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Why Do Some People Hype Up Hoyer?


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Dude has 3 NFL starts and has 2 wins. Let's give the kid, oh I don't know, 5 games before we say he isn't the answer.


I agree.


But let's give him, oh I don't know, 5 games before we say that he is.



He looked solid today yet again. Fewer mistakes. Clean throws. Quick release. It did seem like was hanging on to the ball a little longer in the second and third quarters but I'm going to have to go back and watch it to see why.


All in all, he's not a world beater (yet?) but he's no schlub. I can see why Lombardi likes him, but I still fail to see why he hadn't landed a starting gig until this point. He was unemployed for a bulk of the NFL season last year and the Cardinals then chose to keep Lindley instead of him.


I hope everyone else just has missed the boat on Hoyer, but he may be exactly what we need at this point...a smart game manager with enough arm and experience in the NFL. Our defense is finally becoming what we have been wishing for over the last 12 years and our playcalling is exciting and far from conservative.


This could be a fun year.

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Hey hopefully the kid keeps building on his skills everyweek and then come the draft we can spend our 2 first rounders on something other than a Qb.

And maybe we can start filling holes and adding depth for once.

(fingers crossed)


thank you. thank you. thank you.


how about oh let's say fixing the fucking OL and adding depth if not another starting CB across from haden (even though skrine did play well today) in the defensive back field. oh and sammy watkins would be nice.


no particular order.

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