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Hardesty and Cooper Both Waived

The Cysko Kid

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i rooted hard for the guy but he's been SOOOOOO injury prone (even in college) that the move makes sense.


hopefully he makes something of himself in another facet of the game or elsewhere.


hope he payed attention in whatever biz class he took.

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Well, that was quick. On the official roster their names are now missing. Josh Cooper was active, so who takes his place?

If they are going WR the one guy on the taxi squad they can "activate" is Tori Gurley.

Unless they want to activate say RB Dennis Johnson, or get some body off the street.

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Hardest may be ready to play, and could be resigned if he clears waivers.

Why would we resign him? we just cut him.

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so? what does that have to do with anything? a team can reach a settlement for the purpose of an outright release.

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If they can do it, wow, what a move. IR and you can't play all year. Cut him and give him a physical. If he passes, resign him....BRILLIANT!

We are talking about Hardesty, he will never pass anybody's physical

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No but he would be decent stop gap material to team up with Mcgahee

5 carries and it's back to the trainers room and the exercise bike. That ship has sailed, this regime hangs it hats on players that can play not players that we hope will someday play, does the Richardson trade ring a bell?

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Choco knows nothing about Football, ignore him.

Quaint comment from the resident grade school smack tslker. Sure you don't want to throw in a some type of dildo fag asshole republican airport bathroom joke?


See how I didn't say they would do it. Only they can if they want.


Since you know more about football than I, why would they waive a player on IR you fucking genius? Enlighten us with your football acumen?

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Quaint comment from the resident grade school smack tslker. Sure you don't want to throw in a some type of dildo fag asshole republican airport bathroom joke?


See how I didn't say they would do it. Only they can if they want.


Since you know more about football than I, why would they waive a player on IR you fucking genius? Enlighten us with your football acumen?

There's only two reasons I can think of at the moment:


1) There was an escalator in his contract stipulating that he would receive a bonus if he was on the roster at a certain date. I doubt this is the case, as this is mostly reserved as an incentive for lower echelon players.


2) The FO told him up front he had no future in Cleveland and wanted to give him as much time as possible to find a new team. He's not exactly injured, he just had his knee scoped, but he may not be available to trade before the trade deadline. Therefore, we're clearly not getting anything for him, let him go and give him a better shot at landing with a team.

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I agree, it's probably just a 'nice gesture' from the FO, rehabbing him while injured instead of just cutting him before the season, then cutting him and letting him find a team. Of course, it's always possible they wanted to actually keep him around, and by cutting him they're hoping to claim him after waivers and put him in there with McGahee.

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Quaint comment from the resident grade school smack tslker. Sure you don't want to throw in a some type of dildo fag asshole republican airport bathroom joke?


See how I didn't say they would do it. Only they can if they want.


Since you know more about football than I, why would they waive a player on IR you fucking genius? Enlighten us with your football acumen?

STFU. You and your fucking rants. You are the definition of 'dick head'. I'll bet in real life you have no friends and live in a boarding house.

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how much you wanna bet he NEVER take the field in a regular season game in his lifetime? bad move? stfu

How bout you grow up and quit trying to fight like a 12 year old..Im not saying the kid is all world..Im just saying with the lack of WR depth it's a dumb ass move..the kid has caught everything thrown his way.,..theres nothing you could say to refute that...now go wank off to Miley Cyrus you asshole!

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Hardesty's career with Browns was over when they put him on IR.


I thought everybody knew that?


He was on the final year of his contract. He was put on season-ending IR. You can't cut him while he's injured. You put him on IR and then you cut him when he is healthy.


The end.



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