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Republican Official Says Gays Should be purged from GOP, blames homosexuality on Satan


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Republican Official Says Gays Should Be Purged From GOP, Blames Homosexuality On Satan


02/07/2014 6:33 pm EST Updated:

02/07/2014 8:59 pm EST

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A new candidate for a Michigan seat on the Republican National Committee wants gays "purged" from the GOP and claims homosexuality is a "perversion" created by Satan himself.

Mary Helen Sears of Houghton County in the state's Upper Peninsula, elected vice chair of the Michigan Republican Party's 1st District last year, posted a rant in Aprilon the Schoolcraft County GOP website -- preceded by a warning asking readers to "please use your discretion before taking any decisions based on the information in this blog."

In the post, Sears claimed that homosexuals prey on children, argued that "Satan uses homosexuality to attack the living space of the Holy Spirit" and advocated that Republicans "as a party should be purging this perversion and send them to a party with a much bigger tent."

Michigan's representatives on the Republican National Committee have lately stirred other controversy, mostly due to Dave Agema, a former state lawmaker who hasregularly made anti-gay comments and has been condemned by fellow Republicans, including Gov. Rick Snyder.

Last month, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak issued a joint statement asking Agema to step down from the RNC "for the good of the party." Instead, Agema's Michigan co-chair on the RNC, U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land (who had condemned Agema's anti-gay comments), resigned her seat, saying she wanted to focus on her campaign. Under party rules, the state GOP must pick a woman to take Land's place, according to the Detroit Free Press.

Enter Sears, who is running for Land's vacated RNC seat. She's, "if anything, to the right of RNC Committeeman Dave Agema on the political spectrum," wrote Macomb Daily columnist Chad Selweski.

Sears, in her post on the Schoolcraft County GOP website, wrote that Communist college professors were indoctrinating young people and claimed that Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory "gave rise to Hitler’s Third Reich, Mussolini’s Italy and Stalin’s Russia."

"If the GOP continues down this trend and stand for perversions and the daily social fad ... The GOP will be truly dead and Satan will have had his day," Sears wrote.

Darren Littel, communications director for the Michigan Republican Party, told The Huffington Post the GOP supports a traditional definition of marriage, "but we also believe that all people should be treated with dignity and respect and these comments clearly don’t reflect those principles."

The prospect of Agema and Sears heading the Michigan delegation on the RNC is apparently striking fear in the hearts of some Republicans, according to the Macomb Daily:

Apparently some Republican insiders are so shaken by the prospect of having Agema and Sears as Michigan’s two representatives on the RNC that they’re growing concerned about two mainstream Republicans in the three-person field splitting their votes, thereby allowing Sears to claim victory. When the GOP State Committee meets to select Land’s replacement, Sears’ competitors are expected to consist of Ronna Romney McDaniel, daughter of Ronna Romney, and Sandra Kahn who, I’m told, is the aunt of state Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and the ex-wife of Sen. Roger Kahn of Saginaw Township.

Ronna Romney McDaniel, incidentally, is the niece of Michigan native and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The RNC will choose a new national committeewoman on Feb. 15.

Although some Michigan Republicans may agree that Sears' views are extreme, at least one GOP group has taken to social media to express fear that a pro-gay agenda is taking over the Michigan Republican Party.

The Delta County Republican Party recently published a list proclaiming that influential GOP pols like Priebus, Schostak and Senate candidate Land had surrendered to a "homosexual and stealth jihad agenda."



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Pretty honest, but self-defeating. And woody, you don't agree with her, fine.


but can you ever knock off the personal insults because others have different beliefs?


Her religious views will get in her way, as she has let them be known. her views are not

polished or wise, and are terribly ignorant.


Which has nothing to do with those folks with learning diffifulties. Wait, you rail against

labels of groups of people, yes? Bad, bad, bad.


You're worse than she is, woody.

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Yes Cal... sure. You are a saint in your description of people, so I guess I should follow your example.




I know this is the basis for the entirety of you political views, but try to follow me here. Times change. The meaning of words change. Calling some one who has down syndrome or something Retarded honestly doesn't even cross my mind. The word Retarded to means stupid, dumb, etc. I am not insulting someone who's mentally handicapped by calling someone or something Retarded... because I wouldn't call that person that to begin with.

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Her attitude is detrimental to other people in this country. It is a shame people even still think like this. A great example of how religion is a cancer on our society. Her beliefs do not affect me directly, no, but I am not basing my morals on whether or not something affects just me. It is backwards, ignorant thinking. That alone means it should be out of the public spotlight.

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Her attitude is detrimental to other people in this country. It is a shame people even still think like this. A great example of how religion is a cancer on our society. Her beliefs do not affect me directly, no, but I am not basing my morals on whether or not something affects just me. It is backwards, ignorant thinking. That alone means it should be out of the public spotlight.

That's your opinion. Others feel just like she does. What makes your opinion more valuable then hers? Nothing.

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Woody, your attitudes are detrimental to this country. You're a great example of how

ignorant, knee jerk "elitist" liberalism is a cancer on our society.

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no cal, sorry.


it doesnt work like that





Being liberal or being conservative by itself is nothing. Being a bigot and a homophobe does though. The fact there are people in this country that would agree with her is awful and makes the country look bad. Or are you just on your usual liberals cause everything bad kicks/

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Pretty honest, but self-defeating. And woody, you don't agree with her, fine.


but can you ever knock off the personal insults because others have different beliefs?


Her religious views will get in her way, as she has let them be known. her views are not

polished or wise, and are terribly ignorant.


Which has nothing to do with those folks with learning diffifulties. Wait, you rail against

labels of groups of people, yes? Bad, bad, bad.


You're worse than she is, woody.

Who kidnapped Cal and posted this? :) Just kidding. Now let Woody express his opinions without labels so long as he doesn't employ them too.


I do agree with Woody in that I think her views are antithetical to what I believe makes America great, and I believe religious based views getting into politics is extremely dangerous as we saw with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. They have no place in American politics. She is, however, entitled to have them.

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I mean, no one can stop her from having them, but I see nothing wrong with retaliation. I see nothing wrong with her getting called out over it, losing an election over it, etc. She's definitely not free from any of the consequences

Do you think she should be or could legally be fired from her regular job for this?


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I mean, no one can stop her from having them, but I see nothing wrong with retaliation. I see nothing wrong with her getting called out over it, losing an election over it, etc. She's definitely not free from any of the consequences

Absolutely and this is as it should be in a democracy. Her punishment will be at the ballot box.

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Do you think she should be or could legally be fired from her regular job for this?


Hmmm. Yes, for the sane reason Pat Robertson could have been. She is a public figure. If her boss feels like her incredibly ignorant and bigoted behavior was detrimental to what they wanted to accomplish, then yeah.

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She will feel it at the ballot box or from her party peers. I am sure they don't want a window licker spouting off and making the entire party look bad.

There are already enough of those people on both sides.

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Lol, I am not that liberal.


You are just so damn conservative, so far right, that any normal, moderate, or slightly liberal person to you seems like a bleeding heart liberal.


But fuck, if thinking women should have control over their bodies, pot should be legal, gays aren't evil and that a magic fairy tale book isn't the true word of god makes me a liberal, then I guess I am.



Really, I never use blanket statements to describe all conservatives or liberals one way or the other (at least, I don't remember doing it). You always post on here about liberals this and liberals that. YOU are what is wrong with this country. YOU are why politics are fucked up. YOU are why nothing could get done.


You would rather see us continue to have some sort of issue or problem then have a liberal solve it.




If I am the liberal version of this dumbass, then tell me my equally ignorant, bigoted and dangerous viewpoint that I have? I will wait while you pull some generic "liberals suck" bullshit out of your ass

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Anyone can say ANYTHING and then anyone can disagree.


And this WILL repeat FOREVER.


The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

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This is a true waste of time for elected officials. Plenty of other shit for them to worry about. But the fringe (on both sides) make this and other ridiculous social issues front and center and it distracts from real problems.


It is indeed nonsense.


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