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Banner found Farmer and Pettine

LBC mike

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I look at it this way.


If you believe and I mean "really believe" in your guy, whether it be the coach, the gm or the cooridinators, Then you must surround them with their guys. Bros they are comfortable with, have the same vision as , or puppets that are looking to climb the rungs and live in the shadows of their successor.


A fresh minded thinker, an owner willing to throw cash around while consorting with a good consultant , and absorbing the spoils through a great fanbase (to provide the income) are the keys.


We as Brown's fans always had the latter.

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Whoever selected an unknown and un HC proven quantity like Pettine got lucky regardless of their rational. The Banner spin is by Banner and Banner would predictably take credit for all things going correct for the Browns if he possibly could. The fact remains Banner is out the door. If his expertise was so solid then why doesn't he still work for the Browns.


Pettine is/was a sleeper. Everyone was giving Ryan credit for Pettine's coaching. I believe the reason there was a Revis Island is because of Pettine and his defense schemes.


The Browns lucked into Pettine...just like Wrecks Ryan.

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Article smacks of pure rationalization by Banner.


If Farmer was so promising why was he placed below Lombardi? If Banner were still here, would Farmer still be under Lombardi? My money is on "yes".


If Pettine was so prominant in the stable of NFL personnel that Banner coveted, then why was Chud hired? I don't recall Pettine being in the mix even after the Chip Kelly chase was over.


The odor of bullshit is strong in that article.

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I agree Tour...If people remember, Farmer was the leading candidate for the Miami job, then he pulled of of consideration to stay here. A short time later Haslam dumps Banner and Haslam. There is little doubt in my mind Haslam told Farmer to sit tight, he was going to be the GM here in Cleveland.


Banner can take some credit for Farmer in that he hired him to come here in the first place, but that's as far as it goes.

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I agree Tour...If people remember, Farmer was the leading candidate for the Miami job, then he pulled of of consideration to stay here. A short time later Haslam dumps Banner and Haslam. There is little doubt in my mind Haslam told Farmer to sit tight, he was going to be the GM here in Cleveland.


Banner can take some credit for Farmer in that he hired him to come here in the first place, but that's as far as it goes.



I give Banner some credit for contract cutting and draft pick collecting and bringing Farmer over.


But Jimmy pulled the trigger on this thing and it's 100% on PetFarm now.



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I give Banner some credit for contract cutting and draft pick collecting and bringing Farmer over.


But Jimmy pulled the trigger on this thing and it's 100% on PetFarm now.



The PetFarm has a load of animals in the team now. Tee hee hee!

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Tour nailed it. Banner also made Lombardi gm.


Seriously? Hope ya didn't let the door hit ya in the back

on yer way out, banner.


Good riddance. It's in the past.

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Tour nailed it. Banner also made Lombardi gm.


Seriously? Hope ya didn't let the door hit ya in the back

on yer way out, banner.


Good riddance. It's in the past.





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Let's try and be objective, shall we? I know most of you idiots won't want to look at things objectively, but there might be a few level-headed posters on here. Maybe???


Banner did some good things. He made some mistakes. He had certain strengths. He had inherant weaknesses. He did not have enough time to prove himself either capable or incapable.




--Hired many excellent FO personnel, including Farmer, Alec Scheiner, David Jenkins, Sashi Brown, etc...


--Absolutely robbed Indy w/the TRich trade.


--Got better picks in this year's stronger draft by trading w/the Squeelers and Indy in last year's weaker draft.


--Brought in Hoyer and Campbell.


--Got a pick for McCoy.


--Kept us in a great shape w/the cap.


--Might have been behind the Pettine hiring.


--Said "no" to Greg Schiano.


--Got rid of "The Big Show" early.


--Fired Heckert.


--Hired Horton and Norv.





--Hired Lombardi for GM.


--Hired another OL coach to go along w/Warhop.


--Did not make a splash in first year, mistakenly thinking that he would have at least 3 years.


--McFadden and Slaugher picks seem like mistakes, although I have not given up on McFadden. I just think he will play w/another team.


--Rubbed many people in the organization the wrong way.


--May have meddled w/the roster.




--Smarter than most people.


--Shrewd cap guy.


--Had foresight.


--Looked at big picture.




--Terrible media presence.


--Looks like a "dick."


--Inability to convince others that his plan was sound.




I was one of the few who actually liked the guy. I like smart people. I like guys w/vision. I could care less about their looks. I don't know if he would have succeeded or not. What I do know is that he did not have enough time to prove himself as team president...........one way or another.

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Let's try and be objective, shall we? I know most of you idiots won't want to look at things objectively, but there might be a few level-headed posters on here. Maybe???


Banner did some good things. He made some mistakes. He had certain strengths. He had inherant weaknesses. He did not have enough time to prove himself either capable or incapable.




--Hired many excellent FO personnel, including Farmer, Alec Scheiner, David Jenkins, Sashi Brown, etc...


--Absolutely robbed Indy w/the TRich trade.


--Got better picks in this year's stronger draft by trading w/the Squeelers and Indy in last year's weaker draft.


--Brought in Hoyer and Campbell.


--Got a pick for McCoy.


--Kept us in a great shape w/the cap.


--Might have been behind the Pettine hiring.


--Said "no" to Greg Schiano.


--Got rid of "The Big Show" early.


--Fired Heckert.


--Hired Horton and Norv.





--Hired Lombardi for GM.


--Hired another OL coach to go along w/Warhop.


--Did not make a splash in first year, mistakenly thinking that he would have at least 3 years.


--McFadden and Slaugher picks seem like mistakes, although I have not given up on McFadden. I just think he will play w/another team.


--Rubbed many people in the organization the wrong way.


--May have meddled w/the roster.




--Smarter than most people.


--Shrewd cap guy.


--Had foresight.


--Looked at big picture.




--Terrible media presence.


--Looks like a "dick."


--Inability to convince others that his plan was sound.




I was one of the few who actually liked the guy. I like smart people. I like guys w/vision. I could care less about their looks. I don't know if he would have succeeded or not. What I do know is that he did not have enough time to prove himself as team president...........one way or another.

I agree Banner had his good traits, and deserves some credit, but he's also got some revisionist history going on here. His problem was his ambition reached beyond his ability. He should've stuck to the business side of things and hired a real GM to manage football operations.


Honestly I figured he and Lombardi were gone the day Haslam said he was really committed to Pettine. Pettine was Haslam's choice, IMO, not Banners, and that was the moment Haslam took control of his team.

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I was one of the few who actually liked the guy. I like smart people. I like guys w/vision. I could care less about their looks. I don't know if he would have succeeded or not. What I do know is that he did not have enough time to prove himself as team president...........one way or another.


Sorry, his hiring of Lombardi- and he knew it would be a PR disaster from the get-go trumped everything else. That was an exceedingly DUMB move, and he paid for it with his job, as Haslam saw little return on those Bummer\Lobotomy picks last year.


IMO, Farmer proved (theoretically) he has more football smarts in his big toe than Lombardi has in his entire body. As was said, Banner should have stuck to capology, and front office building- he seriously overreached.

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Let's try and be objective, shall we? I know most of you idiots won't want to look at things objectively, but there might be a few level-headed posters on here. Maybe???


Banner did some good things. He made some mistakes. He had certain strengths. He had inherant weaknesses. He did not have enough time to prove himself either capable or incapable.


Well, I agree with some, but not all of your assessments:



--Hired many excellent FO personnel, including Farmer, Alec Scheiner, David Jenkins, Sashi Brown, etc... OK


--Absolutely robbed Indy w/the TRich trade. A big check


--Got better picks in this year's stronger draft by trading w/the Squeelers and Indy in last year's weaker draft.

I understood that this was really Lombardi's moves, approved by Banner


--Brought in Hoyer and Campbell. Hoyer, OK, not so sure about Campbell.


--Got a pick for McCoy. Possibly a minor miracle


--Kept us in a great shape w/the cap. Check


--Might have been behind the Pettine hiring. Whether he was or wasn't the quality of this move is still up in the air.


--Said "no" to Greg Schiano. Can't give him much credit for a no brainer decision like that.


--Got rid of "The Big Show" early. This was really a Haslam move to get rid of Holmgren. Banner in essence replaced Holmgren.


--Fired Heckert. Personally, I think he would have been better off keeping him...preferable to bringing in Lombardi.....but there was negative history there, so I understand why he didn't.


--Hired Horton and Norv. Seemed like a good move at the time.....but those guys disappointed, so I say no.





--Hired Lombardi for GM. Yep, bad move.


--Hired another OL coach to go along w/Warhop. Not sure this meant anything really, good or bad.


--Did not make a splash in first year, mistakenly thinking that he would have at least 3 years.

Well, he kinda did make a splash.....of the negative variety...and that is why he didn't get his other years.


--McFadden and Slaugher picks seem like mistakes, although I have not given up on McFadden. I just think he will play w/another team.

Again, to my mind, these moves more attributable to Lombardi, not Banner.


--Rubbed many people in the organization the wrong way.

The only person he had to make sure he did not rub the wrong way was Jimmy Haslam. And apparently he did, so he was gone. But it would not have mattered if he did rub people the wrong way as long as JH was not one of them....and the team won.


--May have meddled w/the roster. Not a negative in my view. Someone had to oversee Lombardi and "meddle". That was part of his job as Director of Football Operations...which is really what he was.




--Smarter than most people.


--Shrewd cap guy.


--Had foresight.


--Looked at big picture.

Sure, to all of the above (though some foresight...like bringing in Lombardi was poor foresight)




--Terrible media presence.


--Looks like a "dick."


--Inability to convince others that his plan was sound.


Replace "act like a dick" with "looks like dick" and we are good.




I was one of the few who actually liked the guy. I like smart people. I like guys w/vision. I could care less about their looks. I don't know if he would have succeeded or not. What I do know is that he did not have enough time to prove himself as team president...........one way or another.


Again, basically agree. It was the power play between he and Lombardi that caused his downfall....for which I mainly blame Lombardi. But Jimmah I think felt that if Banner could not manage that situation that he would just make a clean sweep of both of them and start anew. Do I meet your qualifications for being "objective"?

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Banner replaced an above average GM with a terrible GM. Heckerts big misses were Weeden and Richardson... and Weeden was Holmgrens pick the whole way. In 3 years Heckert drafted 4 pro bowlers. I think he Lombardi's whole career he may have been involved with drafting 4 probowlers. Not to mention they had two coaching searches in 2 years where they came away with their 5th best choice. How many times can a guy promise his owner that he can grab a top coach to have all his top choices turn them down.

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Gipper: Nice post. You made some excellent posts and managed it w/out any fag/semen/dumb ass/etc comments.


Well done.

I am fully capable and competent to do it both ways....with, or without fag/semen/dumbass/etc. comments. Here, I opted for without....but watch out for with!! :ph34r:

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TR in my mind was Holmgren's too. The way he responded when they traded him to the Colts...he had a big hand in that choice.

Of course... TR was the perfect compliment to a QB that could not play fake to save his ass.

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