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New Drunk Driving Limits?

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Currently, the threshold is set at a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent, as a result of a transportation bill signed into law by President Clinton in 2000, which stated that states had to adopt the 0.08 threshold by 2004 or else have their highway funding revoked. But in a new report, the NTSB argues that this threshold is too high, and that it should be reduced further to 0.05.



What say you? Should we go from .08 to .05?

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well I don't think anyone is naive enough to think that it's a public safety issue.

its a cash cow for the legal profession and for law enforcement and for the community. Pure and simple. I was planning on posting that couple days ago when I heard the announcement.

it will be another kick in the ass to my profession but...



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well I don't think anyone is naive enough to think that it's a public safety issue.

its a cash cow for the legal profession and for law enforcement and for the community. Pure and simple. I was planning on posting that couple days ago when I heard the announcement.

it will be another kick in the ass to my profession but...




You were for legalizing pot, right?

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well I don't think anyone is naive enough to think that it's a public safety issue.

its a cash cow for the legal profession and for law enforcement and for the community. Pure and simple. I was planning on posting that couple days ago when I heard the announcement.

it will be another kick in the ass to my profession but...




...Wha?? Hahaha. That's classic.


I love how you assert things that are rather obvious are things that are obviously not true and you'd be a naive fool to believe them.


You can click on the link and find all the research that shows why they think lowering the level BAC level to .05 would save thousands of lives. Because it changes behavior.


For instance, if I knew the limit was .05 I'd probably shave a drink off of what I think I can drink when I'm out. And that's why it's bad for restaurants and bars and people in your business. But to say this has nothing to do with public safety and it's all just a grab for the legal and law enforcement world ...wow. You are a strange man.

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well let me suggest heck that you are both a contrarian and a hypocrite. I should have been like someone else and insisted it be zero tolerance just so you'd take the other side.

how about we make texting while driving the equal offense of drunk driving?

you've seen the studies how about reducing the speed limit to 35?

I mean all you want is to save lives right?

how about bringing back prohibition? That would solve a lot of problems wouldn't it? Wouldn't that be for our own good, mom?

or how about this...

no legal fees no finws only a one year prison term for driving over .05?

Since to you it's all about safety not profit right?

what do you say, why not save us all?


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Easy, girl. Whooaaa...


We're laughing at your insinuation that the only motivation possible for lowering the BAC to .05 is to fatten the pockets of the criminal justice industry. And that you must accept this ...or else you're naive!


That's preposterous. Come on, man.


Just about every day, you act as if there's no such thing as public policy. None. There are no changes to existing law that might improve lives, or save lives, or make things less dangerous, or make the air cleaner - whatever. There's nothing in your sad, nihilist world that has a purpose beyond greed and selfishness.


It's just your cover story for every issue we discuss.


And I loved this:


Since to you it's all about safety not profit right?

what do you say, why not save us all?


Right after I suggested maybe your thinking was just a tad too black and white.

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And I haven't even told you what I think about it. Because I don't know. I'd have to think about it.


When I drive home every Friday night from work I'd guess I'm somewhere between .05 and .08. Maybe I should be between .02 and .05. And if they changed the law I certainly would make sure that I was.


Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe it's too restrictive. I do like a few drinks. In fact, I think I'm going to go have a few right now.



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Well sir since you have to be black and white and then bitch about everybody else let's say we both admit that every or none never works. And just like the legalization of weed, or not, that's all about money that somebody's making the good guys or the bad guys.

Now if I say it has nothing to do with the public good you could throw a fit I suppose but let's admit its very very little.


I was just looking into the average cost, and profit, of your average D U I bust.


What's your guess?



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Everyone reacts differently to alcohol. I hardly ever drink and I mean ever, so on the exceedingly rare occasion that I have two beers I'm silly and I have no business driving. I'd have no doubt I'd be under .08 at that time

So because you're a boring person who wants gun police to invade our homes to check if firearms are locked up, and now want's even a sip of beer to make you DUI. You would make a good Nazi.

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I'm a Nazi because I'm not a worthless fucking drunk? Let me clue you in, douchebag, when you grow up with a worthless scumbag drunk the last thing you aspire to be is a worthless fucking drunk. Keep your booze and I hope you spend your golden years alone in the gutter sucking off a 40 in a paper bag.

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I'm a Nazi because I'm not a worthless fucking drunk? Let me clue you in, douchebag, when you grow up with a worthless scumbag drunk the last thing you aspire to be is a worthless fucking drunk. Keep your booze and I hope you spend your golden years alone in the gutter sucking off a 40 in a paper bag.


Struck a nerve did he?

Regain your composure...he never said anything of the sort.

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In Russia they have a zero tolerance policy for drunk driving. 1 sip=dui so at least you know the line. Also, you can bribe cops in Russia but that's another story.


Personally, I think the limit is set appropriately and people need to just have more self control. Of course we all know that not everybody can have self control so if we set the bar lower from 2 beers to 1 (approximately) I would be ok with that because at least you would have a better idea of where the line is.

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I'm a Nazi because I'm not a worthless fucking drunk? Let me clue you in, douchebag, when you grow up with a worthless scumbag drunk the last thing you aspire to be is a worthless fucking drunk. Keep your booze and I hope you spend your golden years alone in the gutter sucking off a 40 in a paper bag.

I give a shit what you grew up in. It is obvious that you have some severe mental issues and blow off the handle when given a different view point.

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I give a shit what you grew up in. It is obvious that you have some severe mental issues and blow off the handle when given a different view point.

Fuck you. Usually I don't take your troll bullshit seriously but really, you can fuck yourself. Why I'm even letting an old stupid partisan asshole bother me is unknown. I shouldnt be giving you the satisfaction but for a fucking bible thumping hypocrite piece of shit like you to sit there and talk shit? Well, I guess that's what the internet is for you twat.

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Fuck you. Usually I don't take your troll bullshit seriously but really, you can fuck yourself. Why I'm even letting an old stupid partisan asshole bother me is unknown. I shouldnt be giving you the satisfaction but for a fucking bible thumping hypocrite piece of shit like you to sit there and talk shit? Well, I guess that's what the internet is for you twat.

Okay tough guy, and fuck off. Quit blaming your old man because you're fucked up.

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Well that aside let's not pretend we don't know what profession writes laws and which profession stands to profit from this.


But I personally take offense at the expansion of the nanny state, I know many of you don't care.


And I realize there's nothing that can be done as society ages. Carrie Nation rides again. Hallelujah.


Just that this one in particular targets the industry in which I earn a living. Maybe legacy will become more libertarian when the class action suits against silver fillings hit the docket.




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Steve, not sure if you're aware but the NTSB is actually in support of a full phone ban while driving.




Maybe I should be between .02 and .05. And if they changed the law I certainly would make sure that I was.


Heck, how exactly would you do that? How many drinks is one drink short of 0.08? How many drinks is one drink short of 0.05? I would bet around 90% of people don't actually know their answers for these questions. I'd rather breathalyzers be on every car ignition than the way it is now where you fuck your life because you just barely crossed a line that no one can see.

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