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Preseason Game 3

The Cysko Kid

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Leon Mcfadden, Buster Skrine, Paul Kruger Tashaun Gipson and Spencer lanning have looked good.

Pass rush is looking beast honestly.


Weeden and the offense have had poor field position all game, and have not looked in much of a rhythm in the 1st half. Things not too open downfield

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Time to watch the scrubs!


In my opinion this game is showing that the browns are still young, but talented if a little raw. The offense got first downs then would stall. With T rich in they had more success progressing downfield, I think with some time to let the offense develop they will be fine. D for the first time this preseason looked better than the O

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I'm starting to blackout

not yet, but I just started on the black stout


ok now the pick 6 has got me done

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Roberson needs to cleans out his locker tonight.


Time for me to get the 10mg Norco ready.

he is a drop waiting to be thrown to

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lmfaooo...perfect analysis!

he couldn't catch a cold if he was in the arctic circle wearing a bikini

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hey the niners and packers got their asses handed to then this past week. are they all of a sudden non-relevant?


first three games of regular season will tell us a lot more than this pick-up game.


btw: if weeden was smart he would've talked to luck after the game and asked how he looks so young and maybe even asked to let him rub him in order to get some of his 'luck'.

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Lol. Granted I didn't watch a down of this game as I was too busy jamming to live music and downing liquor buckets, but calm down. It's the preseason. I guarantee half the plays in that game are not on the play card week 1. Put things in perspective: NE barely managed 9 points against the lions. The same lions team that our first team destroyed. I'm sure as shit not worried about the Patriots this year as long as Brady is QB. Teams have bad games, and I'm happy to see we had one when they dont count. This will be a great learning experience that will only help.


Let's start bitching when these losses actually matter. And be happy we won't be as bad as the Jets (re-watched the game last night on the NFL channel and wow they're awful).

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hey the niners and packers got their asses handed to then this past week. are they all of a sudden non-relevant?


first three games of regular season will tell us a lot more than this pick-up game.


btw: if weeden was smart he would've talked to luck after the game and asked how he looks so young and maybe even asked to let him rub him in order to get some of his 'luck'.

Agreed Mic. This game means nothing.

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It's PreSeason.

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Horton wasn't blitzing to put pressure on the DBs...so realize what preseason games are for. A poster on another board made a good observation I'll parrot here: coaches perhaps thought winning the home games was good for moral, and are using the away games to put the players in positions to make mistakes. Still trying to figure out a few roster spots, RG, CB particularly.


This was McFadden's first game, and they wanted to test him. It not like Wayne is a future hall of famer folks. skrine seems to be rising to the challenge in year 2, as is gipson. By contrast, ward looked rusty. It is what it is....a tuneup game.

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Damn odd game.


We effectively moved the ball the first series until we got the Holding Penalty.


After that Penalty, we did nothing . . . if I didn't know better I'd say it was intentional.


I saw Weeden overthrow a WIDE open reciever, there was no one within 10 yards of the guy, there was no pressure.


Gordon and Little seemed a bit lackadaisical on their routes, and I'm not sure if Benjiman even played WR.



Maybe it was just player evaluation (RG), but after all the Pundits were saying this was a dress rehearsal game and we would see more from the O & D, I have to say I didn't see it.


I did hear the Announcers say that the Colt's Owner apologized to the Fans for how they (Colts) played their first home Pre-Season game.



I know we're better than what we showed last night, I even mentioned in Chat that it didn't even look like we'd practiced that week.


It was just one odd damn game.

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Just cause pundits call it a dress rehearsal doesn't necessarily mean that's how the coaches approached this game. Based on what I saw, it was more an evaluation than a dress rehearsal. Horton being conservative with his play calling, for sure.


Also saw lazy route running....my biggest concern. Hopefully this performance will serve to bring Gordon and little back to earth.

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I see it as:


1. Injuries to both starting guards for Browns earlier is a huge problem..

2. The Browns are not showing but simple packages, because it's freakin preseason.

and, they are still refining the understanding of their new systems, still making a few mistakes.


3. You wait til Bess and Benjamin are on the field at different times - they won't be able

to blanket Little and Gordon.


4. The biggest problem with last night's game is, the Browns showed their limited stuff for

two whole preseason games. It looked liked the Colts secondary jumped routes that

the Browns were running. Wait til the regular season. The Browns are not showing

much in the preseason on both sides of the ball.


5. The Colts owner apologized to their fans for lackluster play in an earlier game. The Colts

seemed to play this game like a playoff game, like Detroit did.... It's preseason. Nobody cares.

last night, it seemed like the Colts coaches got an earful earlier on, and they game planned this

game to save face.


6. Without Lewis at RB, and Sheard at lb, Bess and Benjamin, both starting OG's, no game planning

in preseason (I think), limited playcalling, new system etc, it's tough to surprise every team you play after

a couple of games of the same stuff.


7. Butler seems to make dumb mistakes every game, and gets run around at LT. Not good.


8. I admit, I'm wondering if Weeden is lacking, at least a a little bit, of the "instant" recognition skills that he needs.

His decisions last night were generally bad, and was back to overthrowing. May have just been the situation with

this game. But I don't know... Campbell at qb hasn't impressed me. I can see the Browns drafting a qb next year,

if nothing else, to back up Weeden after Hoyer. I really hope Weeds doesn't get hurt.


9.Despite last night's pitiful showing on offense, I think it can roll. But Richardson, and Dion Lewis are the two

elusive, jitterbug quick, vision rb's they have. And obviously, if Richardson is the only one left, we all hope

he stays healthy all year.


10. This defense is going to kick some butt this year. But injuries, new system etc, are holding them back.

Let's face it, this team, again, isn't an established veteran team with established systems for at least a few

years. This team still showed more last night, than years before when they just didn't have the talent to compete.








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The Patriots got their ass handed to them (40-9) last week and their starters got beaten badly. Weird things happen in preseason. Not really sure WHY the Browns were so conservative on defense or Weeden looked like 2012 Weeden... but I hope it quickly becomes irrelevant.


We need Mingo back. Pluto was just saying that the coaches were LOVING him, thinks Lombardi nailed it.

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hey the niners and packers got their asses handed to then this past week. are they all of a sudden non-relevant?


first three games of regular season will tell us a lot more than this pick-up game.


btw: if weeden was smart he would've talked to luck after the game and asked how he looks so young and maybe even asked to let him rub him in order to get some of his 'luck'.

Patriots lost their 3rd preseason game 40-9. I guess that means the Jets will win the AFCE?

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admit, I'm wondering if Weeden is lacking, at least a a little bit, of the "instant" recognition skills that he needs.

His decisions last night were generally bad, and was back to overthrowing. May have just been the situation with

this game. But I don't know... Campbell at qb hasn't impressed me. I can see the Browns drafting a qb next year,

if nothing else, to back up Weeden after Hoyer. I really hope Weeds doesn't get hurt.



OK, yes, this is the one thing that concerned me. Weeden locked on to his primary receiver it seemed, and in stead of looking to his 2d/3rd options he seemed to try to force things in. His only other option seemed to be to pay Captain Checkdown.

Of course, the guys he was throwing to did not get separation, so they weren't open much. Not like in previous weeks.

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Patriots lost their 3rd preseason game 40-9. I guess that means the Jets will win the AFCE?


correct. geno smith and mark sanchez couldn't rub their dicks together to make a fire the likes of what i see in the browns off. backfield this year,


c'mon man!

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I see it as:


2. The Browns are not showing but simple packages, because it's freakin preseason.

and, they are still refining the understanding of their new systems, still making a few mistakes.


4. The biggest problem with last night's game is, the Browns showed their limited stuff for

two whole preseason games. It looked liked the Colts secondary jumped routes that

the Browns were running. Wait til the regular season. The Browns are not showing

much in the preseason on both sides of the ball.



The third preseason game tends to be different from the other three preseason games. There is some limited game planning involved and the starters tend to see greater than a half of play time. While this game isn't quite a finished product, it will definately demonstrate the course a team is on to open the season. I suspect the Colts are a play-off calibre team, and while I think the Browns will be improved this year...they probably won't be improved enough to take down most play-off contenders. While it is true, that teams simplify their game plans so as not to tip their hands for the opening game...you still have to practice the harder stuff and the third game is where you try some of it out. If you can't get simple stuff down, well, there isn't much hope for a more complicated offensive system.


In all, from what little I've seen of the Browns on the NFL Network, it appears that Cleveland is definately ahead of Pittsburgh. Pittsuburgh's new grand stud offensive line (touted by another regular Steelers fan poster here) is kind of MIA. There's no injury excuse to point to on the offensive line...though if they continue to play that way Roethlisberger will soon be lost for the season (and without him any hopes of a winning season will evaporate). It also seemed that everytime Pittsburgh managed a big play someone on the offensive line was flagged for holding. Also, to open the regular season, it appeared we had some talent/depth at running back, now the Steelers are grasping at straws. The only good thing I can see for Pittsburgh right now is Jarvis Jones appears to be an upgrade from the broken-down Harrison. Jones now looks to be the starter going into the season and I thought he'd sit behind gawd-aweful Jason Worilds this year.

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