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Browns waive Tori Gurley

Tim Couch Pulls Out

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i didn't know they let women play in the NFL.


hence the cut.

Gurley was a better college receiver than Little in a better conference against better competition. Gurley did more in 2 seasons at S.Car than Little did in 3 seasons at North Carolina.


He showed enough talent in his rookie offseason for the Packers to talk about him becoming their fourth receiver, behind Jennings, Nelson and Driver. He was offered a spot on Minnesota's active roster but chose to stay in Green Bay in order to learn from better receivers.


The most telling of all of his stats, however, is the record he set at Carolina that should stand for quite a while. In his sophomore season, Gurley went the whole season without dropping a single pass.


So he's 6'4, 230 lbs, a full two inches taller and ten pounds heavier than Little, runs almost the exact same time in the 40 (low to mid 4.5), has a 34" vertical, and dropped zero passes in an entire season...


...why exactly is Little starting over him?

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damnitman, I was counting on the Hurdey Gurley man to be my #2 Browns breakout player of 2013. Who did I pick as #1, (I know you all are wondering)? Who else but The Cams ( J Cameron).


Damn... so it's only a matter of time before Cam is let go?

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Gurley was a better college receiver than Little in a better conference against better competition. Gurley did more in 2 seasons at S.Car than Little did in 3 seasons at North Carolina.


He showed enough talent in his rookie offseason for the Packers to talk about him becoming their fourth receiver, behind Jennings, Nelson and Driver. He was offered a spot on Minnesota's active roster but chose to stay in Green Bay in order to learn from better receivers.


The most telling of all of his stats, however, is the record he set at Carolina that should stand for quite a while. In his sophomore season, Gurley went the whole season without dropping a single pass.


So he's 6'4, 230 lbs, a full two inches taller and ten pounds heavier than Little, runs almost the exact same time in the 40 (low to mid 4.5), has a 34" vertical, and dropped zero passes in an entire season...


...why exactly is Little starting over him?

I am as mystified as you, but I'll defer to those more qualified than I. Personally, I would have cut Little & kept Gurley. Maybe that's why I don't work for the Browns.



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the browns overthink about stuff like who to keep and who to cut. They rarely go with logic. And by logic I mean cutting Little and going with Gurley, developing him this season and maybe he can be our 3rd WR next year (with Gordan being no. 1 and whoever we draft in the 2nd round No. 2). Instead they are force feeding little into the lineup which is damaging the team. How many more case of the dropsies does this team need to experience before they wake up to what the fans have known for about a season now.

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