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Urlacher Free Agent

The Cysko Kid

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Absolutely not. DQ and JMJ are by far our best starting MLB's, and OLB is out of the question. Gocong is a backup/ST player. Urlacher is simply not good enough at this point in his career.. besides, the reason why he isn't a Bear is because he wanted more money.

I see no sense in paying >3M for a backup interior LB.

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great blue collar player in a great blue collar town. would have fit great here......about 5 years ago.


another career cut short by injuries. not saying he doesn't have anything left in the tank but he's one more injury away from retiring.

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Could the Browns use one more linebacker?


Not a soon-to-be 35 year old linebacker with bad knees that wants $3.5 million a year.


Urlacher's tank is just about empty, the Bears were only willing to offer him a one year contract. It will be interesting to see if anyone will pick him up- it certainly won't be the Browns.

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I think one of the saddest things in sports is to watch these guys play so far past their prime that they hurt their own legacy. For example, when Jim Brown retired he was still the best back in the league. Then you had the Brett Favres. JB left us (those of us old enough to remember) wanting more, NOT wishing he would gracefully retire. Favre, on the other hand, had us (me, at least) wishing he would hang it up. Urlacher was great, but that is past tense. I'm hoping he decides to retire.



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