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Cribbs To The Cardinals


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New teams for clients @JoshCribbs16 @onemangang97 @jordanbabineaux


Rumors pointing toward New England or Arizona. I don't think this is a surprise to anyone.

I hope the best for him, but the way special teams are now with kick returns and such I am ok with him going. We have benjamin kid and is fast, so I think it's time for him to move on.

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Best of luck Josh. You were a great Brown and a great person to the fans.



Exactly....I'll miss seeing him play for the Browns but I think it was time for him to move on.


At least he isn't going to a team that I hate.

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Exactly....I'll miss seeing him play for the Browns but I think it was time for him to move on.


At least he isn't going to a team that I hate.


Yeah, I can see Cribbs moving on- but what's the Browns deal with Dawson? Unless Phil has privately told them he doesn't want to be here anymore. :( the guy is still at the top of his game, and a two year contract won't break the bank.


Olindo Mare or David Akers are better options? Really?

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Personally, when you're making as much money as these guys do... taking a few extra bucks to leave a city you supposedly care about is pretty classless.

Cribbs isn't worth very much, is getting older.


I'd have liked to have seen someone, for once, take the high ground. Cribbs used the fans to get more money than he deserved in the first place.


Good riddance.


Why should he be forced to waste away here?


If he wants to leave and another team is more attractive to him then he has every right to leave.



Lemme guess, you still have sand in ur vag about Lebron too?

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Personally, when you're making as much money as these guys do... taking a few extra bucks to leave a city you supposedly care about is pretty classless.

Cribbs isn't worth very much, is getting older.


I'd have liked to have seen someone, for once, take the high ground. Cribbs used the fans to get more money than he deserved in the first place.


Good riddance.


Classless? We probably offered him barely above the league minimum and he'll be higher on the WR depth chart than he was here.

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Wow. Unbelievable! The guy was here playing hard for us for years. Was here trying to win while this team was complete shit pretty much the whole time! He now wants to go somewhere else and so it is time to bash him? I am happy for him. I would be happier if he would have ended up with a better team. I hope he has a great season and makes the pro bowl! Go Cribbs, good luck!

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no coach for the browns ever realized his potential on either side of the ball. he was one guy that could have played both ways, albeit safety on D and KR/WR and QB in some type of freak offensive scheme.


he was class here. hope he does well in the heat. might wanna think about cuttin them dreads as it's hot as a MF there.

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I love Josh Cribbs. I hope he does great in Arizona.


But he's going to continue to lose, no Qb, little talent and SF and SEA in the same division.



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I don't think this is going to turn out well for Josh , If he stays in Town he becomes The local hero and life is set for football afterlife. Now he may become some mediocre talent spending the last few years on a teams special teams , He might get a ring but , Everyone knows Bernie's ring was for second string back up and really looking at it Just confuses Me . All in all destined to end up in some Los Vegas pawn shop .

I would have gave him the money . He's a game changer . Oh well ,

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Man, I'm sorry to see Josh leave. My family lives in AZ so maybe they'll have the chance to appreciate his heart and talents now.


I've named my cat after Cribbs and now I'll have to put him down... :(


It sucks that now that we're going places the two guys that deserve it most will be gone, Peace out Josh and Phil, God Bless you guys and thanks for the thrills. You guys made watching this bullshit tolerable but now they had better fucking win. This is just like letting Vickers walk. I just don't understand the crazy shit that goes on inside the heads of control freaks.


They just don't know when to sign and when to let them walk. My daughter would be a better GM than Banner and Lombotomy. These guys are a fucking joke.

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This is just like letting Vickers walk. I just don't understand the crazy shit that goes on inside the heads of control freaks.


They just don't know when to sign and when to let them walk. My daughter would be a better GM than Banner and Lombotomy. These guys are a fucking joke.

dude, i really thought that half your posts were intentionally jokes on your part, especially the man-crush themed TR and mccoy ones.


BUT this post puts you in a whole new plane of befuddlement on my part. this FO had nothing to do with vickers leaving #1. #2 the last day and a half is the first we've seen of banner and lombardi's dealings as part of this new regime. to say the signing of kruger, bryant and groves are a joke is just plain stoopid. they basically took care of one position of need and gave it depth in one day. and they're not done.


yeah cribbs and dawson WERE great. they both are on the back end of their careers. sure it'd be nice to sign them because of loyalty on the browns part but don't forget they could have signed for less as well.


you should try to take the blinders off and take a look 360 degrees around, not just zero in on the guy you like and how they are the best ever (because you want them to be) and if anyone ever says or does anything against them, they are nothing but pieces of shit.


there have been a lot of dealings of players and coaches that we as fans personally didn't like because of our like of them, but whatever happens you are still a fan of the browns. you have to give these guys (no matter if you like them or not based upon their records as GMs etc.) a season of moves to make a clear decision of whether or not they deserve your support.

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dude, i really thought that half your posts were intentionally jokes on your part, especially the man-crush themed TR and mccoy ones.


BUT this post puts you in a whole new plane of befuddlement on my part. this FO had nothing to do with vickers leaving #1. #2 the last day and a half is the first we've seen of banner and lombardi's dealings as part of this new regime. to say the signing of kruger, bryant and groves are a joke is just plain stoopid. they basically took care of one position of need and gave it depth in one day. and they're not done.


yeah cribbs and dawson WERE great. they both are on the back end of their careers. sure it'd be nice to sign them because of loyalty on the browns part but don't forget they could have signed for less as well.


you should try to take the blinders off and take a look 360 degrees around, not just zero in on the guy you like and how they are the best ever (because you want them to be) and if anyone ever says or does anything against them, they are nothing but pieces of shit.


there have been a lot of dealings of players and coaches that we as fans personally didn't like because of our like of them, but whatever happens you are still a fan of the browns. you have to give these guys (no matter if you like them or not based upon their records as GMs etc.) a season of moves to make a clear decision of whether or not they deserve your support.


Wow. That was awesome. You are completely sober tonight aren't you?



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Wow. That was awesome. You are completely sober tonight aren't you?




sorta. finally got back on a norm sleep cycle. less booze more zanax.


hiccup. :blink:


love PoG but he just takes it to another galaxy of thoughtdom. i knew a kid like that in middle school. he used to walk on his tip toes. guess it was a mental/physical combined disability. then he grew up, started drinking and drugging. well like a lot of kids couldn't handle it thinking he was going crazy. one night he got angrily drunk and shot someone through his chest with a crossbow. first televised courtroom case in ohio. google it.


sometimes i wonder where he is and what he's doing now.


i heard he has family in arizona and named his cat cribbs.

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Personally, when you're making as much money as these guys do... taking a few extra bucks to leave a city you supposedly care about is pretty classless.

Cribbs isn't worth very much, is getting older.


I'd have liked to have seen someone, for once, take the high ground. Cribbs used the fans to get more money than he deserved in the first place.


Good riddance.


Nah- it works both ways Mike. Browns management had to know Cribbs was a fan favorite (he was on a ticket two years running). We had tons of cap room. By all accouts, we seriously overpaid for Kurger, but they can't ante up another million or so to keep Josh around till the end of his career?


Ditto that for Phil Dawson. You paid the guy franchise money for two years running, the guy makes the Pro Bowl, and now he's suddenly not worth it?


This crap isn't limited to the Browns. Tom Brady has to be privately fuming. He takes a sub-market contract so they can resign Wes Welker, and the Pats FO stiffs Welker over the $2 million Brady gave them.

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sorta. finally got back on a norm sleep cycle. less booze more zanax.


hiccup. :blink:


love PoG but he just takes it to another galaxy of thoughtdom. i knew a kid like that in middle school. he used to walk on his tip toes. guess it was a mental/physical combined disability. then he grew up, started drinking and drugging. well like a lot of kids couldn't handle it thinking he was going crazy. one night he got angrily drunk and shot someone through his chest with a crossbow. first televised courtroom case in ohio. google it.


sometimes i wonder where he is and what he's doing now.


i heard he has family in arizona and named his cat cribbs.


Lol!!! He means well but he's on a different wave length than me

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