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Trayvon's Body

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Murders, riots, violent threats, assaults,


and who was it that said something like "haha, you think people will get violent over this?"

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Yes, of course you like Cohen. Problem is,

that Martin ran with a group of guys who did MMA fighting in the streets. Had stolen jewelry, and dope.

Was suspended..twice? from school, kicked out of his mother's house, then his stepmother's house,

and was staying with his father? I don't get the dishonesty that goofs like Juan Williams on Fox dish out about

this case. Juan said a 17 kid was killed. Zimmerman was guilty of killing him, etc etc.


Hannity brought up the fact that Martini was "grounding and pounding" him, with his head hitting the concrete.

And Juan says - that that didn't matter.


Seriously? You have a hostile judge, hostile, dishonest prosecutor, ignorant prosecutors...relevant evidence against

Martin disallowed, Corey levels charges against Zimmerman before a Grand Jury can see the lack of evidence of wrongdoing,

police chief gets fired over not filing charges, prosecutor fires a guy who questioned them refusing to turn over pertinent

information as REQUIRED BY LAW, one prosecutor says she is not just an attorney, but a SOCIAL ENGINEER...


NBC edits a tape of that 911 call to show Zimmerman falsely, the president comes out for Martin, etc etcetc...


and Zimmerman is STILL proclaimed NOT GUILTY. A whole lot of willfully ignorant, dishonest people should

just stick a cork in it. Zimmerman profiled the individuals' BEHAVIOR. The desperate lie for political gain

is hurting this country.

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Furthermore, even dingbat Jimmy Carter


says the jury made the correct decision. Hell, Holder, ObaMao, and Cohen must


really feel like stupid dipsticks now, eh?



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ha. But I did read it. Coates writes in fine fashion, disagrees with Cohen about profiling, and at the end,

refers to Martin's death as a result of generalizations that Cohen was referring to.


Coates is writing about blacks not seen as individuals..... etc. - stereotyping. There was none. And one more time,

Zimmerman was not white. Proven by investigators from the FBI to not have racial intent at all.


Both Cohen and Coates miss the point. Coates writes some classy interesting stuff, I just disagree with him. Martin was

not a "victim" of racial stereotyping. One more time - that NBC video was edited and made it look that way.


Zimmerman was cleared by 27 witnesses interviewed by the FBI - no racial hostility, overtones, no nothin. That's why Corrupt

Holder and his "INJustice Dept" won't do a thing. They will just talk about it. There's nothing there.


Martin victimized others, MMA fighting group, stolen jewelry, dope, suspended, kicked out of "home" at least twice, parents divorced,

ran the streets, apparently had a gun, rap sheet, and a crow bar... he was a thug that was "walking home" in a rain, after ...whatever, and pausing and surveying the residences

around him, acting weirdly, with ill or confused intentions. Zimmerman called 911. Martin never did.


With the stolen jewelry, it's fair to figure that Martin was scoping out a dark house to get into, to get more jewelry for more money.


There is a perception of "blacks doing the violence in some big cities"...because it's true. But using that as a crutch to say that

is why poor little innocent hero Trayvon was walking home with Skittles... and was murdered by a raving racist white guy? Come on.


Both your Cohen, who you have quoted in the past, and Coates miss the point. There is a subculture. Cosby spoke of it,

Dr. Ben Carson has, others have. There IS a subculture that Martin deep into - hoodlumism? It isn't about blacks as a whole.


And racism didn't create that subculture, either. The basic reason it came about, this subculture, is entitlement sloth.

For that, you can blame, at least a good bit lefthandedly, **REVERSE** racisism. Reverse discrimination. Favoritism

subsidized by the state, inducements to not be married, have more children, and being on welfare, child support, etc,

as a way of life.


Subculture. I was friends with a guy at the service, and used to hear him rail against another black guy in our office.

The object of his derision? Was a guy exactly like that main witness, Rachel Jeantel sp? My friend was really sickened

by this other guy's sloth - often argued with him to start taking care of himself, instead of "living like a cockroach in the hood".

I think that was how he phrased it. He said he saw that crap, and refused to be a part of it. When he was younger, he got

beat up a few times pretty bad, because he did the opposite of the crap they did.


To put all this succinctly - Martin embraced that subculture to the max. And ended up being somewhere, acting strangely,

and was reported as a suspicious person, then, perhaps knowing he was reported by Zimmerman, flew into a rage

and sprang back into Zimmerman's whereabouts, and attacked him mma style. And got shot in self defense.


That's all. No "racial profiling" by ZImmerman. There WAS by Rachel and Martin. So, there ya go. Coates is an interesting

guy to read - a very smart writer. Who Martin was, and his demise, was his own choice of pushing his chosen subculture

violently into the face of Zimmerman - figuratively, and literally.

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What a major shit hole Florida is. Zimmerman can now join the likes of Casey Anthony and Donte Stallworth.


All your political bullshit aside you guys on here cannot even use simple logic.


I don't care what kind of hooligan the kid may or may not have been the fact remains Zimmerman stalked him down and engaged him & murdered an unarmed man so this stand your ground law should be null & void as far as I'm concerned.

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What a major shit hole Florida is. Zimmerman can now join the likes of Casey Anthony and Donte Stallworth.


All your political bullshit aside you guys on here cannot even use simple logic.


I don't care what kind of hooligan the kid may or may not have been the fact remains Zimmerman stalked him down and engaged him & murdered an unarmed man so this stand your ground law should be null & void as far as I'm concerned.

Then you're a fucking idiot.

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I don't care what kind of hooligan the kid may or may not have been the fact remains Zimmerman stalked him down and engaged him & murdered an unarmed man so this stand your ground law should be null & void as far as I'm concerned.


Fact: It isn't "stalking" to be on a neighborhood watch patrol. It's seeing somebody acting strangely. Martin took off, disappeared.

Zimmerman got out of his vehicle, and walked ajacent to Martin, to see where he might have gone. Called 911, broke off the

walking, and then Martin doubled back, and assaulted him. No law against Zimmerman also walking, dammit. It is not murder when you

are violently assaulted, sucker punched to the ground, and mma style having your face bashed in, and your head slamming into the concrete

sidewalk. It is not a matter of "Stand your Ground" because he didn't shoot Martin as Martin was approaching him.


He shot him while being pinned underneath Martin, with no other choice but to get brain damaged or dead. THAT is the legit

definition of SELF DEFENSE. That's self defense with "Stand Your Ground" not being a part of it. Which, it most certainly can be.


I believe the sidewalk was used as a deadly weapon. Find out the truth, then come back and discuss the issue.

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@Cal Sometimes the more you know the less you know, especially when you believe every bullshit thing the media tells you to think. So what? Suddenly Martin was some 17 year old MMA phenom? His fists were lethal weapons eh? The truth occording to Zimmerman? Of course Zimmerman and his attornneys were going to say anything to get him off. I know enough to make my own judgement.


@DieHard Typical DieHard response, we all know if the kids last name had been Zimmerman and portrayed as white and the shooter was a black guy your opinion would be the exact opposite.

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So you know how buddies can retell a story and every time it gets more and more exaggerated and further from the truth? I feel like that's been Cal through this. Every time he tells what happened it gets more and more crazy. Pretty soon the skittles will be crack and Zimmerman will get jumped by a gang of black guys but still save a kitten in the process

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What a major shit hole Florida is. Zimmerman can now join the likes of Casey Anthony and Donte Stallworth.


All your political bullshit aside you guys on here cannot even use simple logic.


I don't care what kind of hooligan the kid may or may not have been the fact remains Zimmerman stalked him down and engaged him & murdered an unarmed man so this stand your ground law should be null & void as far as I'm concerned.


Did you even follow the trial? The evidence suggested that Trayvon escalated the confrontation to violence. Stand your ground had nothing to do with this court case.

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DieHard not calling you a racist, hell I'm mildy racist myself. You're worse than that because you're partial to race. Like I said a while back, according to you Ray Lewis is a murdering scumbag & Zimmerman is the posterboy for self-defense. Fuck Ray Lewis btw. Hell believe whatever you want man but at least keep it consistent.


Vapor no I didn't and I know all I need to know. An armed 30 year old man ignored orders to stand down, profiled, showed contempt and engaged a 17 year old unarmed kid who was scared for his safety and just minding his own business.


"evidence suggested" = incoming legal bullshit mumbo jumbo, keep it simple.

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Vapor no I didn't and I know all I need to know. An armed 30 year old man ignored orders to stand down, profiled, showed contempt and engaged a 17 year old unarmed kid who was scared for his safety and just minding his own business. Bad


"No, I didn't..." is obvious. We aren't going by what Zimmerman said - being retired, I had occasion to watch a lot of the trial, except a few

days where we were too busy, or when I was out working the field (late planting soy beans, stupid &*^%^*& rain. Now i wish it would rain...@@


Zimmerman was ADVISED to not follow him, and he broke it off. Zimmerman saw Martin acting suspiciously, ...he only showed contempt for

those who kept breaking into houses and always getting away. Listen to the UNedited version of that NBC tape.

Surely you know that Zimmerman couldn't possibly chase down Martin.



If Martin was so "scared for his own safety"...why did he disappear, then all of a sudden, reappear, and launch an all out violent

assault on Zimmerman???


And, Martin had access to a gun,in the picture, had a crowbar, stolen jewelry, and dope, I believe in his room they searched. And his texts showed involvement with MMA.The picture you paint is bogus. The evidence is what determines the outcome. And there is absolutely no evidence that Zimmerman did anything illegal. And the FBI cleared him of racial intent. If Martin was so "afraid"...why is it that he didn't call 911?


Even witness Jeantel admitted during the trial that Martin called Zimmerman a "creepy ass cracker". Really ? That is the racial profiling here.

And that same witness? Now admits that she believes Martin threw the first punch.


Come on... surely there's legit bad decisions on some other trials somewhere. But Zimmerman should never have been put on trial

in the first place. BTW, wasn't it Martin's Father who lived right there in that area? Had Zimmerman been a racial profiler. he could

have profiled Martin's Father several times a week, for months.


Zimmerman did call 911, before the fight..., witnesses saw Zimmerman on the ground in the fight. Let it go.

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"Let it go"
















Martin also watched Kung Fu movies. Its safe to say he knew karate and was getting ready to kill Z with his finger

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I don't care what kind of hooligan the kid may or may not have been the fact remains Zimmerman stalked him down and engaged him & murdered an unarmed man so this stand your ground law should be null & void as far as I'm concerned.



No sport, the fact is that he killed, not murdered, the little thug... in self defense.

The fact is that following someone is not a crime.

The fact is that the jury found he commited no crime.

The fact is that he's innocent.

Deal with it.

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Something a few of you should probably read.


Pretty much addresses exactly what we've been talking about.


Pretty much what we've been talking about is all you whiners who dont like the verdict...You think the word "justice" means "revenge".


So why do you post a racist article? To discuss the failures in the black community is off limits. It talks of blacks, that although a minority, commit the most violent crime. Is't that what Crisco was sayin?


Another classic example of liberal hypocrisy, it's not racist if it helps promote your agenda.

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