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My draft analysis - after I've cooled off :)


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One word: bleh! Your negativity towards Manziel, which you provide absolutely no basis or reasoning for, is garbage. You have no clue if he will succeed or not. I'm not a Manziel fanboy myself but everyone has told this kid he couldn't do it in highschool but he did, couldn't do it in college against SEC competition but he did, and now many detractors are saying he won't cut it in the NFL as well.... I'm going to hold my opinion until I actually see him play a decent number of games.....


And making Manziel to Tebow comparisons is completely unfounded and frankly a cop out loaded full of bullshit. Tebow and Manziel are two entirely different players. Tebow could not throw a fucking football to save his life and was built like a running back. Manziel on the otherhand HAS demonstrated that he CAN and often DOES throw the football very well. Yes he is very unconventional and makes some stupid decisions. Yes he needs considerable work developing consistency and polish with his mechanics and working from within the pocket more effectively and more often. But that can be said about EVERY college quarterback that enters the NFL.


Your analysis lacks any reasoning or evidence to support your finidings/conclusions. I found this in each of your blurbs on each prospect. Do some digging, some tape watching, some statistical analysis on both Manziel and the other players we drafted and THEN write your analysis, not just repeating almost verbatim the hogwash that is being filtered through the sports media complex.


My overall grade for your draft analysis:



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Check out my draft analysis and see if you agree. Manziel lovers steer clear, all others come here and get some silver linings!




Let me know what you think.

You should've written "Manziel lovers steer clear" in bigger letters.

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Check out my draft analysis and see if you agree. Manziel lovers steer clear, all others come here and get some silver linings!




Let me know what you think.

I think Manziel fucked your girlfriend.

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Now while I am not a Johnny fanboy like you guys like to put it, he has shown that he has the ability to play at a high level and my major concern with him is durability. And whether or not I was high on him coming in or not, he is a part of this football team now so I fully support him. So for everyone to still be putting the kid down just completely baffles me. If you want this guy to suck, then this team will continue to suck, and all of your bitching will continue. All for what? So you can say you were right? Wow, what is wrong with you people, I would much rather be wrong about someone that I thought would suck and they become great and they help the team win, then be right and say "see I told you."


Now as for just player, IMO Justin Gilbert was our worst pick. Like I stated in another thread though, this comes some more from my coaching style. He is great scheme fit for the Browns to have 2 shutdown corners on the outside, and the addition of the picks next year elevates the grade even more, but just without taking into account scheme and picks, I wouldn't grade it very high. He lacks one skill needed as a defensive player that is vital, tackling. Hopefully Pettine can get him to do that, but if he doesn't, then that is a huge liability

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I was not a Manziel fan going into the draft. Having said that I was fine with picking him at 22. If they would have taken him at 4 I would have been unhappy and thought it a reach. Thing is I may have been wrong. Johnny is a Brown now so i am banking on the fact I am wrong. Its time to get over it and get on board.

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I was not a Manziel fan going into the draft. Having said that I was fine with picking him at 22. If they would have taken him at 4 I would have been unhappy and thought it a reach. Thing is I may have been wrong. Johnny is a Brown now so i am banking on the fact I am wrong. Its time to get over it and get on board.


My thoughts exactly.

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Ya missed the entire kirksey analysis. He's going to play ilb for the browns. He was brought in to do what none of our linebackers last year could do....cover TEs and RBs coming out of the backfield. He's certainly not an edge rusher.....or run stopper...

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CB Georgia, First Round, 9th Pick?? Stopped reading after this seeing this "fact"

Haha hilarious! Ya I'll chalk that up to constantly re-writing this article about 100 times. Anyway, I'm on board with supporting whoever we get, but when it is my opinion that we could have chosen more appropriately then of course I'm going to voice that opinion. The fact of the matter is that he has the worst QBR and passer rating of all FBS QB when blitzed, is small, and runs way too often rather than checking down or even seeing the open receivers. Sure if he fixes these things he'll be an elite QB. This is the same prospect as having Weeden fix everything that was wrong with his game. They each do one thing well - one athletic and one has a big arm. And that's the other point - Manziel's arm is average at best. Not like people blitz often in the AFC North or you need a decent arm to overcome the wind or anything.

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Haha hilarious! Ya I'll chalk that up to constantly re-writing this article about 100 times. Anyway, I'm on board with supporting whoever we get, but when it is my opinion that we could have chosen more appropriately then of course I'm going to voice that opinion. The fact of the matter is that he has the worst QBR and passer rating of all FBS QB when blitzed, is small, and runs way too often rather than checking down or even seeing the open receivers. Sure if he fixes these things he'll be an elite QB. This is the same prospect as having Weeden fix everything that was wrong with his game. They each do one thing well - one athletic and one has a big arm. And that's the other point - Manziel's arm is average at best. Not like people blitz often in the AFC North or you need a decent arm to overcome the wind or anything.

I am on the fence about Manziel, I am not upset about the pick nor am I overly joyed, I will wait to see what happens when he takes the field in a real game. All the QBs have negative and positive. Wasn't he one of the highest rated QBs in the 4th quarter in college and best at 3rd downs? Those speak a lot to handling game pressure too. But lets see what happens, I like that we have Hoyer and have some options at QB and maybe just maybe we will have 2 good QBs on the roster.

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One word: bleh! Your negativity towards Manziel, which you provide absolutely no basis or reasoning for, is garbage. You have no clue if he will succeed or not. I'm not a Manziel fanboy myself but everyone has told this kid he couldn't do it in highschool but he did, couldn't do it in college against SEC competition but he did, and now many detractors are saying he won't cut it in the NFL as well.... I'm going to hold my opinion until I actually see him play a decent number of games.....


And making Manziel to Tebow comparisons is completely unfounded and frankly a cop out loaded full of bullshit. Tebow and Manziel are two entirely different players. Tebow could not throw a fucking football to save his life and was built like a running back. Manziel on the otherhand HAS demonstrated that he CAN and often DOES throw the football very well. Yes he is very unconventional and makes some stupid decisions. Yes he needs considerable work developing consistency and polish with his mechanics and working from within the pocket more effectively and more often. But that can be said about EVERY college quarterback that enters the NFL.


Your analysis lacks any reasoning or evidence to support your finidings/conclusions. I found this in each of your blurbs on each prospect. Do some digging, some tape watching, some statistical analysis on both Manziel and the other players we drafted and THEN write your analysis, not just repeating almost verbatim the hogwash that is being filtered through the sports media complex.


My overall grade for your draft analysis:



A+ on your analysis GuNNerGatSKy!


I thought you were going to mention that Manziel was the most accurate passer in the NCAA this last season from the pocket. The op seems to have forgotten that fact.

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I think the Wilson-Manziel comparison is ludicrous. Wilson has more discipline in his pinky than... etc...


Check out my draft analysis and see if you agree. Manziel lovers steer clear, all others come here and get some silver linings!


Let me know what you think.

I thought your Manziel view was way too severe. While I, too, dislike the pick, I think he ultimately can win in the NFL... I just do not see him winning in the post-season. I have a fairly lengthy write up buried somewhere in the middle of the JM thread deluxe. In part my criticism is along the lines of my Wilson comparison comment above, but I examine other tempting comparisons as well.


Otherwise I'm in line with you on our new CBs. Gilbert was my fav CB and Desir was my 2nd fav down-board CB behind Rice's Gaines.


I like Botonio, but am not sure the value is there for a high second. However, the Texans' tabbing Su'a-Filo at #33 limited our options. As for Kirksey in the 3rd... like you I am not a fan of undersized ILBs.


The pick you are highest on is the one I am the most concerned about, West. Love the story, but his competition level was extremely low. Limited footage shows him running smart, but neither fast nor hard.


The good thing is we don't have long before we have new data rolling in...



Sounds like a butt-hurt fan to me.

Typically unsubstantial...


Should have written it another 100 times.

And perhaps if you'd read it even once, you might have caught one of the errors.

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