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If all you believe in, is science, it's pretty sad.


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the surface increase in temperatures farce/scandal "hahahahahah"


The polar ice caps are meltling lie/scandal...(both Arctic and Antarctic ice has INCREASED "ahahahahahahahahahahahah"


The Heartland Institute's Bast told Fox News that there are no climate models used by proponents of global warming that predict a lull in warming.

"Point to the model that predicted this hiatus," he said. "No increase in violent weather , no increase in hurricanes. All of this and we're still supposed to believe the models... models they picked because they supported their political interests, not because they represented good science."

I got yer peer reviewed study right here, woodpecker:


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The hiding of contradictory data by "scientists"...


"When on 17 November 2009 a hacker broke into a computer used by the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU)—where one of the world’s four global temperature datasets is held—and then released a 61-megabyte zip file containing 160 MB of climate change data on the Internet, the results put science, as practised in the 21st century, in the most shameful of lights..."


And the Polar Bears scandal. What a farce. "ahahahahahahahaha"


and, the Al Gore -enron kyoto protocol treaty scandal. Yeah, "big science" crapola "ahahahahahahahha"


the IPCC fraudulent report scandal... changed from what the consensus of scientists approved...."ahahahahahahah"


Dr William Gray, a pioneer in the science of seasonal hurricane forecasts, shares his conviction and has argued that humans are not responsible for the warming of the Earth. “We’re brainwashing our children,” said Gray, a long-time professor at Colorado State University. “They’re going to the Gore movie and being fed all this. It’s ridiculous.” Gray does not deny the phenomenon, but instead argues that a natural cycle of ocean water temperatures—related to the amount of salt in ocean water—is responsible for the global warming that he acknowledges has taken place. However, he said, that same cycle means a period of global cooling will begin soon and last for several years. “We’ll look back on all of this in 10 or 15 years and realize how foolish it was,” Gray said. “The human impact on the atmosphere is simply too small to have a major effect on global temperatures.” He said that his beliefs have made him an outsider in popular science. “It bothers me that my fellow scientists are not speaking out against something they know is wrong,” he said. “But they also know that they’d never get any grants if they spoke out. I don’t care about grants.” (16)


When it comes to global warming and climate change, it is apparent that white is black and black seems to be white. In 1998, Dr Arthur Robinson, Director of the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine, posted his first global warming sceptics petition on the Institute’s website (www.oism.org). It eventually attracted the signatures of more than 17,000 Americans with science degrees. Widely known as the Oregon Petition, it became a counterweight for the “all scientists agree” mantra of the man-made climate change crowd.

In late 2007, Robinson mailed a new copy of the petition to the original signatories, asking them to recruit additional qualified scientists. Now his list includes around 31,500 man-made warming sceptics with science qualifications. More than 9,000 hold scientific PhDs. Almost 31,500 sceptics happens to be more than 12 times as many scientists as the 2,500 scientific reviewers claimed by the IPCC to form a scientific consensus.



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Then there's woodypeckerhead's "IT's THE CO2, it's a poison that is causing manmadeglobalwarming" scandal.




oh yeah..."ahahahahahahahahahahahahah"


woodypeckerhead is an idiot.

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Yep, all a scandal



The vast majority of climatologists and scientists in general are lying.





The funny thing is someone probably shut down or addressed everything you just posted.



The premise of this thread was Retarded to begin with, then you turned it up. Now? BAM! You kicked it up a notch.


Its sad we can take something so backed by science, turn it political, and then just screw facts left and right to follow their politics.

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oopsie, woodypeckerhead...


here's the Al gore, maurice strong Club of Rome scandal... "ahahahahahahahahah lololololololololololol"


Al Gore´s Generation Investment Management, which is known for commercializing carbon offset opportunities in the Chicago Climate Exchange is the largest shareholder at the exchange. These along with other investments Gore realized along with people like Maurice Strong, the father of the modern environmental movement, shine a bright light on why this agenda is being pursued so vehemently. Gore and Strong are both students of the Club of Rome, whose report "The First Global Revolution"admits how the globalists plan to use the theory of man-made global warming to further their agenda of consolidating power into the hands of non-elected organizations such as the UN the European Union, the African Union, The Asia Pacific Union, Mercosur, PARLACEN and others. The report reads in part:

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.,"


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Professor emeritus of biogeography Philip Stott of the University of London explained the crux of the entire global warming debate when he rebutted the notion that CO2 is the main climate driver.

"As I have said, over and over again, the fundamental point has always been this: Climate change is governed by hundreds of factors, or variables, and the very idea that we can manage climate change predictably by understanding and manipulating at the margins one politically-selected factor (CO2), is as misguided as it gets," Stott wrote.

To put it bluntly, the great man-made global warming catastrophe that was predicted has been canceled! And that is a victory for science.


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Here's some good reading. Of course, stupid sig heil woodypeckerhead

won't read it, he'll just sass and pretend he isn't an arsehole.


the history of climategate.



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Oh, this is also a good one.


NASA experts demand a retraction

on mmgw.


Yes, they do. It's a revolt against the fraud.



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Are we really gonna turn this thread into another "mmgw" thread? Am I really going to have to go through all of your kinks and address them all? Uugghhh


With all your be right wing blogs, you're being bombarded with half truths, bad data, chain emails, etc that sat what you want to hear. You'll scratch and claw at whatever reasoning you think disproves climate change. You'll continue to be fed this shit and you'll continue to ignore the reports of credible institutions. The sad thing is your ignorance and desire to politicize a scientific issue are only hurting everyone else. You're denial is just hurting future generations.


Its not funny anymore, its just sad

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Cal are you, like, Retarded? Or just simple? I mean who posts hahahahaha fifty times in a thread? You realize how juvenile that sounds right?

This is the dude who calls me woodpecker poopyhead whatever else. Are you surprised?

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the "ahjahaha" and "lol" was

a reference to heck's bs "haha" and

woodypeckerhead's "lol".


sorry you didn't get it.


generally, I never say "ahahahahahahah".


Actually, woody, it was Cysko that called you "poopyhead".

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All the scandals and quotes are right there. Trying to come up with asinine,

warped excuses to pretend they don't matter is woodypeckerhead syndrome.


woody's nonsense is worse than skunk spray to a forum.


SIG HEIL WOODYPECKERHEAD isn't old enough to even have

any kind of an opinion on much of any subject.

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then when you grow up, you could actually

develop your own opinions, and back them up.


but it would also be good if you learned to read

and comprehend.


Take a creative writing class or something.Philosophy. Argumentation.

Make some friends. Date somebody for a year.

Learn to fish, and stop "thinking" like one.


We're here to help ya, woodpecker.

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Oh, this is also a good one.


NASA experts demand a retraction

on mmgw.


Yes, they do. It's a revolt against the fraud.




Let's start with this one...


On the surface, this may look like a good one for you. I mean you used the words "NASA" and "experts". Sure, you shun science everywhere else, but if you think it is on your side for once then all of a sudden its fantastic!


First of all, the letter itself makes no scientific claims. They just ask to basically censor some of the content on NASA's website. They are asking for their point to be shown but provide nothing by the way of scientific evidence to support it. Strike 1


This was signed by a grand total of 49 NASA current and former employees. There are currently around 17,000 working at NASA right now and probably tens of thousands of former employees. 49 people is a drop in the bucket. Even climatologists are only in 98% agreement... Strike 2


Finally, these 49 people include administrators, mathematicians, astronauts, etc; a very impressive group. What are they missing you ask? Oh yeah, any kind of climate expertise. Between these 49 individuals there are 0 hours of climate research and 0 published peer reviewed climate change papers. So how in the hell are they "experts"? Who cares though, right? They sound close enough so that allows climate deniers to trumpet around this letter like it means something, lol. Strike 3




Yep... got me

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Oh yeah. Woodypeckerhead won't like this one, either. He'll wet his pants, and pound his

beak into a tree.


Amazongate. I didn't know about this one.....





Easier for me to post this link than type a whole thing up http://www.skepticalscience.com/print.php?r=236 That summarizes it up very nicely.


Here is another article that talks about it http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2010/jun/24/sunday-times-amazongate-ipcc


Looks like this North guy flipped out over a claim in an IPCC report, stating there was no scientific evidence for it (40% of Amazon's rainforest could be very negatively affected by a relatively small drop in precipitation). Turns out there was, the citation in the original IPCC report was to some greenpeace type website (not reliable), which was stupid. That website though cited the claim from an actual peer reviewed scientific article. That' where the original IPCC citation should have been referencing. Either way, it looks like reports that have come out since then support the claim.

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Then there's woodypeckerhead's "IT's THE CO2, it's a poison that is causing manmadeglobalwarming" scandal.




oh yeah..."ahahahahahahahahahahahahah"


woodypeckerhead is an idiot.



An opinion piece, on Forbes, that includes no links to scientific reports, and was written by a Space Architecture professor who has no climate change research experience and no scientific papers published on the topic...



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woodypeckerhead translation:


"NO, NO, I SAY, MAKE IT GO AWAY ! The sites are bad, the whatever are

invalid, and "peck, peck, peck, peck, peck" I am a woodpecker

all wet in Egypt !!!!!!!!!!!!! "

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That was quick. congrats - you see that most of the links I posted

had some significant information in them that you

can't really refute. All you have, is rejecting any link or source or author

that you can denigrate.


However, you aren't discrediting the information in the articles. Perhaps you just didn't read them at all.


I did, albeit quickly. I even picked out some of my favorite paragraphs. Which you didn't read either, I suppose.


Sig heil, whiny woodpecker.

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I addresses three and shut three down. Most provide no scientific info, just rhetoric. Basically everything call out in my Science Denialism thread...



I did look at most of them. I could address all of them if needed. But you aren't going to read it anyway.


Now I'm done. Get the last word. Fuck it. You dense fucking idiot

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I addresses three and shut three down. Most provide no scientific info, just rhetoric. Basically everything call out in my Science Denialism thread...



I did look at most of them. I could address all of them if needed. But you aren't going to read it anyway.


Now I'm done. Get the last word. Fuck it. You dense fucking idiot


Remember, just because someone gets the last word, doesn't mean they are right. That's why I don't bother anymore.

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Steve, I attempted to respond. I addressed three of his "damning allegations". I showed him why they were BS. I've attempted this debate multiple times. I've tried. I can't do it. You know why? Because he's a dense fucking idiot.


(And let's not ignore the insults being thrown back. This isn't one sided. Fuck being the better man though. It's getting ridiculous)




Really, if anyone else (Chris, Vapor, Osiris, etc) would like to address one of Cal's posts. Be my guest.

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Steve, I attempted to respond. I addressed three of his "damning allegations". I showed him why they were BS. I've attempted this debate multiple times. I've tried. I can't do it. You know why? Because he's a dense fucking idiot.

(And let's not ignore the insults being thrown back. This isn't one sided. Fuck being the better man though. It's getting ridiculous)

Really, if anyone else (Chris, Vapor, Osiris, etc) would like to address one of Cal's posts. Be my guest.

Been down that road already. It leads me to the same place it leads you so I think I will pass.

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