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The entire Front Office ought to be fired for letting Dawson escape. That was the only aspect of our team that was a strength. Now it is a glaring weakness. If we lose one game because of placekicking, this Board will get so tired of my rants, that Zombo and the other moderators will gladly kick me off. I'll make Ghoulie look like a wimp.

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I agree Vapor. Phil wanted out two years ago. It's why we had to tag him. The only way we could have kept him again was to tag him again. The problem is the 3rd tag in a row kicks up from a positional tag to a tag against all the top salaries in the league. Had the Browns done that, and paid him QB money, you want to talk about a rant?

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Would love to see kickalicious for the browns. Only if he's good enough, of course, but it would add a little showbiz to a franchise that I'm pretty sure the rest of the league forgets about for 15-16 games of the year.

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Carpenter has a leg.


On December 5, 2010, Carpenter made a 60-yard field goal in a home game against the Cleveland Browns. This was the longest field goal in Miami Dolphins history.

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Wildly inaccurate though.

career stats at 81% what would you consider accurate?

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Sigh....so you think that one stat tells the story?


Sorry...I don't argue with stat mongerers. Cause they don't understand the game outside of statistics.

again 81% actually 81.9, Dawson career 84% yes they are just stats, I suppose you want Cundiff? if none of those, then give a name and not just resorting to name calling. Maybe he missed a pressure kick or two but 82% of the time he was accurate. I'll take that over who we have now.

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Sigh....so you think that one stat tells the story?


Sorry...I don't argue with stat mongerers. Cause they don't understand the game outside of statistics.

One other thing, Carpenter has kicked in more Pro Bowls than our current kicker.

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Oh...the popularity bowl....that must mean he's awesome, right?


Again....I have nothing to say that you'll understand. I don't really care who we pick up, cause its just a fucking kicker, and its not my job.


Armchair GM is really an exercise in futility.

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That was presumable a game completely dominated by elite defenses shutting down the opposing QB?



Phil arguably had two of his best kicks ever in this game with the Bills. A hurricane blew through about 1/2 hour before game time and froze everything up. I've been in some cold weather while on duty in the North Atlantic but NOTHING came close to the conditions that day.


My best Phil Moments




Although Phil wanted to move on to end his career with a winner, he played his last years here with poise and dignity. This is the kind of man you want your sons to emulate

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Oh...the popularity bowl....that must mean he's awesome, right?


Again....I have nothing to say that you'll understand. I don't really care who we pick up, cause its just a fucking kicker, and its not my job.


Armchair GM is really an exercise in futility.

reality is, you've added nothing to the conversation that indicates you understand that we need a kicker, any kicker as long as he is a kicker. We all know stats are what they are. But when its a kicker what more can you go by than accuracy? Again can you give an intelligent answer ? All you have provided is name calling, it's not rocket science.

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Glad everyone else beat me to pointing out Dawson's lack of desire to be a Brown!


Who since Bermie has actually desired to be a Brown?

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