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So is it time for concern?

LBC mike

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Sounds like you are happy with where we are right now? wow


nah. ballpeen is a good egg, but he's got personal ties with haslam on the tennessee home front, so i'm guessing he's sticking with the guy until either he or we are proven wrong. i'd do the same for a brother.


but from the outside looking in it's not a pretty sight right now.


maybe they won't dazzle us with the HC/staff pick but hey there's always the draft!


i wonder if any team in the history of the NFL has drafted players without a HC being named?

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nah. ballpeen is a good egg, but he's got personal ties with haslam on the tennessee home front, so i'm guessing he's sticking with the guy until either he or we are proven wrong. i'd do the same for a brother.


but from the outside looking in it's not a pretty sight right now.


maybe they won't dazzle us with the HC/staff pick but hey there's always the draft!


i wonder if any team in the history of the NFL has drafted players without a HC being named?


Maybe he can talk some sense into Jimmy............The draft has me terrified :o Hopefully bp is right, and the next coach will be worth the wait.

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I agree man. The Sky is Falling, Chicken Little crowd is getting old.


See below ' Peen.


Oh I know. Candidates are always taking themselves out of consideration for head coaching jobs in the nfl. It's perfectly normal. Happens all the time to every team, right? There's no reason to be concerned.



Exactly- the analogy is selling a house- if you show it to X number of qualified potential buyers- and they all walk away saying "not interested", there's obviously something wrong with the house. That's what I'm saying 'Peen, there's something seriously amiss in Brownstown.


I'm not in "sky is falling mode" - yet. But should Quinn turn them down, Banner is going to have to pull a freaking miracle out of his ass to find anyone better or more qualified than Chud was. Not to mention replacing the OC & DC with candidates more qualified than Norv and Horton. At that point, might as well go right down the line, call up every OC and DC in the NFL who hasn't been recently hired, ask them if they're interested, put the names in a hat, pull one out and say "Congratulations!! You've just won the HC job with the Cleveland Clowns, managed by the Three Stooges." Or, they could hold a press conference and say "we seriously f**ked up" and re-hire Chud- assuming he'd want to come back.

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nah. ballpeen is a good egg, but he's got personal ties with haslam on the tennessee home front, so i'm guessing he's sticking with the guy until either he or we are proven wrong. i'd do the same for a brother.


but from the outside looking in it's not a pretty sight right now.


maybe they won't dazzle us with the HC/staff pick but hey there's always the draft!


i wonder if any team in the history of the NFL has drafted players without a HC being named?

I just don't think that Russ feels the need to tear his hair out over this. Chud was probably not a good hire...but then the perception is that he wasn't really given a chance to succeed with a lot of the circumstances that happened with this team. But, on the other hand, he...and his underlings did blow a lot of chances for victory.

Peen also is not in panic mode over this coach hiring situation. And I agree with him. We will get a guy....and who knows, even if that guy is the Browns 4th/5th/6th choice he may turn out to be the best choice.

(I know....you can point to the track record and say that that hasn't happened so far with this team)

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Yeah, it's hard to sell the "We're taking our time to find the right guy" argument once it starts appearing you are just scouring franchise payrolls for anyone who has seen a football and will answer their phones. ONCE AGAIN, the Browns sat back and watched as all of the acceptable prospects passed them by (coaches this time, but they do it with draft pick players, free agents, etc.), and now they are scrambling to fill the spot with some desperation guy. *cough* WEEDEN *cough*


At this point, I'll be happy to see the Browns get Quinn or Pettine. If they can't land either of those two guys now, my suggestion is to look for a college coach with a demonstrated ability for building a team from the dirt up (Cutcliffe, etc.).

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If a report concerning the Brown's search contains "it has been reported", "according to sources", "speculation is", or "as reported by Mary Kay", just ignore it. It's the same old crap you see day after day. Last night was different, and the results of that meeting haven't been released yet.

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