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Government Shutdown Over Obamacare

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"head on their shoulders" is more like


"pantywaist" Eyore cya to me.


Even the dems are frantically bailing on Obamaocare.



IRS employee union: We don’t want Obamacare
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Here's a smart analysis from Hannity:



"The time has come July 26, 2013


The time has come for conservatives to defund ObamaCare.

Republicans in the House have voted over 30 times to repeal ObamaCare, but with Democrats in control of the Senate and the presidency, it's impossible to see how that will make impact. Yesterday on the program, Senator Ted Cruz called these votes meaningless. Republicans need to be realistic about the power that they do have; Republicans control the House, which means they control the purse strings. This means that their power lies in their ability to strip funding from ObamaCare.

Twelve Senators, led by conservative rising stars Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, have sent a letter to Harry Reid saying that they will not vote for any spending bill that funds ObamaCare. Part of the letter reads, “If the administration will not enforce the law as written, then the American people should not be forced to fund it.” More than a quarter of Republicans in the House sent a similar letter to John Boehner saying that a vote to fund the government shouldn't happen unless that bill does not include funding for ObamaCare.

If every Republican in Congress (House and Senate) supported the effort to defund ObamaCare, then it is possible. But just like anything in Washington, it's not that easy. There are some Republicans who will likely view the idea with a healthy dose of skepticism. I can't blame them. There's no doubt that taking a stand to defund ObamaCare will be met with the full force of a hysterical Democrat PR campaign. You thought the hyperbole over sequestration was bad? Wait until you try and defund their biggest legislative victory in decades. More grannies will be pushed off cliffs. All children, not just the poor and disabled children, will be forced to fend for themselves. And don't forget that the administration has brought race into the issue, comparing opponents of ObamaCare to opponents of civil rights legislation. It will be ugly. But we didn't send these people to Washington to lie down in the face of false, hyperbolic PR campaigns. We sent them to Washington to stand for conservative principles. You can read this WSJ opinion piece on the unworkability of ObamaCare that was written by Republican Governors Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker. The bottom line is that this is not good for the country and flies in the face of virtually every conservative principle as it relates to government.

Republicans are willing to offer up a spending bill to fund the rest of the government, just not ObamaCare. If that's the case, and Democrats refuse to accept it, then it will be the Democrats who would be shutting down the government over ObamaCare. However, I doubt that is how the Obama-mania media will report it.

The time has come for Republicans in Congress to support the defunding of ObamaCare, and if you don't then you deserve to be primaried."

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"We should not be closing down the government under any circumstances. That doesn’t work, it’s wrong, and, you know, Obamacare passed. We have to try to defund it, we have to try to find ways to repeal it. But the fact is, we shouldn’t be using it as a threat to shut down the government. ...The American people get turned off with the threat of terror politics."


-- Rep. Peter King (R-NY), also a RINO

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Not really. And not really an argument.


"Hey, if you change the words it could mean something else!"


Well, no shit.

sure it is. You guys don't like spending cap which was apparently made into law by at least as valid channels as Obamacare. So you spend your life trying to under mine it.

the spending limit was imposed because we can't trust people to stay within a budget. Pure and simple.


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“I think I want to challenge Obamacare on all fronts, but that’s a bridge too far for me,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told TPM in the Capitol on Tuesday. “As much as I want to replace Obamacare I’m not going to deny Social Security payments, funding of the military and the FBI at a time of great national security concerns. I think that’s a bridge too far.”

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) didn’t take a definitive stance, telling TPM, “I hope we wouldn’t shut down the government, but I’d like to shut out Obamacare.”

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) told TPM that “Obamacare is not working” and “needs to be fixed.” But when pressed on whether it’s worth risking a government shutdown over, he demurred: “I’m not going to get that far.”

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Good to know the law is cool with you as long as it's a Republican in charge.


Nothing partisan about that.

C'mon comrade. With a few minor changes I'm okay with Obamacare.. One of the reasons I wished Hillary hadbeen the nominee is because of the public mandate which your boy ran against. But I don't expect him to have any idea of the shit he campaigns on anyway.

I do think you guys rushed it through so you're going to be stuck with some problems and good for you.


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Yeah, yeah. You've already typed that post 12 times. And more "Your boy." And that he's so stupid he doesn't even understand what's coming out of his mouth.


You're an idiot.

Ha ha.

Like that news anchor reading the Chinese Pilots names.

Ho Li Fuk! Wi Tu Lo!


But it's pretty clear he didn't have much of a grip on the plan, right? I mean he did swear to God it wasn't a tax until, well, you know.


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why dont the clueless republicans sue the administration on constitutional grounds for breaking its own law by postponing its start date in 2014?


and BTW congrats Barry for all the new jobs.....

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The upside for OBamao and the rest of their ilk,


is that it means a lot more near poverty and dependence on gov.


Dangerous trend we are seeing.

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I'm guessing this data is a little deceiving. All the other years have data for the entire year. 2013 just has up until now (or a month ago or whatever). I'm guessing the summer time is the biggest boom in part time jobs. Therefore the ratio at this point in the year would be expected to be higher when compared to a full year. More accurate data would be seen with a full year's worth of data.

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As i understand it...if a company has enough part time employees to add up to a certain number of hours,


they still are required to get them medical insurance.


So, they will start letting part timers go.


This "social engineering" isn't about bricks and steel.


It's about human beings. And human beings do not do well under being controlled to the point of being

part of an "engineered society".

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