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Rich Liberal Hypocrisy


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Don't leave Apple computers, the NFL, Sony Pictures, Capitol Records, NBC, Kraft Foods, Budweiser and the guy that fixes your car off that list of evil bastards that are in business...



Apple and the NFL have inelastic markets. Apple offers the privilege of owning an Apple-branded product, which includes a large number of people who buy it just for the status. I personally hate their closed OS philosophy (read: dumbed down), and I've actually never owned an Apple product in my life. The NFL offers a product that no one else can. Every other league that's popped up over the years has failed because they can't attract talent like the NFL does. The motion picture and music industries are clinging tightly to an outdated market model, and only finally beginning to accept that they're going to have to start making profits based on digital distribution. Kraft makes foods that are good if you want diabetes, and Budweiser is pisswater.


If you want to call me out for hypocrisy, you'd be better off citing my use of Time Warner Cable as an ISP.

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Not trying to be rude Steve but lets say for example someone in your family got diagnosed with a deadly disease and a doctor in China/Inda/wherever found the cure but big pharma and big insurance didn't want you to have it because they make too much profit from the treatments, wouldn't you consider that bullshit/unfair/unethical.

actually my deteriorating vision is due to something called ocular histoplasmosis syndrome.

there is now a common treatment called cold laser, or photodynamic, treatment which while it will not cure this syndrome will, or can, sliw the progression. Unfortunately it had not been approved and the United States until I'd had both I treated with the more destructive treatment. Did that piss me off? Sure. But as long as we're being hypothetical let's say the FDA approved everything. Chinese, Indian, Mexican,African, whatever goofball cures someone wants to try.


Let's say you decide to reach for the brass ring. Not only does the treatment fail but makes it worse. How long do you suppose it takes before you call the law firm that advertised s on the back of the phone book?

(or most likely they call you)


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actually my deteriorating vision is due to something called ocular histoplasmosis syndrome.

there is now a common treatment called cold laser, or photodynamic, treatment which while it will not cure this syndrome will, or can, sliw the progression. Unfortunately it had not been approved and the United States until I'd had both I treated with the more destructive treatment. Did that piss me off? Sure. But as long as we're being hypothetical let's say the FDA approved everything. Chinese, Indian, Mexican,African, whatever goofball cures someone wants to try.


Let's say you decide to reach for the brass ring. Not only does the treatment fail but makes it worse. How long do you suppose it takes before you call the law firm that advertised s on the back of the phone book?

(or most likely they call you)



If you don't mind sharing, when did you receive treatment for it?

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I just did a literature search of the disease, and it first shows up in the 70's. In the early 80's, the first papers using experimental laser treatments showed up. The time it takes for a treatment to go from experimental to common use is usually on the order of a decade or two, as the outcomes of the patients should be measured for at least a few years. It's unfortunate that you were just on the wrong side of this, and I can understand your frustration with it. Were you aware of the experimental laser treatments when you got your second eye done?

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