch Browns games together. Don't tell me what it's like to play football. You know nothing of what its like to play, as the game hadn't been invented when you were a youth.


Wonderful, but the fact that you may have played organized football at some level doesn't mean a cabbage fart when it comes to having an intelligent opinion about the game. Most of the dumbest guys about the game are former players. Besides...your opinion about the game has nothing to do with what we are arguing about. We are arguing about the state of the city of Cleveland. Is your degree in urban planning?

I happen to know the city of Cleveland and environs to be an exciting vibrant place.

I don't have the time to take advantage of all the great things it has to offer. And it has a LOT to offer. The only thing it hasn't had is a championship team recently. (thanks to Jose Mesa blowing a lead in the 9th inning of the 7th game of the World Series....if Jose Mesa saves that game would your opinion be different? Probably)

I have a degree in this industry, ive had internships and volunteer work in this industry and I'll soon have a very good job in this industry. In a few years, you'll be bitching about the decisions I make, and I'm okay with that. Because ill have succeeded in something, unlike you.


Great. You got a job. (I notice you didn't say what "this industry is". I have no clue what you do.) How do you measure success? Your opinions about things you apparently know nothing about are bitter and misinformed. In that regard you are a failure.

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Yea, and it all has to do with the perception of the organization. 99 and 44/100ths of these guys opinions are all based on the recent instability of the team. It has nothing to do with it being cold in December on Lake Erie.

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name me one city that owns any pro team in the U.S. and i'll name something wrong with it.


oooh. maimi. yeah the heat are full of celebrity players and the weather is great (until hurricane season). big bugs, beyond hot muggy miserable days, it's population made up of cuban, haitian and PR refugees whom 75% are criminals. HEY, BUT THERE'S SOUTH BEACH! who gives a rat's ass.


IMO san diego is the spot with the best weather almost year round but who have they attracted in FA in recent years? if anything the team is rebuilding now.


hell, baltimore is one of the biggest shit holes in the country and they don't have enough money to keep their super bowl team intact.


it's not like these guys live in east cleveland or the projects of baltimore. most live in the wealthy suburbs of the city they play for, or like some have their family somewhere else and rent a nice place in a wealthy suburb of the city that they play for.


and mark is right, i'd much rather hang with the laid back ohioan compared to the Aholes i see on a daily basis.

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I have a bachelors in Sports and Recreation Management with a double minor in Marketing and Business Ethics and I also have an associates in Business Management.


I measure success by how closely you adhere to following your dreams. My childhood dream was to play professional football, I'll settle on working in the FO of a professional team.


I helped build and brand the area's semi-pro team, going from non-existence to winning the division in 3 years and making a deep playoff run in a league of over 200 teams that stretches all over the Eastern Seaboard. I've been a part of a Division 1 college program that has won their conference three out of the first seven years it existed.


I've seen firsthand what it's like to build a team to succeed immediately. Granted, the NFL is a different beast entirely but some ideas still translate, and the Browns have not been using them.


Whether or not you'd like to believe it, image and perception are awfully important to this generation. It's no longer just about how you play, it's now also about how you're perceived to the public. Hence the reason a majority of the players have image consultants. Tied into an athletes image is the team and city in which they play for. No athlete is going to play for a perennial loser unless that team either pays him a ridiculous amount of money or has other fringe benefits.


The Browns image is that of a poor team of cast-offs and underdogs that play for blue collar fans in a dead industrial town. While that was a fantastic image back in the 70s and early 80s, it doesn't translate well to today. The emphasis of your generation was hard work and family, while the core tenet of my generation is appearance


In order to get fans and FAs alike, change your perception. It's worked for the Seahawks. It's worked for the Lions. It's worked for the 49ers. All three teams have changed their identity, all three have experienced marked success.

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oooh. maimi. yeah the heat are full of celebrity players and the weather is great (until hurricane season). big bugs, beyond hot muggy miserable days, it's population made up of cuban, haitian and PR refugees whom 75% are criminals. HEY, BUT THERE'S SOUTH BEACH! who gives a rat's ass.




You answered yourself. LeBron, Bosh, Wade, Ochocinco, and Reggie Bush give a rats ass.

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In order to get fans and FAs alike, change your perception. It's worked for the Seahawks. It's worked for the Lions. It's worked for the 49ers. All three teams have changed their identity, all three have experienced marked success.


The 4-12 Lions?


What worked for the 49ers was getting a great coach to go along with top talent they were already accumulating before they were cool.


The Seahawks got a franchise QB in the third round. They nailed it, good for them, but it didn't have anything to do with uniforms or perception.


The teams in the NFL with a real identity are the teams with a great system, that draft consistently well, have solid coaching and nail the quarterback thing: Patriots, Steelers, Ravens, Packers etc ... those are who everybody would want to play for. Cold cities, ugly uniforms, great tradition of consistent winning year in and year out.


The guys that chose warm weather cities usually end up on an 8-8 team watching the playoffs. The guys that chose a team based on its uniforms ... well, there aren't any of those guys.


If the Browns start drafting right, nail the QB thing and get a solid coaching system to work ... they have just as good a chance of success as anyone else. Success breeds success and attracts talent.



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The 4-12 Lions?


What worked for the 49ers was getting a great coach to go along with top talent they were already accumulating before they were cool.


The Seahawks got a franchise QB in the third round. They nailed it, good for them, but it didn't have anything to do with uniforms or perception.


The teams in the NFL with a real identity are the teams with a great system, that draft consistently well, have solid coaching and nail the quarterback thing: Patriots, Steelers, Ravens, Packers etc ... those are who everybody would want to play for. Cold cities, ugly uniforms, great tradition of consistent winning year in and year out.


The guys that chose warm weather cities usually end up on an 8-8 team watching the playoffs. The guys that chose a team based on its uniforms ... well, there aren't any of those guys.


If the Browns start drafting right, nail the QB thing and get a solid coaching system to work ... they have just as good a chance of success as anyone else. Success breeds success and attracts talent.





The Lions that made the playoffs the year before that? The Lions with enough talent to beat the Browns with their backups?


I never said anything about uniforms. I couldn't care less what we do with our uniforms. I said we need to change our perception.


We're perceived as a cupcake game; a team that either shoots themselves in the foot or forgets to show up to the game. Under Mangini, we started to change that perception. We started hitting teams in the mouth, beating top teams in the league....then we regressed.


Seattle went and changed their perception from a offense-first pro-style team to a hard hitting, take no bullshit defensive power. They got a coach who is great at recruiting and even better with the media.


The 49ers changed their perception of their WCO/efficient passing/kill them with ball control team to a hardnosed, punch-them-in-the-mouth defense. They got a coach who not only is an innovator but is very outspoken and has become the face of the team.


These are things we need to do. We need to find an identity.


The trouble with drafting is that it normally takes a couple years for your draft picks to pan out. Realistically, you're looking at two solid starters a year and maybe a third if you hit later in the draft. By the time you see what you have, your coaching staff has been fired and the whole process begins anew. We need to supplement with FA talent until the draft picks begin to pan out, but no FA's want to come to Cleveland.


You and Gipper say winning solves everything, but you forget to mention that in order to win we have to add FA's and in order to add FA's, we have to win. If winning were that easy, we would have been doing it by now.

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The Lions with enough talent to beat the Browns with their backups?


Maybe they need to play their backups, then, because their starters were worse than ours.


Yeah they had a 10 win season two years ago, just like we did in 07. Problem is, it was sandwiched between 6-10 and and 4-12 seasons, so I don't quite think they have changed the culture there yet.





You and Gipper say winning solves everything, but you forget to mention that in order to win we have to add FA's and in order to add FA's, we have to win. If winning were that easy, we would have been doing it by now.


If you get a good QB, a good coach and top talent in the draft the free agents will come.


If we go 9-7 next year and weeden makes the pro Bowl ... free agents will be jumping in for that three year window with Weeds and Richardson.


If we fall on our face again it's time to hit the re-set button again at QB, which is another two year wait.


We gotta get the QB situation solved. We are drafting good talent on both sides of the ball, finally. We have to win with them to get the attention of free agents. Or overpay. It is what it is.


When a quarterback breaks through, everything will start to fall into place again with this franchise.



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You answered yourself. LeBron, Bosh, Wade, Ochocinco, and Reggie Bush give a rats ass.


not at all. (you mean ochocinco who played in cinci? reggie bush who will take an offer from anyone? plleeez. bad examples).


if wade was in san antonio and asked wade and bosch to go there, you don't think they would have gone.


fuck miami. fuck the south.


if appearance is the core of your generation's ideals then god help us all. what a fucking dumb thing to say.


i guess i should invest in a mirror making company seeing as how vain you young Awipes are.

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