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Republican Official Says Gays Should be purged from GOP, blames homosexuality on Satan


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No, Steve is not gay. You have to get the hypothesis here. There is a difference between

"Stopping by" and being invited to a party. "Stopping by" means I didn't condone etc...but

would always treat friend decently and with respect.


"Inviting to a party' is condoning. Nope. Analyze a bit into the complex nuances of my



So, in conclusion, to end my participation in this stupid thread and go watch the combine and

get off the computer because my Wonderful Cute came in and hugged me and is starting to fix breakfast...


Take two magnets. N-S, opposite ends of the magnets, attract. N-N opposes. Always. Every time.

All the time. Always has.


Opposites attract, and if any people deviate from that, it ....ain't.....natural....and ....is....therefore....

a pervertion of natural and Godly law.


So, therefore, woodypeckerhead can't disagree, or he will be against science.....


I have spoken. To all, even to squeeler fans, I say...... adhew and farewell.



Have a nice rest of this stupid thread if you so choose. @@


(yes, I know it's "adieux", but I don't like France...so .....)

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No, Steve is not gay. You have to get the hypothesis here. There is a difference between

"Stopping by" and being invited to a party. "Stopping by" means I didn't condone etc...but

would always treat friend decently and with respect.


"Inviting to a party' is condoning. Nope. Analyze a bit into the complex nuances of my



So, in conclusion, to end my participation in this stupid thread and go watch the combine and

get off the computer because my Wonderful Cute came in and hugged me and is starting to fix breakfast...


Take two magnets. N-S, opposite ends of the magnets, attract. N-N opposes. Always. Every time.

All the time. Always has.


Opposites attract, and if any people deviate from that, it ....ain't.....natural....and ....is....therefore....

a pervertion of natural and Godly law.


So, therefore, woodypeckerhead can't disagree, or he will be against science.....



God, I hope, for your sake, you are not being serious...



Also, you seem to think every where you look "being gay" is being shoved into your face. I don't see it. Maybe you are so against it that any small indication of someone or something being gay just gets to you.


How exactly is being seen with a gay person in a social environment "condoning" homosexuality?


Also, no one is forcing you to accept gay marriage. You should probably tolerate it though. Not liking something is not a good enough reason to keep gays from being treated like everyone else. It is no reason to not allow them to gt married. Most of the things that happen that I am sure you just can't stand (pride parades, the Michael Sam stuff) is only a thing because of people that think the way you do. You understand that right? As long as the mindset exists that gays are "perverse" and they "choose that lifestyle" and other things along those lines then being an openly gay NFL player will be a big deal.



But damn, I really hope your magnets thing to science jab is a joke. It would make a lot of sense in the context of some of your other "scientific" beliefs though...

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