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Trayvon's Body

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When heckbunker gets tired of getting his ass kicked for his stupid, emotionalist, lib spun arguments


that even HE can't keep up with...


he resorts to phoney rage with curse words.


Every time. At least, he is consistent, though in a bad way.

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The black kid, a kid bigger than Zimmerman, assaulted Zimmerman,


Said Zimmerman was going to die...reached for Zimmerman's gun,


and with Zimmerman's face being punched in, and his head going into


the concrete sidewalk deadly weapon, shoots Martin in self defense...


yet, a sad picture of the dead kid, to heckbunker, means that Zimmerman assaulted


Martin, beat Martin up, and laughed and shot him for the fun of it.


Ah, the warped way a heckbunker corrupt lib mind can work is truly a spectacle.

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The previous pictures were evidence that a crime was committed against Zimmerman,

which directly led to his self-defense.


This latter picture of Martin's body is sad, but doesn't prove much of anything else, than an

emotionalist ploy to make people forget the total lack of evidence of any crime in the shooting...

and convict Zimmerman of something anyways.



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Vapor, I don't get that point. I'm tired, @@


Now, if it had been a nude beach, I could see the meaning of it. :)


"sigh" I wish football season would start....

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I'm glad the jury did the right thing here. Zimmerman was not guilty and he walked as he should. Who gives a flying fuck what trayvon martin was wearing? That's completely irrelevant to the facts of this case. Im not swayed one bit by pictures of him dead. I don't care if he was 17 or 70. He thought he was a hard ass, bounced Zimmermans head off the concrete and died for it as he should have. OJ cut two peoples heads off and he walked free. THAT'S a fucking tragedy of justice. This is an open and closed case. I'm not surprises Heck is feigning outrage over it. He tried to condemn the guy over crap CCTV video last year.

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Oh, well. Since you've personally declared him to be "innocent"...


It's classic. We've posted lots of pictures of Trayvon doing this or that, smoking pot, looking thuggish, including ones that weren't even him. We've posted lots of videos of Zimmerman, pictures of Zimmerman, his bloody face, the back of his head, etc.


But when we get the first look at what Zimmerman did to Martin that's just too far for you. What's the point of showing that picture??


Is that what you really think?...that the picture evokes what Zimmerman did to Martin? To you lib freaks it would,but the first thing I thought of is what the little fucker brought upon himself.



That is just one example of the warped liberal mind...whatever unfortunate circumstance befalls you, it is never your fault, it's always some other bastards fault. You take zero responsibility for your own actions.





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That's what I immediately thought too. If I were the lawyers I'd have hammered this home. That's a "fucking punk" that needs to be followed with a gun? Really?


Honestly, go to any high school or college campus. That's what every kid dresses like.


This is just so fucked up.


"Followed with a gun" as if drawn, and held up shoulder level, pointing up, with both hands, having full intention to use it? You know, like you see in cop movies.

Z was only following to see what Martin was up to. Gun in holster. Deal with it.


Perhaps if Z had actually knew of Martin and his rap sheet, then he could have very well had is gun drawn when following him.

THEN you nit wits would of had a legitimate case, and a guilty verdict could have come out of it.

Does that make sense to you?




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Heckbunker loves to make up "facts" to fit his whiney ass arguments.

If Zimmerman had had his gun already drawn, is he saying that Martin

was so STUPID that he would have still run up to Zimmerman, and fought him,


and banged/punched his head repeatedly into the ground

Libs don't get self-defense. They get entitlement, though. Entitled to do

any damn thing they want to anybody they want, with, as always, NO REPERCUSSIONS whatsoever.


Life just sucks when you are an aggressive thug.

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From Wikipedia:

"France formally surrendered to Germany and Italy—who invaded late in the campaign—on 25 June 1940, and a collaborationist government, the French State, was established."

"Among the odd aspects of French military history in the war were limited French participation in the Normandy beach landings of June 1944 (Free French SAS of Major Philippe Kieffer) and the presence of French SS among the defenders of Berlin in May 1945 (33rd SS Division commanded by Hauptsturmführer Henri Fenet)."
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Yeah, those made me laugh pretty hard, especially the second one.


Tragedy plus about ...oh, two minutes.

I can't help but wonder what your reaction would have been had I posted those.

I think you guys all know where I stand on the conviction but I hope the kids mother doesn't have to see those.


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You flip asshole. That's a dead kid, and you got nothing but smart ass bullshit.


For one thing, this hasn't been seen by anyone before. Now, does anyone think this look like a "thug" anymore? He looks and is dressed just like my suburban white college-age brother-in-law, except he's black. And dead.


That's what Zimmerman did. To a 17-year-old. In full technicolor. Up until now all we got to see was what Martin did to Zimmerman.


Honestly, you don't have to be an asshole every day of your life.


This is the USA. People are tried and convicted (or in zimmermans case, aquitted, lol) based on evidence, not bleeding heart emotions. Good thing.

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Just a little self awareness would be nice. Even just a little bit.


You are aware that if the skin colors of Z and the little thug were reversed, this most likely would be a non story right?

Here comes the spin 5...4...3...2..1..



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